Novel Insights of Structure-Based Modeling for RNA-Targeted Drug

Sep 4, 2012 - However, the lack of RNA-specific modeling techniques demands the development of new tools for RNA-targeted rational drug design. Herein...
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Novel Insights of Structure-Based Modeling for RNA-Targeted Drug Discovery Lu Chen,† George A. Calin,†,‡ and Shuxing Zhang*,† †

Integrated Molecular Discovery Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, and ‡The Center for RNA Interference and Non-Coding RNAs, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1901 East Road, Houston Texas 77054, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Substantial progress in RNA biology highlights the importance of RNAs (e.g., microRNAs) in diseases and the potential of targeting RNAs for drug discovery. However, the lack of RNA-specific modeling techniques demands the development of new tools for RNA-targeted rational drug design. Herein, we implemented integrated approaches of accurate RNA modeling and virtual screening for RNA inhibitor discovery with the most comprehensive evaluation to date of five docking and 11 scoring methods. For the first time, statistical analysis was heavily employed to assess the significance of our predictions. We found that GOLD:GOLD Fitness and rDock:rDock_solv could accurately predict the RNA ligand poses, and ASP rescoring further improved the ranking of ligand binding poses. Due to the weak correlations (R2 < 0.3) of existing scoring with experimental binding affinities, we implemented two new RNA-specific scoring functions, iMDLScore1 and iMDLScore2, and obtained better correlations with R2 = 0.70 and 0.79, respectively. We also proposed a multistep virtual screening approach and demonstrated that rDock:rDock_solv together with iMDLScore2 rescoring obtained the best enrichment on the flexible RNA targets, whereas GOLD:GOLD Fitness combined with rDock_solv rescoring outperformed other methods for rigid RNAs. This study provided practical strategies for RNA modeling and offered new insights into RNA−small molecule interactions for drug discovery.

INTRODUCTION The recent substantial progress in RNA biology underscores the importance of RNA in normal and aberrant cellular functions. It also highlights the potential of targeting RNA for treatment of a multitude of diseases including bacterial/viral infection1,2 and cancer.3,4 RNAs can form well-defined tertiary structures, such as double helices, hairpins, bulges, and pseudoknots, which offer structural bases for designing therapeutic agents. As a matter of fact, some structured RNAs, including bacterial 16S rRNAs (rRNA), HIV-1 TAR RNAs, and small non-coding microRNAs (miRNAs), exhibit attractive structural and functional characteristics similar to those of proteins.5 We have linked miRNAs to different diseases including cancer,6,7 and recently embarked on the discovery of small molecule inhibitors targeting miRNAs (SMIR).8,9 Druggable RNA targets are largely unexplored,10 and RNA inhibitors, such as aminoglycosides which are for the most well-defined RNA target16S rRNA A-siteusually have poor selectivity or oral bioavailability. There have been several reports in targeting the prokaryotic rRNA A-site,11−13 HIV-1 TAR RNA,14−16 and riboswitches17−19 with small molecules. Researchers are also exploring new generations of druglike molecules targeting pathogenic or human diseaserelated RNAs including CUG- or CCUG-repeated mRNA,20−22 miRNA,23,24 and internal ribosome entry site (IRES).25,26 These studies provided proofs of the principle that RNAs can © 2012 American Chemical Society

be specifically targeted for antiviral or anticancer therapeutic development. Structure-based modeling techniques, such as molecular docking, have been widely used in the field of protein-targeted drug discovery; however, most of these in silico methodologies were developed for proteins. Mature tools specific for RNAs (e.g., virtual screening for RNA inhibitor identification) are lacking.27 Thus, there is an unmet need to exploit current computational tools and implement new ones for RNA modeling such as fast screening of small molecules against RNA targets. To this end, Li et al. evaluated two docking programs (GOLD and Glide) and concluded that they are helpful in RNA-based drug discovery.28 DOCK6 with implicit solvent models, i.e., GB/SA and PB/SA models, was used to model RNAs and obtained low root-mean-square deviations (RMSDs).10 AutoDock4 was also modified to dock RNA targets with flexible grids and achieved some degree of success.29,30 The knowledge-based DrugScoreRNA was parametrized with 670 RNA−ligand and RNA−protein complexes, but only a fair correlation with the experimental binding affinities was observed for a limited set of 15 RNA−ligand complexes.31 RiboDock (currently as rDock) has proved to be successful in several drug design cases.12,32,33 The latest version Received: July 9, 2012 Published: September 4, 2012 2741 | J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2012, 52, 2741−2753

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling


Figure 1. Suggested workflow for structure-based virtual screening for RNA-targeted inhibitor discovery.

