Notes- The Identity of Nottbohm's "C6H6O" with Sorbanilide - The

Notes- The Identity of Nottbohm's "C6H6O" with Sorbanilide. Mordecai Rubin, M Hoover. J. Org. Chem. , 1961, 26 (7), pp 2568–2569. DOI: 10.1021/jo013...
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VOL. 26


potassium hydroxide in aqueous dioxane can be used successfully. Certain aromatic N-chloroirnincs yiiiIcl amides by a Bcckmann ~earrangement.~ We mere unsuccessful in attempts to obtain e-caprolacism b y treat nient of Ar-chlorocyclohexanimine with such reagents as sulfuric acid, boron trifluoride, stannic chloride, and antimony pentachloride. Qnly cyclohexanone was isolated from the complex~saftcr hydrolysls. We have found .that 2-aniinocyclohcxanone hydrochloride3acan be readily converted to 2-aminocyclohexanone oxime hydrochloride. A Beckniann rearrangement, of this oxime should give either 2oso-7-aminohexamethylenimine or 2-oxo-3-aminohexamethylenimine. The latter could presumably be hydrolyzed to lysine. Paper chromatographic analysis of the products of an attempted Beckrnann rcarrangement of the oxime showed no ninhydrin-positive compounds, indicating that 2oxo-7-arwrinohexametliylenimine was probably forxncd and was hydrolyzed to the gem-diarnino derivative which would he expected to lose ammor& and be hydrolyzed to adipaldehydlc acid. The presence of ammonia was noted during addition of base to the acid treated oxime. This direction of ring opening paralle!s the results of McLaren and IJngnede with 2-alkylcgclohexanon~oximes GXPERIiVIENTAL

Preparatzon of A'-chloroimines. (a) Triethylamine method. To a solution of triethylamine in a solvent such as dry hexane or benzene was added an equimolar amour:t of the N,Ndichloroamine. The solution was stirred a t room temperzture for a short time and then a t reflux temperature for 1-3 hr. The amine salt was filtered off and the filtrate was distilled at reduced pressure. (b) Potassium hydroxide method. To a laolution of potassium hydroxide in aqueous dioxane (0.1 mole per 120 cc. of water and 200 cc. of dioxane) Qas added an equimolar amount of the N,N-dichloroamine lvith vigorous stirring, maintaining the temperature below 35' during the addition and during subsequent 15-30 min. reaction period, The solution was saturated with ammonium chloride and extracted thoroughly with ether. The combined extracts were dried and distilled from a water bath a t reduced pressure. 1\'-ChEorocyclohexanimine. This compound was prepared in 52% vields bv method (a) and 30% yields b\T method (b). It h i i b.p. 33-35"/1 mm., n y 1.5053.' Anal. Calcd. for CRHloClN: C, 54.76: €1, 7.66; C1, 26.95. Found: C, 54.09; H, 7.45; C1, 26.42. Its infrared absorption spectrum was consietcnt nith an N-chloroimine structure and it could be hydrolyzed to cyclohexanone, identified as its 2,4-dinitrophenylhydraxone. ,Ir-Chloroisopropylidcnimine. This conipound mas prc-

pared in 40% yields by method (a). It had b.p. 54-55"/100 mm. Anal. Calcd. for C3H&1N: C, 39.46; F€, 6.61; CI, 38.74; N, 15.31. Found: C, 39.59; IT, 6.82; C1, 38.41; N,15.41. Hydrolysis with dilute acid gave acetone, identified as its 2,4-diiii:roplieng.lhvdrazor~~. 2--4 rninocyclohezanone oxime h&ochloride. 2-Aminocyclohexanorie hydrochloride3~( 9 g., 0.06 mole) in 15 cc. of m t e r v 1 m added to 4.9 g. (0.07 mole) of hydroxylamine hydrochloride and 3.2 g. (0.03 mole) of sodium carbonate in IOcc. of water. The solution was warmed on the steam bath 1.5 hr., cooled In ice, and fikered. The filtrate was concentrated and Ekered again. The 'total solids were dissolved in methanol, treated with activated charcoal and filtered. Ether '*\'as added t o the filtrate to precipitate the 2-aminocyclohexanone oxime hydrochloride, 7.1 g. A second crop of crystals was obtained b y concentrating the mother liquor and adding ether. Total yield 7.9 g., $07,. Au analytical sample was obtained by recrystallization from methanol-ether mixtures. I t melted a t 225' dec. It's infrared spectrum WBS consistent with m oxime structure. Anal. Calcd. for C&&lN20: C, 43.75; H, 7.95; N, 17.01. Found: C, 43.94; H, 7.96; N, 17.1G. Reckmann rearrangement of 2-aminocyclohexunone oxime hydrochloride. One gram of the oxime was dissolved in 1 cc. of sulfurjc acid containing one drop of water. After hydrogen chloride evolution ceased, the solution was heated to 120" for 2 min., cooled, diluted with 9 cc. of water, let stand several hours. Lysine hydrochloride (0.1 g.) was treated in the same way, as a control. The solutions were treated with saturatcd barium hydroxide solution a t 80" to pH 10 ("pHydrion" test paper) a n t i centrifuged. The p H was adjusted to 5 with dilute sulfuric acid and the solutions mere chromatographed on Whatman No. 1 filter paper with a phenol so1vent.O The chromatograms were dried, sprayed with iiinhydrin solution, and developed in an over! at 35" for 1hr. A well defined spot appearod for the lysjne control but no spot appeared for the oxime rearrangement prodiict. In another experiment after the oxime had been heated with acid and diluted with water, cold potassium hydroxide solution was added uritil the solution was strongly basic. Ammonia was evolved a s evidenced by its odor and reaction with moist indicator paper held above the solution. RESEARCII A N D EKGINEERING DIVISIOX MOXSANTO CHEMICAL Co. DAYTON 7, OHIO (9) R. J. Block, R. Le Strange, and G. Zweig, Paper Chromatography, N. Y. Academic Press, 1952, p. 53.

