Notes on Sodium Cyanide - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

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when the contents of the bulb are reduced t o not more than 2 0 cc. This procedure ensured the distillation of all the arsenic. After the distillation was completed, the condenser and connecting tubes were thoroughly rinsed into the receivers. The contents of the first two Erlenmeyer flasks were transferred t o a 500 cc. graduated flask. These flasks were rinsed several times, using the entire contents of the third flask which served as a trap. Then each flask was rinsed again with a small quantity of water. All of the rinsings were added t o the graduated flask. Before diluting t o the mark, the solution in the 500 cc. flask was warmed t o 2 0 ’ C. An aliquot of I O O cc. was placed in the titration bottle along with 6 cc. of chloroform and titrated with the potassium iodate solution as described above. If more than 25 or 26 cc. of the iodate solution were required, I O t o 15 cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid were added before finishing the titration in order t o maintain the proper acidity. For comparison, aliquots were titrated with standard iodine solution according t o the official method of the A. 0. A. C. Using a potassium iodate solution of which I cc. = 0.003000 g. AszOs, the following results were obtained: On account of the physical property of the powdered insecticides which made them adhere t o glass, making

Cc. of KIOa Gram Used for Insecticide Taken 100 cc. Aliquot Paris Green No. 12542... . 0.4782 18.20 Paris Green No. 12489.. 0.6266 23,65 Paris Green No. 12489.. . . . . . . 0 . 5 7 4 5 21.66 Paris Green(a). , . 0.5888 23.33 Paris Green(a). , . , 0.6042 22.85 Bordeaux Paris Green(a) . 0.5865 12.55 13.95 Bordeaux Paris Green(a) 0.6520 13.95 Lead Arsenate-Arsenite(b) . 0.4052 7.20 Lead Arsenate-Arsenite@) , 0.4945 8.80 Zinc Arsenite@). . . . , 0.5486 15.40 Bordeaux Zinc Arsenite@), 0.6106 14.00 Bordeaux Zinc Arsenite(b) , , , 0.6193 14.18 ( a ) A. 0. A. C. 1915 Referee Sample. (a) A. 0. A, C . 1916 Referee Sample.

.. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. ........... ... ... .. .. . . . . . .... . .. . . . . ....... ..... .. . ..




No. 4

TOTALARSENICA S AszOa Per cent Iodate Official Method Method 57.06 57.15 56.62 56.64 56.56 56.57 56.92 56.88 56.86 56.80 32.09 32.06 32.12 32.09 32.09 26.65 26.70 26:ji 42.10 42.21 34.39 34.37 34.34 34.38


their transference difficult, i t was found preferable t o weigh portions of the samples by difference from specimen tubes rather t h a n attempt t o weigh, for example, a n exact 0.5 g. The results of the test analyses by the iodate method given above show excellent agreement with those obtained by the official method. This accurate method is not only quicker, but is simpler than the iodine titration. The very definite and remarkably sharp end-point, the great stability of the potassium iodate solution, and t h e readiness with which i t can be prepared all recommend its use in place of the iodimetric procedure. BUREAUOF CHEMISTRY