RNA docking program should be able to sample all the conformational space and identify at least one near-native pose. Table 1 shows that, if we arbitrarily employed C(5, 3.0 Å) (the top five ranked pose includes at least one near-native pose with RMSD < 3.0 Å) to define a successful docking case, GOLD:GOLD Fitness and rDock:rDock_solv outperformed others, both with a 73.21% success rate. Additionally, GOLD:ChemScore, GOLD:ASP, Glide:GlideScore (SP), Glide:Emodel (SP), and rDock:rDock obtained greater than 50% docking success rates. In contrast, the success rates for Glide:GlideScore (XP), Glide:Emodel (XP), Surflex, and AutoDock4.1 (default) were low, ranging from 30.36 to 44.64%. All programs, especially AutoDock4.1 and Surflex, had weak performances (40%). Results for other programs are available in Table 1. As expected, we observed that the average docking accuracy for crystal structures was higher than that for NMR structures, for all 11 current docking/scoring combinations (58.84% versus 42.27%, p = 0.06). Not surprisingly, the pose reproduction performance on small-molecule RNA ligands was remarkably better than that on flexible aminoglycosides with high statistical significance (64.55% versus 39.51%, p < 0.01). Among the failed cases (defined as “two or less docking programs are able to reproduce the near-native structure (RMSD < 3.0 Å) among top five scored poses”), five are crystal structures (2O3V, 2BE0, 2FD0, 2PWT, and 2Z75) and seven are NMR structures (1UUD, 1LVJ, 1TOB, 1AKX, 1EI2, 1KOD, and 1QD3). We found that the current methods were usually less accurate for RNA complexes containing large aminoglycosides (e.g., lividomycin, paromomycin, etc.), weak RNA binders (e.g., arginine and citrulline), or phosphate-containing hydrophilic ligands (glucosamine 6-phosphate). Because the negatively charged moieties can form specific interactions with RNA phosphates in the presence of metal ions acting as the “metal bridge”,42 such as 2GDI and 2Z74, we tried docking with consideration of metal ions. As expected, we could significantly improve the pose prediction of the diphosphate tail of thiamine diphosphate in 2GDI when the Mg2+ ion was taken into account as part of the RNA targets. When compared with rDock:rDock_solv, the GOLD:GOLD Fitness combination achieved better performance for the pose reproduction on aminoglycoside−RNA complexes such as 1J7T, 2FCZ, 2BE0, 1NEM, and 2TOB,

of rDock employed a fast weighted solvent accessible surface area (WSAS) to approximate the solvent accessible areas.32 MORDOR (molecular recognition with a driven dynamics optimizer)34 was implemented with induced-fit algorithms for flexible RNA docking. However, as MORDOR is computationally expensive, it is not feasible to screen a large chemical database in an efficient manner. Furthermore, we found that the docking parameters widely used in proteins are not always applicable to RNA systems. For instance, the electrostatic interactions between RNA phosphates and ligands can be overestimated,10,27,35 while the desolvation term also needs to be modified.29 To date, due to the challenge of RNA modeling and less developed programs in this field, there have been no reports that provided feasible approaches to address the three critical issues in docking: the accuracy of binding mode prediction, the ranking performance in virtual screening, and accurate scoring.36 Our study aims to identify cost-effective combinations of existing techniques and develop new docking strategies for RNAs. Therefore, we comprehensively evaluated five popular docking programs, including GOLD 5.0.1,37 Glide 5.6,38 Surflex 2.415,39 AutoDock 4.1,40,41 and rDock 2006.2,32 along with 11 scoring functions to explore their capability in RNA docking. On the basis of this study, we proposed a workflow for structure-based modeling for RNA-targeted drug discovery. As illustrated in Figure 1, appropriate docking/ scoring combinations need to be used to achieve the best virtual screening performance depending on the flexibility of binding pockets. To maximize the modeling accuracy and improve the enrichment, different modeling strategies can be rationally applied to three critical steps: near-native pose coverage, pose selection, and hit selection. For the first time, intensive statistical analysis was employed in such studies, and we also implemented RNA-specific scoring functions with the largest-ever high-quality RNA−ligand binding affinity data set. Moreover, our study provided new insights into RNA−small molecule interactions, and this helped us explore the best computational strategies for RNA modeling in drug discovery and development.