The Identity of Nottbohm's ('C,J&O'' with Sorbanilide MORDECAI R. RUBINAND M. F. HOOVER

Received September 6, 1960

In 1916 Nottbohml reported a synthesis of dienoic acids by the sequence illustrated. The intermediate anilide disnilium sulfonates (IT. (6) N-Chlorocyclohexanimine was subsequently prepared a,b,c) werc obtained in good yield as crystalline independently by W. S. Knowles and G. hlt, J. Org. Chew?., solids. Refluxing these with hydrochloric acid 25, 2047 (1960), and shown t o be an intermediate in the followed by refluxing with concentrated sodium transformation of "Ar-dichlorocyclohexylamine to 2-aminohydroxide solution and acidification afforded the cyclohexanone. ( 7 ) W. Theilacker and H. Mohl, Ann. der Chem., 563, dienoic acids in good yield. However, if IIa or 111) were refluxed with eoncentrated sodium hydroxide 99 (1949). (8) 9.D. McLaren and H. E. Ungnade, J. Org. Chem., 10, 29_(1045).

(1) 0. Nottbohm, Ann., 412, 49 (1916).





omitting the hydrochloric acid treatment, crystalline solids were obtained upon dilution with water. Thus, for example, crotonaldehyde (la) led to the formation of a substance, m.p. 155-156', which gave negative qualitative tests for sulfur and nitrogen and possessed an elementary analysis corresponding to the empirical formula Cd&0.





It is known that triphenylcarbiiiol can be metalated with n-butyllithium and then carbonated to form the lactone of triphenylcarbinoL2,2'-dicarboxyljc acid2 (I).



The Metalation of

I. ClIz(C0oH)i










SO,-Nlla' C6H5 S O ~ - N H I + C ~ H ~ l~CH-------C€I~-~H-CH~-COI\'"s I


11. a, b, c


1. €IC1

We are hereby reporting that a somewhat analogous reaction occurs with diphenylferrocenylcarbinol. Treatment of the latter compound with nWe have repeated this series of reactions starting butyllithium, followed by carbonation with Dry with crotonaldehyde and obtained a substance Ice produced 2-carboxydiphenyllerrocenylcarbinol with the same melting point and elementary (11) in 73% yield. When I1 was heated or treated analysis which gave at best doubtful qualitative with acid it readily converted to the lactone of 2tests for nitrogen. In view of (1) the difficulty carboxydiphenylferrocenylcarbinol (111). of accommodating a trandormation of I I a to 0 // n (C6H60),, (2) the similarity of the melting point with that reported for sorbanilide,2 and (3) the very similar elemental analysis of C6Hl,0 and sorbanilide (CI2H&O), we were led to compare the two substances in spite of the dubious tests for nitrogen. Mixture melting point and infrared spectral comparison with an authentic sample of sorbanilidez proved the identity of the two substances. The explanation €or the formation of sorbanilide presumably lies in the relative rates of elimination I1 111 us. amide hydrolysis and the fortuitous choice of The structure of I1 was clearly indicated by its reaction time by Nottbohm. Essentially all the material not converted to sorbanilide by refluxing acidic nature and infrared spectrum which showed I I a with sodium hydroxide solution was obtained a strong carboxyl band a t 5.95 p and bands a t 9 and as sorbic acid by acidification of the alkaline fil- 10 p indicating an unsubstituted CSferrocene ring. trate. Attempts to characterize the product formed The ready conversion of I1 to I11 places the carfrom I I a with hydrochloric acid were not success- boxyl group a t the 2- rather than 3- position relative to the alcohol function. ful. Kottbohm also reported formation of a substance, The structure of I11 was clearly indicated by its 1n.p. 1 8 8 O , CsHa0, from cinnammaldehyde (Ib). elemental analysis, molecular weight and infrared This appears likely to be the unreported anilide of spectrum. The latter showed unambiguous five. 5 - phenyl - 2,4 - pentadienoic acid. (Anal. Calcd. (1) This reEearch was Pupported by the United Stater for C17H150N: C, 81.9; H, 6.1; reported by XottAir Force through the Air Force Office of Scientific Researck bohm'; C, 81.8, 81.7; H, 6.2, 6.1.) of the Air Research and Development Command, under con. 2. NROH; H f


111. a, b, c



(2) 0. Doebner and A . Wolf, Ber., 34, 2221 (1001) rcport m.p. 154156' for sorbanilide.

tract No. AF 49(638)-297. Reproduction in whole or in pari is permitted for any purpose of the United States Govern. mcnt. (2) (a) €I. Gilman, G. E. Brown, F. J. Webb, and 8.R I Spat&,J . Am. Chem. Soc., 62, 977 (1940); (b) H. Gilmai and G. E. Brown, J . ATE..Chevn. Soc., 62, 3208 (1940).