Notes - Methyl Desoxypodophyllate and Its Methyl Ether - The Journal

Anthony Schrecker, and Mary Trail. J. Org. Chem. , 1958, 23 (5), pp 767–768. DOI: 10.1021/jo01099a619. Publication Date: May 1958. ACS Legacy Archiv...
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ference to the variation in the pre-exponential factor. The closely similar diene conversions (Table I) are also in accord with the possibility that these yields reflect equilibrium rather than rate values. By the method of statistical thermodynamic functions, the free energy change for the butadiene-trifluoroacer onitrile reaction was calculated. Using the precise value^'^^'^ for butadiene, hydrogen, and trifluoroacetonitrile, and the methodsI4 of group equationf and group increments to estimate the functions for trifluoromethylpyridine and the heats of formation for CFsCN and the latter, it was found that AF" was negative over the entire temperature range 300"-1000" K., being -9 kcal./mole a t the upper limit. It is sufficient for the present discussion to refer only to the result at 400". The standard free energy change, and the equilibrium S.T.Y. calculated from the well known equation: AF" = - R T l n K ,


Kawanami2 from Bnth~iscus sylvestris Hoff m.), hernandion (isolated by Hata3 from Hernandia ovigera L.), and silicicolin [isolated by Hartwell, Johnson, Fitzgerald, and Belkin4 from Juniperus silicicola (Small) Bailey] are all identical with desoxypodophyllotoxin (I),5.6 a compound also obtained' from Podophyllum peltatum L. Base-catalyzed epimerization of I (at C,) produces the cis(2 :3)-trans-(3:4) desoxypicropodophyllin (II),5s6 which is identical' with i~ohernandion,~ with silicicolin-B16and also with cicutin (isolated by Marion* from Cicuta muculata L.9). Both I and I1 are saponified to the same hydroxy acid, desoxypodophyllic acid (IIIa), which in turn is lactonized t o II.6 Noguchi's isoanthricin2 mas probably' a mixture of this acid with some 11.


a t 400" wete thus found t o be - 14 kcdimole and 13 x io-* moles/hr./100 cc. reaction volume. Comparison of the thermodynamically predicted value with the experimental S.T.Y., 6.1 X low4, CHSO CH30 OCHa confirms that the present yields should be recogOCHB OCHa nized as equilibrium yields, Le. that thermodynamic I I1 control rather than kinetic control operates. It CH20R' should be noted that the preceding results should be interpreted only qualitatively rather than giving H 0Z C : COzR ~ a quantitative estimate of the nearness to equilibrium conditions in these experiments. Extension of these studies is in progress a t very CHiO short reaction times as well as very long periods, to OCHa evaluate he relative reactivities of the dienes and IIIa: R = R ' = H the react ion equilibria in the homogeneous gas IIIb: R = C H j ; R ' = H phase at rtioderately high temperatures. 111~:R = H ; R'=CH3 IIId: R = R' CH, rlcknou'ledgnzent. Grateful acknowledgment is made to the Monsanto Chemical Co. for a grant-inaid to support this work, and to the Phillips PetroI n view of the identity of the various lactones leum Co. for a gift of chemicals. The authors are with I or 11,it is difficult to understand certain apindebted T O J. 31.S. Jttrvie for the thermodynamic parent discrepancies with regard to their reactions. estimates and stimulating discussions. Thus, Noguchi and Karvanami2 reported that treatDEPARTMEAT OF CHEMISTRY RENSSEL IER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE T R O Y , N. lr.


(12) Selected Values of Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds A.P.I. Project 44, Carnegie Press. (13) S. C . Wait and G. J. Janz, J. Chem. Phys. 26, 1766 (1957). (14) G. J. Jam, Quar. Rev. (Lond)I X , 229 (1955).