RESULTS Reproduction of Experimental Binding Modes. We first examined whether the current protein−ligand derived docking/scoring software could reproduce the ligand binding poses similar to the experimental structures. Ideally, a “good” 2742 | J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2012, 52, 2741−2753


The values in the brackets indicate the total number of complexes in that category. The values before the parentheses are results satisfying C(5, 3.0 Å), and the values in the parentheses were derived with the stringent criterion C(3, 1.5 Å) (described in the Materials and Methods). The Glide XP mode could not obtain enough data with the stringent restraints; thus the VUS values and R2 are not available. b Volume under the surface. cExcluding 1TOB, 2TOB, and 1LVJ when calculating Pearson correlation coefficients.

whereas rDock:rDock_solv was more accurate for druglike ligands including 2Z74, 2Z75, 1EHT, and 1AKX. The detailed results (scores, RMSDs, and statistics) are available in Tables S3 and S4 in the Supporting Information. To better demonstrate the relation of the docking accuracy with RMSD and ranking, we illustrated our results with Figure 2A, in which the heavy-atom RMSD and the ranking of pose were considered at the same time. The volume under the surface (VUS) represents the overall capacity of reproducing the near-native binding modes. It shows that GOLD:GOLD Fitness achieved the best VUS (78.11%), while rDock:rDock_solv was the second best (Table 1 and Figure 2A). We proposed to employ the contour of 50% success rate to guide the pose selection in RNA docking: if one aims to cover at least one near-native pose (RMSD < 3.0 Å) in 50% of the ligands, at least the top five poses should be kept when using GOLD:GOLD Fitness. In contrast, we should keep at least the top 20 poses to achieve 50% success for Surflex and AutoDock 4.1 (Figure 2B). From these assessments, we suggest that GOLD:GOLD Fitness and rDock:rDock_solv are the best methods for pose predictions in RNA docking, as proposed in Figure 1. Rescoring To Improve Near-Native Binding Pose Ranking. To improve the pose ranking accuracy with rescoring, we assessed the scoring function capability of differentiating the ligand crystal/NMR structures from their decoy poses. This was done by investigating two parameters: the ranking of native poses and Spearman’s correlation between scores and RMSDs. Generally, an ideal scoring function should rank the crystal/ NMR and very-near-native poses statistically higher than other decoys. Since GOLD:GOLD Fitness outperformed other docking programs on the coverage of the near-native poses as aforementioned, it was utilized to generate 100 decoys for each target with the hope of covering a wide range of poses, from near-native to decoy poses. We investigated whether a given scoring function could obtain the highest rankings for experimentally determined ligand poses. Analogous to IC50 (in assessing biological activity), we used 50% success rate to evaluate the performance of different docking/scoring methods. As demonstrated in Figure 2C, the 50% success rate line (dotted line) clustered these scoring functions into three groups: ASP, ChemScore, AutoDock4.1 Score and Emodel (SP), were the first group; the second group included other scoring functions, except rDock, which ranked the lowest as the third group. Figure 2C indicated that GOLD Fitness has 50% possibility to rank the native ligand conformation within the top 10% of the predicted poses, whereas for ASP, ChemScore, AutoDock4.1 Score, and Emodel (SP) this value was reduced to the top 5%. The native pose ranking performance for different docking/scoring schemes varied with different RNA target structures. For example, most programs performed significantly better for crystal structures than for NMR structures (69.14% versus 38.89%, p < 0.01) with the top 10 as the cutoff to define a successful ranking case. Surprisingly, ASP was remarkably better in crystal structure ranking, in which only two targets (2O3V and 3DIL) failed, while AutoDock4.1 outperformed others in ranking NMR structures. Taken together, these data suggested that RNA targets with different structural resolutions should be rescored with respective appropriate scoring functions (e.g., ASP or AutoDock4.1) after the initial step of docking with GOLD:GOLD Fitness or