LABORATORY AND PLANT less decomposition and no discoloration on keeping. It has a n additional advantage in not being deliquescent. It seems desirable for the medical and pharmaceutiThe contradictory evidence given by . certain (‘experts” in a recent sensational murder trial indicates cal professions t o revise their standards for cyanidesa n imperfect realization, even by some chemists, of t h e presumably this has been done in preparing the new fact t h a t commercial potassium cyanide can scarcely Pharmacopoeia. The alkaline cyanide now sold must be said t o exist a t the present time, its place having be much more poisonous t h a n the old material, which been usurped b y the sodium compound. Sodium was no doubt the basis of most of the familiar statecyanide is now widely used as a solvent of the precious ments as t o its lethal effects. It has long been stated metals in ore treatment, in electroplating, and also t h a t 5 grains of cyanide have repeatedly proved fatalas a source of hydrocyanic acid for fumigation, a t which rate a pound would suffice t o kill some 1400 especially in western orchards where gaseous hydro- people. This statement no doubt refers t o cyanide cyanic acid is applied as a n insecticide t o individual of the old type, containing probably 30 t o 3 5 per cent trees which are covered with tents during the process. of potassium cyanide or, say, 1 2 t o 14 per cent of The sodium cyanide of commerce is one of the purest cyanogen. Modern sodium cyanide-commercial a s 50 t o 5 2 per cent cyanogen, technical salts now available, containing 96 t o 98 well as “C. P.”-contains per cent NaCN, with less impurity t h a n is found in or practically four times as much as the material most samples of potassium cyanide sold as chemically formerly sold, and is presumably four times as lethal pure. I wish t o suggest here t h a t chemists might with in its action, so t h a t a pound would suffice for over 5000 fatal doses. advantage make a point of recognizing the use of Nearly thirty years ago, when potassium cyanide sodium cyanide, and call i t by t h a t name in their laboratories. As with so many other alkali-metal was suggested as a practical solvent for extracting salts, we can now use the sodium instead of the,potas- gold from ore, various objections, mainly based on sium compound as a reagent, except in the very few limited experience, were raised: It would not dissolve cases where the potassium ion is essential t o the re- gold in practical quantities; its solution was extremely action, or where there is some marked difference in unstable; it was highly dangerous on account of its solubility. Sodium cyanide not only contains less poisonous qualities; the world’s sources of supply were carbonate and sulfide, but is cheaper, reacts identically altogether insufficient. All these objections have with the salts of silver, copper, zinc, etc., except in proved groundless, Both gold and silver are successconcentrated solutions, and is more permanent in fully and economically extracted; the dilute solution solution t h a n ordinary potassium cyanide, showing “keeps” admirably when handled on a large scale; NOTES ON SODIUM CYANIDE By W. J. SHARWOOD Received January 15, 1917

Apr., 1918


the only recorded deaths attributable t o its use have been due t o gross carelessness; the supply has been enormously augmented with increased demand and the quality improved, while the price per unit of cyanogen has been reduced t o a fraction of the former cost. At t h a t time, in addition t o its use for electroplating, potassium cyanide was employed widely, b u t in comparatively small quantities, in western gold mills for the purpose of removing stains from the amalgamated copper plates and facilitating the amalgamation of the gold. Samples of the commercial salt which I have tested usually contained from I O t o about 35 per cent of potassium cyanide, with a large proportion of potassium carbonate; i t was a highly deliquescent mixture, sold in tin cans holding from I t o 2 0 lbs. This material was derived from hoofs, horns, and the like, by first preparing and crystallizing potassium ferrocyanide, which was then heated, alone or with addition of potassium carbonate or carbon, the reduced iron, etc., being allowed t o settle through the fused mass. Sodium was present only in small quantities, and the deliquescence was due t o the potassium carbonate remaining or resulting from the decomposition of the cyanide. Sometimes sodium carbonate was used in fusing t h e ferrocyanide. With increasing demand other sources of nitrogen were drawn on. Ferrocyanide was obtained from coke and gas works; thiocyanates from the same source were desulfurized. Ferrocyanide was made t o give a larger yield b y reducing it with metallic sodium, or with a lead-sodium alloy, yielding a mixed cyanide, NaCN 2KCN. Beet-sugar waste (schlempe) was made t o yield a certain amount of cyanide. Synthetic methods have also been introduced; ammonia and metallic sodium forming sodamide (NaNHP) which, on heating with carbon, finally yields nearly pure sodium cyanide, etc. Formerly it was possible t o purchase fairly pure potassium cyanide for special purposes, prepared b y passing hydrocyanic acid into an alcoholic solution of potash; but pure sodium cyanide was very difficult t o get. Some years ago I obtained some sodium cyanide of German manufacture, labeled “C. P.” and “very highest purity,” but when trying t o prepare pure sodium zinc cyanide the first crystals t o separate proved t o be those of the potassium compound, the sample of guaranteed sodium cyanide containing nearly I per cent of potash and a considerable amount of carbonate. Commercial fused sodium cyanide of domestic origin, now obtainable for something like 28 cents per pound’ in lots of I O O lbs. or more, contains a mere trace of potash, and only 2 t o 4 per cent of all impurities combined. Originally, as just mentioned, commercial cyanide contained potassium as the positive radical with various impurities, such as carbonate, b u t little or no sodium or other base was usually t o be found. It was tested by titrating the cyanogen with standard silver nitrate, Liebig’s method, and analysts were accustomed, quite correctly, t o report i t in terms of K C N ; 40 parts of C N found being reported as IOO of KCN.


