[Notes] - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Report on the fifth summer conference / Official business / New members / 1943-44 schedule ... Report of the New England Association of Chemistry Teac...
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REPORT ON THE FIFTH SUMMER CONFERENCE The F ifth Summer Conference of the N.E.A.C.T. was held at Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, from August 27 to August 30, 1943. Due mainly to the exigencies of war, changes in the program as given in the July issue of the Report, page 360, were made. L. F. Livingston, E. I. du Pont de Nemours, Philip G. Johnson, Cornell University, and Hubert N. Alyea, Princeton University, did not appear on the program. The following men gave papers not listed in the original program: Lt. Joseph B. Eldredge, 1st Service Command, Boston, "Chemistry and the Army Specialized Training Program"; Joseph Magnus, Magnus, Mabee and Reynard, Inc., "Essential Oils as Strategic Materials"; Eric G. Ball, Harvard Medical School, "Biological Oxidation.'' Through the educational program facilities of station WLAW, Lawrence, Massachusetts, the Association was able to broadcast four half-hour programs of' the conference. The papers of the roster of 23 speakers may he grouped into three divisions, around which all the talks were centered: (1) topics connected with the national dart in the war program, (2) problems in the teaching of chemistry, and (3) a symposium on civilian protection against chemical agents in wartime. The success of the conference was due in large measure to the efforts of Mr. Roscoe E. Dake, Head of the Chemistry Department, Phillips Academy, who had charge of local arrangements with the assistance of Mr. Henry Hopper, also of that school. Mr. Lawrence I. Harris, Boston Trade School, and his confereuce committee are also to be congratulated for the stimulating program they arranged. The social high light of the conference was the picnic held in the beautiful Cochran Bird Sanctuary of the Academy. The 150 members and guests who attended the conference will not soon forget the teas held in the game room of Commons or the tour of the campus, including the famous Addison Gallery of Art and the Archaeological Museum.

Lawrence W. Bass, New England Research Foundation, Inc.. Statler Building, Boston, Massachusetts Irwin B. Douglass, 66 College Road, Orono, Maine Katharine W. Ginty, 75 Mountfort St.. Boston, Massachusetts Margaret A. Gollaher, 16 Garden, Potsdam, New York Donald C. Gregg, 24 S. Prospect St.. Amherst, Massachusetts Fred W. Herron, The Macrnillau Co.. Boston, Massachusetts Zelda J. Lurie, 34 Prospect St., New Britain, Connecticut William B. Meldrum, Havuford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania Granville E.Robbins, R.F.D. No. 3, Attleboro, Massachusetts Samuel Ray Scholes. Jr., 97 Talbot Ave.. Medford. Massachusetts Mary Striga, Zoar Ave., S. Attleboro, Massachusetts Alberto Thompson, Jr., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, Massachusetts Robert K. Wickware, 98 Spring St., Willimantic, Connecticut Ernest Wilson, Worcester Polytechnic. Worcester. Massachusetts

194344 SCHEDULE The following meetings are planned at present for the year 194344. The meeting on December 4 will be held jointly with the Eastern Association of Physics Teachers and the New England Biology Teachers Association. 223rd meeting, November 6, 1943, Western Division 224th meeting, December 4, 1943. Central Division 225th meeting, February 12. 1944, Southern Division 226th meeting, April 8, 1944, Northern Division 227th meeting, May 6, 1944, Central Division

The resignation of Prof. Laurence S. Foster, University of Chicago, as Associate Editor of the JOURNAL was accepted with regret. Leallyn B. Clapp, Brown University, was appointed by the Executive Committee as Editor of the Report for the N.E.A.C.T. to fd1 his unexpired term.


The Nurses Cadet Corps needs students. Teachers of high-school girls are urged to acquaint themselves with the opportunities afforded by the Corps so that they may advise and urge students to join. The Association is fortunate in having 16 memhers and three guests who have attended all five summer OFFICIAL BUSINESS conferences: Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Damon, Charles E. Dr. Carroll B. Gustafson, Massachusetts College of Dull, Mary B. Ford, L. S. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. G . C. Pharmacy, chairman for the Sixth Summer Conference Greenwood, Sue C. Hamilton, Elizabeth S. Hollister, to be held next year, is anxious for suggestions to in- Mr. and Mrs. S. Walter Hoyt, Alfred R. Lincoln, crease attendance and also for ideas on subjects and Evelyn L. Murdock, Norris W. Rakestraw, Theodore A. Sargent, Elsie S. Scott, John R. Suydam, Elbert C. speakers for the conference. Weaver, and Harry F. Wiley. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Damon celebrated their 50th NEW MEMBERS wedding anniversary during the conference. The Membership Committee reported the following The final registration for the conference was 73 new memhers had been elected a t the Conference: Laurence R. Atwood. 114 Wyoming Avenue, Malden. Massachu- members, 15 new members, 58 guests, and speakers. Total 150. setts