16 (8) 25 (15) 29 (17) 12 (6) 41 (23) 73.21 (41.07) 73.13 0.18 13 (6) 21 (13) 24 (16) 10 (3) 34 (19) 60.71 (33.93) 63.09 0.15

rDock Emodel (XP)

4 (2) 15 (11) 12 (8) 7 (5) 19 (13) 33.93 (23.21) NA NA 4 (2) 16 (11) 12 (8) 8 (5) 20 (13) 35.71 (23.21) NA NA 13 (3) 18 (13) 21 (9) 10 (7) 31 (16) 55.36 (28.57) 66.01 0.14 12 (3) 18 (13) 20 (9) 10 (7) 30 (16) 53.57 (28.57) 65.41 0.10 4 (2) 21 (13) 17 (11) 8 (4) 25 (15) 44.64 (26.79) 55.22 0.05 1 (1) 16 (9) 13 (8) 4 (2) 17 (10) 30.36 (17.86) 43.30 0.22 15 (9) 22 (15) 29 (21) 8 (3) 37 (24) 66.07 (42.86) 70.17 0.29 13 (3) 17 (10) 26 (13) 4 (0) 30 (13) 53.57 (23.21) 65.48 0.03

GlideScore (XP) Emodel (SP) GlideScore (SP) Surflex-dock score Autodock4.1 Score ASP ChemScore GOLD Fitness

18 (9) 23 (15) 29 (19) 12 (5) 41 (24) 73.21 (42.86) 78.11 0.25 aminoglycoside [26] small molecule [30] X-ray crystal [36] NMR [20] total [56] overall success rate, % VUS,b % score−binding affinity correln (R2)c

rDock 2006.2 Glide 5.6 Surflex 2.415 AutoDock 4.1 GOLD 5.0.1

Table 1. Successful Binding Mode Reproduction of the 56 RNA−Ligand Complexes Using Different Docking/Scoring Combinations with Arbitrary Cutoffsa

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rDock:rDock_solv. Detailed results of this ranking study are available in Table S5 in the Supporting Information. The score−RMSD correlation is another parameter related to the ranking capability. Here we investigated this parameter using Spearman’s rank correlation because it is known that RMSD is not linearly correlated with docking scores.29 Our study showed that in most cases RMSD and docking scores were positively correlated, as desired, but the correlations varied for different RNA targets. Thus, we grouped the 56 RNA targets based on the strength of the correlation for each scoring function (see Materials and Methods). ASP, GlideScore (SP), and Emodel (SP) were the best three scoring functions which had the most cases with a moderate or strong correlation between the RMSD and the score (Table 2). rDock, Table 2. Score−RMSD Spearman’s Rank Correlations for Various Scoring Functionsa GOLD Fitness ChemScore ASP GlideScore (SP) Emodel (SP) Surflex-dock Score AutoDock4.1 Score rDock rDock_solv




44 41 33 31 29 38 40 35 36

5 7 15 15 14 12 5 12 12

7 8 8 10 13 6 11 9 8

The values indicate the number of RNA−ligand complexes fit in each correlation category (weak, ρ< 0.3; moderate, 0.3 ≤ ρ < 0.5; strong, ρ ≥ 0.5). a

rDock_solv, and Surflex-dock scores obtained fair performances, which could derive weak or strong correlations for more than one-third of the cases. Surprisingly, GOLD Fitness could not achieve satisfactory performance to enrich the near-native ligand conformations (44 cases obtained the weak correlations) (Table 2). Combined with the native pose ranking analysis, these results demonstrated that other scoring functions such as ASP could enrich the near-native poses when applied to decoy poses generated by GOLD:GOLD Fitness. As we have identified ASP as the best scoring function for ranking RNA ligand poses, we wanted to further study whether it could improve the identification of the near-native binding poses generated by GOLD:GOLD Fitness. Table S4 in the Supporting Information showed that when all top 10 poses generated by GOLD:GOLD fitness were rescored by the ASP scoring function, the number of RNA targets satisfying C(5, 3.0 Å) increased from 41 to 44, while this number for C(3, 1.5 Å) increased from 24 to 30, compared to the original GOLD:GOLD Fitness performance. Specifically, we observed that the best RMSD in the top 5 scored docking conformations of 2GDI, 2Z74, 2PWT, and 1ZZ5 was significantly reduced (below 3.0 Å) after ASP rescoring (Supplementary Figure 1 and Table S4 in the Supporting Information). In contrast, GOLD:GOLD Fitness alone failed to identify the near-native conformation for these targets. Furthermore, the VUS increased from 78.11 to 79.18%. Compared with the docking accuracy using GOLD:GOLD Fitness alone, the average RMSD for the top-scored conformations was further reduced to 2.61 ± 0.38 Å after ASP rescoring (Table S4 in the Supporting Information). Combined with native pose ranking and RMSD− score correlation results, our results confirmed that ASP has the

