Nouveau Traité de Chimie Minéralé. Tome XV. Uranium and

the United States Atomic Energy Commission.Some of ... for the English-speaking, German-reading scientist to read or ... and language advantage, one...
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under tlie auspices ~ J Ftlic 11niericaii Society for Metals and the United States .Atomic Energy Coinmission. Some IJf the material has been updated to take account of lcnowlcdge gained since 195;. For the average reader, this book has the drawbacks usually associated with a collection of iridividual pa,)ers. There is duplication, variation in emphasis, wid lack O ; uniformity in presentation. Hornever, the scientist or engineer \rho is looking for source material or historical baclcground concerning plutonium and plutoiiium metallurgy will find much of interest, Part I devotes about ninety pages t o a historical revietr. The niiie chapter titles are: The Discovery of Plutonium i,i the Cyclotron, T h e First Isolation of Plutonium, The Microscale Preparatiox and Micrometal1urg)- of Plutoriiuni Metal, Plutonium Metallurgy at Los itlamiis during 191345, Later Plutonium Metallurgical Research a t Los rhlll)- the llossiittis, recognizer tlie p r t ~ l ~ l e i ai it~tlie outset aut1 treats tlicin fairly well i*i coiiiiectioii ivitli solubility and ion cxclictngc. Otherwise approximate constaiicy of activity coefficients, under coiiditioiis of coiistant ioliic strength. is gciicrally assiuncd. I t would seem that there ought t i i have been a cliapter (or scction i n tlie first chapter) where the problems of getting therinodyuairiic constatits aiid those o f estitiiuting activity cocllicicuts (for systems o f the sort treatctl i n this hiioli) wcrc considered with care. “I;otiiplcsbiltluiig i n 1,osuiig” i:, a \vel1 ivrittcii a1id useful reference IJIIII~ and will doubtless fiiid a p1:ice (111 111;iny a specialist’s shelves dong with “The Iletertnination of Stnbilitl- C~JilStalitS.” 13ecause ( i f the geiicral similaritics and language advantage, one would gucss most .iinericaii worliers will reacli for tlic lattcr volurnc. C I I E M I C A L IdARORATORT A N S,TATE ITNIVERSITY CARL11.


BASTLASSISG,~ I I C I I I G ~ N Nouveau Trait6 d e Chiniie MinBrale. Tome XV. Uranium and Transuraniens. I)cuui&ilc Icasciculc. EDITED i j y PAUL PASCAL.iUassi)ii et Cic., 120 Rou1ev;ird SaintGerinain, Paris ( W ) , I’rltrice. 1961. 1 639 pp. 17.5 X 25,s cni. Price, bruclii., 110 SIT,; cartimil6 toile, 122 NF‘ This ~ ( i r l iCi~inl~iii~tisoiis , (le I’Uralliutn, is the secoiitl o f tlirce parts of the fifteenth voluiiic I J f a reinarlcahly tli(irough 111this book the voluiiiitreatise o f iii(irganic chemistr iious literature dcdiiig with the iiribitiaticins of uraiiium with other elcirients 21:~sbeeii ci)ncisely :md clcarly sutninarized. Ten collaborators, under the irimicdiate dircction of I