Methyl Desoxypodophyllate and Its Methyl Ether ANTIIOBY

w.S C H R E C K B R AND ;\IARY hl. TRAIL Receioed December 2, 195Y

In a Prex-ious Paper from this laboratory,' it mas shown that anthriciu (isolated hy Noguchi and

(1) J. L. Hartwell and A. W. Schrecker, J . Am. Chem. SOC., 76,4034 (1954). (2) K. Noguchi and XI. Kawanami, J . Pharni. SOC.Japan, 60, 629 (1940); Chem. Abstr., 47, 6386a (1953). (3) C. Hata, J. Chem. SOC.Japan, 63, 1540 (1942); Chem. Abstr., 47, 10872 (1953). (4) J. L. Hartwell, J. RI. Johnson, D. B. Fitzgerald, and ?VI. Belkin, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 74, 4470 (1952). (5) J. L. Hartwell, A. W. Schrecker, and J. ?*I.Johnson, J. Am. Chenz. Soc.. 75. 2138 (1953). (6) A. W. Schrecker and J. L. Hartwell, J . Am. Chem. SOC., 75,5916 (1953). ( 7 ) H. Kofod and C. Jfirgensen, Acta Chein. Scand., 9, 346 (1955). ( 8 ) L. Marion, Can. J . Research, 20B, 157 (1942). (9) Cicutin is probably' an artifwt, produced by (,pinierization of desoxypodophyllotoxin during its isolation, which included treatment with niethanolic sodium hydroside.