Figure 2. The 3D cumulative success rate from the binding mode reproduction experiments. (A) The cumulative success rate in 3D representation was calculated based on a series of C(X, Y Å). Only scoring functions which obtained the highest VUS values for each docking program were selected for illustration. The contour on the XY (RMSD−rank) plane represents the 50% (Z = 28) success rate (the binding mode can be reproduced for 50% of RNA−ligand complexes). (B) The 50% success contour (Z = 28) for all available scoring functions (GlideScore (XP) and Emodel (XP) were not included due to the unavailability of VUS values). (C) Cumulative success rate for 56 RNA−ligand complexes based on the ranking of X-ray/NMR determined poses against 100 decoys. The 50% success line and the corresponding rankings to achieve 50% success are shown as dotted lines. 2744 | J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2012, 52, 2741−2753

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best ability for pose ranking, and ASP rescoring can significantly enrich the near-native decoys for the purpose of pose reproduction in RNA docking. Thus, ASP rescoring seems to be a reliable method for pose selection in a virtual screening exercise (Figure 1). Development of New RNA-Specific Scoring Functions for RNA−Ligand Binding Affinity Prediction. As most of the scoring functions used to predict RNA−ligand binding affinity were optimized for protein−ligand interactions, there is a demand for careful evaluation of existing scoring schemes and implementation of new RNA-specific methods. Since the determination of RNA−ligand binding affinities depends on multiple factors (e.g., temperature, assay method), we carefully curated 45 RNA complexes with reported binding affinities (Kd) ( Table S2 in the Supporting Information). The score− binding affinity correlations were calculated for the selected scoring functions. As expected, the correlation coefficients (R2) for all evaluated scoring functions were low (R2 < 0.3). The values are shown in Table 1, and the score−binding affinity plots for the best three scoring functions (ASP, GOLD Fitness, and AutoDock4.1 Score (default)) are available in Supplementary Figure 2 in the Supporting Information. To improve the result, we developed scoring functions with our large RNA−ligand data set with available binding affinities. This was done by optimizing AutoDock4.1 scoring terms using multilinear regression (MLR) methods. During the implementation, only four terms were optimized because (1) the chargebased desolvation energy function employed by AutoDock4.1 was based on Wesson and Eisenberg’s model,43 which was entirely trained by protein targets, and (2) the solvent accessible surface area calculation in this model was simplified by using the interatomic contact radius.41 Upon MLR optimization, the contributions of those scoring terms are 0.1460 for van der Waals (vdW), 0.0745 for hydrogen bonding (hbond), 0.0559 for electrostatic, and 0.3073 for torsions. This new score function was named “iMDLScore1”. Since the training set for iMDLScore1 includes diverse RNA binders, varying from tiny hypoxanthines to large aminoglycosides, we observed a significant contribution of vdW interactions. As illustrated in Figure 3A, we achieved a much better correlation (R2 = 0.70) between docking scores and binding affinities after optimizing the coefficients of AutoDock4.1 scoring terms. When iMDLScore1 was further validated against an external test set consisting of eight complexes, the correlation coefficient between the score and binding affinity was 0.82, and the rootmean-square error (RMSE) of prediction was as low as 4.09 kJ/ mol. A known challenge in RNA virtual screening is how to enrich the active compounds from a focused library with charged molecules because most RNA binders are potentially positively charged.27 To overcome this problem, we derived a second scoring function, iMDLScore2, with a data set containing 18 complexes with positively charged ligands. In iMDLScore2 the contribution of the electrostatic term to the docking scores was over 10%. Interestingly, R2 and Q2 (leave-one-out crossvalidation R2) for the training set reached 0.79 and 0.62, respectively (Figure 3B), and R2 for the test set was 0.76. Additionally, the RMSE of prediction was comparable to that of iMDLScore1 (4.35 kJ/mol). Q2, R2, and the RMSE of prediction indicated the good predictive capability of RNA− ligand binding affinities by iMDLScore2. The new coefficients in iMDLScore2 were 0.1634 (vdW), 0.2436 (hbond), 0.2311 (electrostatic), and 0.2212 (torsion). Obviously, the contribu-