Since 1916, when this was written, war conditions have increased the price of cyanide materially. f

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It may be recalled t h a t pure K C N contains, by calculation, 39.97 per cent of C N ; pure NaCN contains a much higher proportion, 53.07 per cent CN. For most purposes these are taken as 40 per cent and 53 per cent, respectively. As the potassium in commercial cyanide was gradually replaced by the lighter atom of sodium, other things remaining the same, the percentage of cyanogen was correspondingly increased. This allowed manufacturers t o make a salt containing a large proportion of impurity, which would still titrate 38 or 39 per cent cyanogelz and would be reported on the old basis as 97 or 98 per cent K C N . Pure sodium c y a n i d e , by the same system, would have been reported as 5300/40 or 132.8 per cent KCN. I n fact, sodium cyanide was sometimes deliberately diluted with inert material (carbonate, etc.) t o supply the demand for 98 per cent KCN. A t first there was a prejudice against t h e use of sodium cyanide in gold extraction, some early experiences indicating t h a t i t was less efficient, but laboratory tests indicate t h a t equivalent amounts of the cyanides of potassium, sodium, and calcium are equal in effect, and sodium cyanide is now almost exclusively used in the industry. I n fact, with the present shortage of potassium, owing t o war and other conditions, it would be impossible t o supply the potassium compound in anything like the required quantity. Until recently, however, cyanide has continued t o be sold and used on the basis of its K C N equivalent, even if no trace of potassium was present; thus commercial NaCN was commonly sold as “128 per cent KCN,” and most works using cyanide also continued t o make u p their solutions on the basis of KCN. For the past year cyanide has for t h e first time been generally sold on the more rational basis of its cyanogen, or its actual NaCN, content; thus the highest grade is now offered as either “sodium cyanide 96 t o 98 per cent” or “cyanogen 51 t o 5 2 per cent,” while the old, so-called “ 9 8 per cent K C N ” used t o carry about 39 per cent cyanogen. Four pounds of this sodium cyanide are therefore chemically equivalent, and actually equal in effect as a solvent, etc., t o about 5 lbs. of the old “potassium cyanide,” and there is a corresponding saving of about one-fifth in freight and storage. There is no reason why all users of cyanide should not accept the rational method of reporting the concentration of their solutions in terms of the sodium cyanide which they actually are using, and discard the absurd fiction of calling it-or translating it intopotassium cyanide, which causes unnecessary trouble in making u p solutions, etc. At various times commercial cyanide has been cast in thin slabs, and in large bricks weighing u p t o 50 lbs. or even more. Some produced in t h e wet way has been sold in granular form, and some briquetted. The most recent and convenient system is t o cast i t mechanically into uniform egg-shaped cakes weighing a n ounce each, so t h a t for many purposes, such as fumigation, no further weighing is necessary. It was formerly shipped in boxes with a n air-tight lining of sheet zinc, of I I Z or 224 lbs. each; tin-plate is


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now used for lining and weight.



No. 4

lbs. is the usual net

reagents yielding a black precipitate or dark coloration. The sulfide may be quantitatively determined by the silver or mercury method.