ment of isoanthricin with dimethyl sulfate in cold by Hata's procedure,a was stirred and refluxed with 7 ml. of alkali yielded "isoanthricinic acid methyl ester" methyl iodide for 1 hr. The mixture was extracted with hot ethanol and the filtrate concentrated. The solid thus ob[i.e., methyl desoxypodophyllate (IIIb)1, C19H14- tained (0.57 g., m.p. 163-164') afforded, after four recrystal04(0CHa)4, m.p. 173", DI.[ -43.6" (chloroform), lizations from ethanol, small colorless needles, m.p. 175which was saponified to "isoanthricinic acid" [i.e., 176', [a!y -65.9' (c 0.99, chloroform), [a]g -138' ( c desoxypodophyllic acid (IIIa)], C19H1605(0CH3)3, 0.50, pyndine), infrared maximum (in chloroform) a t 1735 m.p. 205", and which was regenerated from this cm.-l (ester group). Prolonged heating with piperidine in ethanol caused partial conversion to 11. acid with diazomethane. Hata3 reported that reacAnal. Calcd. for C18H1404(OCH3).I: C, 64.17; H, 6.09; tion of silver desoxypodophyllate (prepared from OCH,, 28.84. Found: C, 63.82; H, 5.92; OCH3, 28.91. Desoxypodophyllic acid methyl ether (IIIc). A hot solution isohernandion) with methyl iodide afforded a methyl ester, also C19H1404(OCH3)4,m.p. 173", of desoxypicropodophyllin in 3% sodium hydroxide was with dimethyl sulfate and 10% sodium hydroxide which thus appeared to be identical with Noguchi's treated according to Marion's procedure.* The precipitate obtained ester. after acidification was dissolved in sodium bicarbonate soluNoguchi's results disagree with the observation6 tion, which was then extracted with chloroform and reacidithat desoxypodophyllic acid fails to form a methyl fied a t 0'. The gelatinous material, when recrystallized from formed tiny needles, m.p. 180-184O (foaming) ester when treated with diazomethane, but is lac- methanol, (reported8 m.p. 104-195'). tonized to 11, even at 0", in contrast t o isodesoxyAnal. Calcd. for Cl~Hlr04(OCH&:C, 64.17; H, 6.09; podophyllic acid6 [IIIa, but trans-(2:3)-trans-(3 : OCH,, 28.84. Found: C, 64.26; H, 6.02; OCHa, 28.56. The methanolic mother liquor, when diluted with water, 4)], which does yield the corresponding methyl ester. Moreover, Marion8 reported that treatment of yielded desoxypodophyllic acid (IIIa), m.p. 164-165' (foaming), which had an infrared spectrum (Xujol mull) cicutin with dimethyl sulfate in hot alkali, followed identical with that of an authentic sample.5 by acidification, afforded an acid, C19H1404(0CH3)4, Methyl desoxypodophyllate methyl ether (IIId). Following m.p. 194-195", evidently desoxypodophyllic acid essentially Noguchi's procedure,Z a chilled solution of 916 mg. of desoxypodophyllotoxin (I)5 in 48 ml. of 40% potasmethyl ether (IIIc). sium hydroxide was stirred magnetically and treated dropThese contradictory findings could be reconciled wise with 24.7 ml. (33.4 g.) of dimethyl sulfate during 15 only by the assumption that Noguchi's ester, m.p. min. It was then stirred at room temperature (with occa173", was actually Iliethyl dexoxypodophyllate sional immersion in cold water) for 3 hr., treated dropwise methyl ether (IIId), which on saponification would with another 18.7 ml. (25.3 g.) of dimethyl sulfate, and yield IIIc, identical with Marion's acid. To deter- stirred for 3 more hr. The still alkaline mixture was then with ether in a continuous extractor. The extract mine whether this assumption was correct, potas- exhausted was evaporated, the residue dissolved in chloroform, and the sium desoxypodophyllate (prepared from I) was solution was washed with sodium bicarbonate solution and methy1:tted under conditions similar to those re- water, dried, and evaporated. The crude product was ported2 by Koguchi. The neutral fraction was sep- chromatographed on 18 g. of alumina (Alcoa, F-20) and eluted with 100 ml. of 1 :1 benzene-chloroform, with 50 ml. arated by chromatography into desoxypicropodo- of chloroform, and with 100 ml. of 9: 1 chloroform-methanol. phyllin (11) and methyl desoxypodophyllate methyl The last eluate left almost rLoevaporation residue. ether IIId), C1SH1303(0CH3)5,m.p. 173-174", The material eluted with benzene-chloroform was reD I . [ - 70" (chloroform). This compound depressed chromatographed on neutral alumina (Woelm). Elution the melting point of methyl desoxypodophyllate with 4: 1 benzene-chloroform, followed by recrystallization benzene-pentane provided rosettes of colorless needles, (IIIb), m.p. 173-176", [ C Y ~ D-66" (chJoroform), from yield 50 mg., m.p. 173-174', [a]g-69.8' (c 0.84, chloroprepared by Hata's3 procedure. None of the latter form), infrared maximum (in chloroform) at li35 cm.-1 ester could be isolated from the reaction with di- (ester group). The compound and IIIb gave a mixed melting methyl sulfate. Methylation of desoxypicropodo- point depression and different infrared spectra. Anal. Calcd. for C18HIaO3(0CH&: C, 64.85: H, 6.35; phyllin according to Marions (i.e*' in hot alkali) OCH,, 34.91. Found: C, 65.00; H, 6.42; OCHs, 35.05. yielded IIIc, m.p. 180-184" (foaming), in addition The material that was eluted with chloroform (113 mg.) to unmethylated IIIa. illthough the melting (or, crystallized from ethanol as electrified needles, m.p. 172rather, decomposition) point of IIIc mas much 173", [a]? +35.8' (c 0.93, chloroform) (lit.6p6 m.p. 172lower than that reported by Marion, the substance 173', average [a]D i-34'). It was identified as desoxypicropodophyllin by the mixed melting point and infrared was found to be anaIyticaIly pure. Variable decom- spectrum (lactone band in chloroform at 1770 cm.-1). position points of different samples have also been LABORATORY OF CHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY observed in the case of IIIa6 and may be caused by NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE^^ the presence of trace impurities. BETHESDA 14,MD. In summary, it appears that Noguchi's "isoanthricinic acid methyl ester" was actually methyl desoxypodophyllate methyl ether (IIId) and that (10) Melting points are corrected and were determined his "isoanthricinic acid" was desoxypodophyllic in Pyrex capillaries with the Hershberg apparatus. Samples acid methyl ether (IIIc). EXPERIMENTAL~~O.~~

Methyl desoxypodophyllate (IIIb). Silver desoxypodophyllate tO.9 g.), prepared from desoxypicropodophyllins

were dried for analysis at 78' and 0.01 mm. overnight. Optical rotations were measured in 10-dm. tubes. (11) Microanalyses by Mrs. Evelyn Peake and Miss Paula M. Parisius in Dr. W. C. Alford's laboratory. (12) National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.