Figure 3. Correlation between docking scores and experimental binding affinity for iMDLScore1 and iMDLScore2.

tions of electrostatic and hbond were increased. This result indicated that polar non-bonded interactions are critical attributes for accurately predicting the relative binding affinity for charged ligands. All results and parameters for the new scoring functions can be found in Table 3. As indicated in Figure 1, we observed the improvement of the virtual screening enrichment for a moderately flexible RNA target by the implementation of our new scoring functions (see below). Table 3. Contributions of AutoDock4.1 Energetic Terms and Associated R2, Q2, and RMSE of Prediction parameter vdW hbond electrostatic desolvation torsion no. of complexes as training set R2 (training set) LOO Q2 (training set) R2 (test set) RMSE of prediction (kJ/mol, test set) 2745




0.1662 0.1209 0.1406 0.1322 0.2983 NA 0.22 NA NA NA

0.146 0.07451 0.05593 0 0.3073 25 0.70 0.44 0.82 4.09

0.1634 0.2436 0.2311 0 0.2212 18 0.79 0.62 0.76 4.35 | J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2012, 52, 2741−2753

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Figure 4. Average ranking of the cognate ligands and AUC in the cross-docking study. The heights of boxes represent the average rankings of the cognate ligands of the 23 RNA targets, while the lines and points are for the AUC. The AUC was calculated from the cumulative number of RNA targets in which the ranking of the cognate ligands was below different cutoffs. The error bars represent the 95% confidence interval from the 23 cross-docking cases. The asterisks (∗) represent the method of rescoring based on the top 10 predicted poses by GOLD:GOLD Fitness. Ideally, AUC is 517.5 if all cognate ligands are ranked on the top one.

Identification of Rescoring Scheme To Improve the Cross-Docking Performance. We employed a cross-docking study to explore the best docking/scoring strategy to identify the cognate ligands for their corresponding RNA targets. Among the 56 RNA complexes, we selected a diversity subset of 16 crystal structure and 7 NMR structures for which we obtained good pose reproduction rates. As anticipated, no single docking program could lead to satisfactory enrichment in terms of the average rankings of cognate ligands (e.g., average ranking below 5 out of 23). Glide:GlideScore (SP) achieved the best average ranking of the cognate ligands (6.70 ± 2.63), whereas GOLD-associated scoring functions had similar performances: 7.22 ± 2.45 for GOLD Fitness, 7.13 ± 3.01 for ChemScore, and 7.17 ± 2.71 for ASP (Figure 4). Glide:GlideScore (SP) acquired the best recovery AUC (area under the curve) of cross-docking (74.66%), but the performance of Glide:Emodel (SP) was the least ideal (AUC = 58.61%). To improve the cross-docking performance, we rescored the top 10 poses generated by GOLD:GOLD Fitness with ChemScore, ASP, AutoDock4.1 Score, Emodel (SP), GlideScore (SP), and rDock_solv, because these scoring functions performed well in ranking poses (Figure 2C). Figure 4 and Table S6 in the Supporting Information demonstrated that rDock_solv rescoring achieved the best average ranking of cognate ligands (4.2 ± 2.0) and recovery AUC (85.69%). It ranked 16 cognate ligands on the top 3. As a comparison, Glide:GlideScore (SP), the best cross-docking program above, could only rank 10 cognate ligands on the top 3. When compared with the initial result from GOLD:GOLD Fitness, rDock_solv rescoring improved the ranking of 17 cognate ligands. The ASP rescoring was the second best (after rDock_solv) with an average ranking of 4.4 ± 1.9 and recovery AUC = 84.53%. It improved the ranking of cognate ligands in 15 cases. Therefore, as expected, we confirmed that rescoring could significantly improve both the average ranking of cognate ligands and the recovery AUC.