For titrating potassium cyanide i t has been the universal custom t o make u p a solution containing 1.303 per cent silver nitrate, so t h a t I cc. was equivalent t o I O mg. KCN. This was roughly 0.0767 N . For titrating commercial sodium cyanide i t is possible, by a convenient coincidence, t o use N / I O or N / 2 0 silver solution without necessitating any calculation. One cc. of N / I O silver solution is equivalent (by Liebig’s titration, or using the preferable Modification with potassium iodide indicator) t o 5 . 2 0 2 mg. of CN, or t o exactly 9.802 mg. of NaCN. Now 98 is almost the exact percentage of actual NaCN in t h e high-grade commercial material now in use. Therefore we can titrate solutions with N / I O silver nitrate and call I cc. equivalent t o I O mg. of the actual 98 per cent salt which has t o be weighed out in making up t h e solutions. For technical purposes i t is perhaps preferable t o use N / 2 o solution ( I cc. = 5 mg. commercial NaCN) as the end-point with iodide indicator is very delicate and the burette readings then also indicate “pounds per ton of solution” directly. For instance, taking a I O cc. sample: suppose 2 cc. of N / z o silver nitrate are consumed; this indicates I O mg. or 0.10 per cent of commercial sodium cyanide in solution, or 2 lbs. per ton of solution-the “ton” or “fluid ton” used in hydro-metallurgy being about 32 cu. ft., or the volume of 2 0 0 0 lbs. of water. When determining sodium and potassium in a mixed cyanide, chlorides and carbonates being t h e usual impurities, i t is often possible t o work by directly evaporating with hydrochloric acid, gently igniting and weighing the mixed chlorides remaining, and titrating chlorine in part of t h e residue. The following formula, based on 1914 Atomic Weights, gives the results in the most direct manner possible: If A = grams mixed chlorides, and B = total grams chlorine in mixed chlorides; then K in grams = 2.4286 A - 4.004 B, and Na in grams = 3.004 B - 1.4286 A = A -B - K. Not infrequently the class of cyanide can be determined simply by titrating cyanogen and alkalinity in a freshly prepared solution, using methyl orange as indicator. The determinations in the following table may be taken as typical. It may not be out of place to call attention t o the importance, when testing cyanides for the presence of alkaline sulfide, of preparing the solution a t the moment of making the test, or, what is better, of dissolving the solid cyanide in the reagent t o be applied. If the cyanide is dissolved in water and allowed t o stand even a few minutes, the sulfide content may be seriously diminished, and traces of sulfide may be easily overlooked. Three simple methods are available: Shaking with fine lead carbonate suspended in water; dissolving the solid cyanide in a solution of silver nitrate containing slightly less t h a n I mol. AgNOs for 2 equiv. C N ; or dissolving the solid cyanide in a little mercuric chloride solution; each of these

Cc. normal acid neutralized by one firam of samDle



1 “Straight” Cyanide..

Per cent Per cent Cc.

...Potassium ... . . . . . .

Strong test 2:Mixed Salt, high in Fairly potassium strong {test in each 3 Similar t o No. 2 . . 4 Sodium Cyanide diluted Sttong with carbonat; ........ test Strone 5 Similar t o No. 4 . . . . . . . . test-6 Sodium Cvanide (corn~ . - - ~ mercial) Trace 7 Pure K C N ( c a l c d . ) . 8 Pure NaCN (calcd. .) , 9 NaCN (73.5%) diluted with NazCOs (calcd.)., 10 N a C N (73.5%) diluted m t h NaCl (calcd.) ,

............ .. . . .. .

. ....... ... .. . . . .. .. .. . . ... .





13.0 14.9




13.5 15.5



98.25 14.0 1 6 . 0













... ...

5 1 . 5 128.75 1 8 . 0 2 0 . 4 19.8 39.95 100.00 15.34 15.34 53.07 132.8 20.37 20.37

.. ..













Incidentally, while sodium cyanide is not deliquescent, i t is decidedly more soluble in water t h a n potassium cyanide. The following determinations were made with the commercial salt, using a sample titrating about 98 per cent NaCN. Actual NaCN Sp. Gr. per 100 Cc. 18-2O0 c. Grams 1.205 44.75 1.122 25.65 1.087 18.3 1.0475 9.65 ( a ) Nearly saturated.