When comparing the average rankings for low-resolution structures with high-resolution ones, we could group these scoring functions into two categories: soft-core scoring and hard-core scoring. For instance, we think the AutoDock4.1 scoring function is relatively “soft”, which obtained a better cognate ligand ranking for low-resolution RNA structures that may contain unfavorable structural errors (e.g., clashes).44 In contrast, ASP and rDock_solv achieved statistically significantly better performances (p < 0.05) on high-resolution crystal structures, indicating that they are hard-core scoring methods capable of penalizing structural defects (Table S6 in the Supporting Information). These characterizations were consistent with the results from our above native pose ranking evaluation, where AutoDock4.1 also achieved better performance for NMR structures while ASP was more accurate for ranking high-resolution crystal structures. Moreover, these findings are critical for the selection of proper scoring functions for RNA virtual screening based on the RNA structural flexibility (see below). Implementation of a Two-Step Scheme for Virtual Screening. Receptor flexibility remains a challenge in structure-based virtual screening.45 This has been partially addressed by applying soft potentials, rotamer libraries, and molecular dynamic simulations during/after docking.46 Herein, we aim to identify the most rational combination of docking/ scoring/rescoring strategies for RNA virtual screening. We utilized two different RNA targets: the bacterial 16S rRNA Asite and the lysine riboswitch. These represent two typical kinds of RNA targets: the bulge-containing A-form helix and aptamer, respectively. We quantitatively characterized the flexibility of the 16S rRNA A-site (PDB ID: 1J7T) by comparing the B-factors of the active site nucleotides (4 Å around paromomycin) with other non-terminal nucleotides. Supplementary Figure 4A in the Supporting Information showed that the B-factors of the active site were statistically higher than those of the other part of the RNA (p = 0.002), indicating that the inhibitor binding pocket is 2746 | J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2012, 52, 2741−2753

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Table 4. ROC AUC for Different Docking and Scoring Function Combinations in RNA Virtual Screening Study bacterial rRNA A-site (1J7T)

lysine riboswitch (3DIL)

initial docking and scoring function

rescoring function


Zhou data seta

Foloppe data seta

7 known inhibitorsa

7 known inhibitorsb

GOLD:GOLD Fitness rDock:rDock_solv GOLD:GOLD Fitness GOLD:GOLD Fitness GOLD:GOLD Fitness GOLD:GOLD Fitness GOLD:GOLD Fitness rDock:rDock_solv rDock:rDock_solv rDock:rDock_solv

none none ASP rDock_solv AutoDock4.1 Score iMDLScore1 iMDLScore2 AutoDock4.1 Score iMDLScore1 iMDLScore2



0.58 0.61 0.50 0.68 0.64 0.58 0.69 0.67 0.61 0.74

0.97 0.999 0.98 0.998 0.77 0.66 0.92 0.46 0.33 0.81

0.82 0.86 0.51 0.86 NA NA 0.51 NA NA 0.51


The decoy set was the MayBridge data set. bThe decoy set was seven known lysine analogues inactive to the lysine riboswitch.

Figure 5. ROC curves of the virtual screening experiments with various docking/scoring combinations. (A) Virtual screening against the 16S rRNA A-site using the Foloppe data set. (B) Virtual screening against the lysine riboswitch using seven known active compounds. (C, D) ROC comparison of the virtual screening performances of AutoDock4.1 and iMDLScore1/iMDLScore2 scoring functions with rRNA A-site (C) and lysine riboswitch (D). GOLD:GOLD Fitness dockings are in thin lines, while rDock:rDock_solv dockings are in thick lines. AutoDock4.1 default scoring function, iMDLScore1, and iMDLScore2 are colored red, blue, and black, respectively.