Commercial N a C N (98ql0) per 100 Cc. Grams 45.65 26.16 18.67 9.84

Actual NaCN

Per cent 37.9 (a) 22.86 16.84 9.22

A fair approximation t o the concentration of a not too dilute solution of such material may be obtained from the formula: (Specific Gravity - I ) x zoo = Grams NaCN per I O O cc. STABILITY OF S O L U T I O N S

I n dilute solutions there is no apparent difference in the stability of sodium as compared with potassium cyanide; in each case decomposition is greatly increased by access of air and retarded by presence of free alkali. Two strong solutions were prepared, one containing approximately I O per cent of commercial sodium cyanide, t h e other 13 per cent of “straight” potassium cyanide. They were kept in stoppered 2 0 0 cc. bottles, which were a t first completely filled, but from which small samples were taken a t intervals and titrated for cyanogen and for alkalinity toward methyl orange. CN per NaCN N/10 HzSOi CN perKN/10 C N HzSO4 100 cc. per cc. 100 cc. per cc. Grams cc. Grams Cc. 4.59 17.8 19.2 Original solution.. . 5.12 4.40 18.1 5.09 19.3 After 20 d a y s . . ,, 4.93 19.4 4.24 18.3 After 40 d a y s . . 3.05 22.4 2.32 20.0 After 38 months.. , Colorless and clear Clear yellow solution. Condition after 3 years. Strong odor of Very slight brown ammonia S t r deposit o n g pon d oglass r of

.. . .. . . .... ..... ..... ......... ..... . ..


This indicates t h a t in strong solutions there is comparatively little difference in stability, the advantage, if any, lying on t h e side of the sodium compound, which lost about 40 per cent of its cyanogen in 38

Apr., 1918


months against nearly 5 0 per cent lost by commercial potassium cyanide. HOMESTAKE MINE



The purpose of this paper imate and mineral analysis with normal cows’ milk and whether foreign substances or during desiccation.

was t o compare the proxof desiccated skim milk t o determine, if possible, had been added before


There are two general methods used in making desiccated milk. One is drying the milk on steamheated drums and the other is spraying the milk into a chamber through which a current of hot air is passing. -411 drum processes of drying the milk are really


the moisture content which varies from 2 t o g per cent or even more. The fat content, of course, depends upon the extent t o which t h e fat is removed before t h e milk is desiccated. The amount present is very small, rarely exceeding z per cent. A number of proximate analyses have been made from time t o time, but the majority have been made within the last I O years. Of the eight analyses given in Table I, all except the first have been reported since 1905. EXPERIMENTAL PART

Four different samples of desiccated skimmed milk were purchased on the market or obtained from users of milk powders. Sample I was made by the International Milk Products Company, Detroit, Michigan; Sample I1 by the Minnesota Dry Milk Company, Anoka, Minnesota; Sample I11 b y the International Milk Company, Plymouth, Michigan; and Sample IV by the California Central Creameries, San Francisco, California.

TABLE I-PERCENTAGE COMPOSITIONOF SKIM MILK POWDERS Milchindust(e) Max Popp(b) Mansfield(c) Teichert(d) Fleming(e) Teichert(f) Goyk) Mohan(h) 8.96 8.54 2.53 7.40 2.81 8.3 4.54 Water. 4.17 1.56 2.10 1.7 0.57 1.31 1.81 1.25 Fat 1.65 Protein.. 35.56 35.01 30.59 32.71 38.16 33.8 32.50 33.51 Lactose.. 52.37 51.22 48.62 50.24 49.32 52.57 53.43 49.3 Ash 7.98 8.10 7.20 8.21 6.27 8.04 6.9 7.51 (b) Chem -Ztg. 33 (1909) 647. ( c ) X V I I I Jahresbericht der unter.-onstalt (a) Milchindust, 1889, 90; VNa., 4, 419; Chem. Zentr. 6 1 (1890) 72 des allgem. dster. Apotheker Vereins, 1906-6, 8; Z. Nahr. denussm. 13’ (1607), 285. (d) J a h . Milch. Un!er. Allgau zu Memmingen, 1909, 11; Z. Nahr. 4 (1912), 543. (f)Ailgauer M0natschr.f. Mzlchwirtsch. u. Vaeh., 1 (1913), 31; Z. Nahr. Genussm., 26 (1913), Genussm, 20 (1910), 476. (e) THISJOURNAL, 109. ( 9 ) Ibrd., 26 (1913), 445. (h) J. SOG.Chem. Ind., 34 (1915), 109.

................. ..................... ............... ...............


COMPOSITION OF S K I M MILK POWDERS AS GIVEN I N TABLE I COMPUTED ON MOISTURE-FREEBASIS Milchindust Max PODD Mansfield Teichert Fleming Teichert GOY Mohan 1.72 0.62 1.43 1.85 1.62 2.16 1.85 1.31 36.77 33.60 35.76 39.03 35.07 36.86 34.48 37.09 53.66 53.40 54.90 50.44 56.44 54.97 53.76 54.65 7.83 8.36 8.89 7.87 8.39 6.77 8.27 7.52



..................... ............... ............... Ash .................... Fat Protein.. Lactose..

modifications of the Just-Hatmaker* process, in which t h e milk is spread in thin films on t o drums by a distributing pipe. I n the spraying process, the milk is pumped through a nozzle a n d delivered in a fine spray into a chamber through which a current of heated air is passing. The extent t o which the proteins are coagulated depends largely upon the method used in desiccating t h e milk. To increase the emulsifying power of t h e casein different substances may be used.

ODOR A N D coLoR-The color of t h e powders was yellowish white, except Sample 111, which had a brownish tinge and a n unpleasant odor. The other three samples had a milk-like odor. EMULSIFYING QuaLITY-The emulsifying power of the powders was tried with water a t room temperature and a t 40’ C. Approximately z g. of milk powder were stirred up with a little water t o a uniform paste. Water was then added slowly with vigorous stirring until about 2 0 cc. had been added, giving a n

TABLE 111-PERCENTAGE MINERALCOMPOSITION OF MILK ASH Marchand 1000 Parts of Milk Potassium oxide. ............................... 1.071 Sodiumoxide ................................... 0.636 Calcium oxide .................................. 1.864 Magnesium oxide ............................... 0.299 Ferric oxide.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.127 Chlorine. ............... 0.751 Phosphoric anhydride.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.102 Sulfuric anhydride. ............................. 0.323 Carbon dioxide.. ............................... 0.27i Silica. 0.006

........... ...............

................. .................... ....................... Carbon and impurities.. ............................ ............................................. ...................................... ................

Loss. Total ash 7.456 Oxygen corresponding t o chlorine. 0.176 Corrected a s h . . 7.28 (a) Z. Biol., 10, 295. (b) Ber., Raden. 188S-6, 64.

................................. PROXIMATE

Bunge(a) 1000 Parts of Milk 1.766 1.110 1.599 0.210 0.0035 1.697 1.974


.... ....

.... ....


8,360 0.383 7.977


The composition of the different desiccated skim milks is surprisingly uniform with the exception of J. A. Just, U. S. Patent 712,545, Nov. 4, 1912; J . SOC.Chem. Ind., 2 1 (1902), 1548; J. R. Hatmaker, English Patent 21,617, Oct. 4, 1902; J. SOC.Chcm. I n d . , 22 (1903), 1145.

Per cent in Ash 22.14 13.91 20. 05 2.63 0.04 21.27 24.75


.... .... .... .... ....

104.79 4.79 100.00

WHOLE MILK Schrodt Richmond Per cent Per cent Fleischmannib) in Ash in Ash 28.71 21.539 25.42 6.67 11.817 10.94 20.27 20.383 21.45 2.80 3.120 2.54 0.40 0.300 0.11 14.00 12.813 14.60 29.33 29.000 25.11 trace 4.11 2.378 0.97 0.533 ....



0.300 0,250 0.353 102.886 2.886 100.000

.... .... .. .. .. ..

103.28 3.28 100.00

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Babcock Per cent Per 1000 in Ash Parts Mllk 1.75 25.02 0.70 10.01 20.01 1.40 0.17 2.42 0.01 0.13 1.00 14.28 1.70 24.29 0.27 3.84

.... .... .... ....

.... ....



.... .... .... .... .... ....


emulsion of approximately the same consistency and composition as normal skim milk. Samples I and I1 emulsified well with water a t room temperature, giving a milk-like emulsion, without any settling of protein in 4 hours. Sample I11 gave a very poor emulsion, yellowish brown in color. A flocculent