2747 | J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2012, 52, 2741−2753

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling


flexible. Furthermore, normal mode analysis with oGNM47 confirmed this local flexibility because significant fluctuations of the binding pocket nucleotides (arrow highlighted) could be observed within the five lowest-frequency modes (lowfrequency motions are expected to have larger contributions to the conformational changes48). In particular, four critical Asite nucleotides (A16, A17, A38, and A39, equivalent to A1492 and A1493 in the E. coli rRNA nucleotide numbering) were predicted to have the largest atomic fluctuations (Supplementary Figure 4B in the Supporting Information). Our analyses agreed with the findings that great conformational changes occur upon paromomycin binding and that A1492 and A1493 nucleosides can fluctuate between the extra- and intrahelical states.49,50 Detailed analysis of the binding site flexibility is available in the Supporting Information. The virtual screening against the 16S rRNA A-site showed that, for 31 aminoglycoside mimetics and 11 aminoglycosides, both GOLD:GOLD Fitness and rDock:rDock_solv achieved extremely excellent virtual screening enrichment against MayBridge druglike decoys (receiver operating characteristic (ROC) AUC = 1.0, Table 4). However, they could not obtain reasonable results for the Foloppe data set.12 rDock:rDock_solv obtained the best enrichment with only AUC = 0.61, while for GOLD:GOLD Fitness the AUC is 0.58 (Table 4). Therefore, we concentrated on exploring novel strategies to improve the enrichment of virtual screening of druglike, positively charged compounds (Foloppe data set). Surprisingly, GOLD:GOLD Fitness coupled with rDock_solv or ASP rescoring did not improve the results (Figure 5A and Table 4). However, the enrichment was significantly increased by rescoring either rDock:rDock_solv or GOLD:GOLD Fitness generated poses using our new scoring function iMDLScore2 with AUC = 0.74 and 0.69, respectively (Figure 5A and Table 4). The AUC difference between one-step and two-step virtual screening indicated that, if the binding modes are well covered (e.g., by GOLD:GOLD Fitness or rDock:rDock_solv), rescoring (e.g., by iMDLScore2) could significantly affect the enrichment in virtual screening. As demonstrated in Figure 5C and Table 4, we also found that the enrichment of virtual screening against the 16S rRNA A-site was positively correlated with the weight of polar interactions (Welec + Whbond) when iMDLScore2 was used for rescoring. Therefore, we suggested that a soft-core rescoring function that favors electrostatic and hydrogen bond interactions (e.g., iMDLScore2) may be good for a flexible target such as the rRNA A-site. In contrast, the results from virtual screening against the rigid and closed lysine riboswitch were different. Based on the crystal structure, the ligand (lysine) is completely enveloped in the rigid binding pocket of the lysine riboswitch, and only the small molecules which can sterically fit the pocket can be accommodated.51,52 The B-factor analysis demonstrated that the lysine-binding pocket is not flexible (Supplementary Figure 4A in the Supporting Information). Normal mode analysis further confirmed the rigidity of this pocket as no significant atomic fluctuation of the active site nucleotides (arrow highlighted) could be observed within the five low-frequency normal modes (Supplementary Figure 4C in the Supporting Information). Our virtual screening showed that rDock:rDock_solv and GOLD:GOLD Fitness had comparable enrichments (Figure 5B). GOLD:GOLD Fitness coupled with ASP or rDock_solv rescoring could improve the enrichment. Unfortunately, all AutoDock4.1 related scoring functions (default, iMDLScore1, and iMDLScore2) could not obtained as good

enrichment (AUC < 0.85) as other rescoring schemes (AUC > 0.95). This might be due to the failure of assigning enough penalties to the steric clashes so that the big molecules were docked into the small and closed lysine-binding pocket (Figure 5B). Additionally, we investigated whether any computational strategies could differentiate the seven known lysine riboswitch inhibitors from the seven experimentally validated lysineanalogue decoys (very low chemical diversity compared to the above experiment with MayBridge decoys). On the basis of this data set, we found that GOLD:GOLD Fitness combined with rDock_solv rescoring achieved the best enrichment (AUC = 0.86) and ranked all seven active compounds on the top eight. As expected, iMDLScore2 rescoring achieved low enrichment (AUC = 0.51) (Table 4). When comparing our iMDLScore1/iMDLScore2 with the original AutoDock4.1 scoring function, we found that rescoring by iMDLScore2, which has the least vdW contribution but the most electrostatic and hbond contributions, attained the best enrichment against the 16S rRNA A-site with AUC = 0.69 (based on GOLD:GOLD Fitness docking) and 0.74 (based on rDock:rDock:solv docking) (Table 4 and Figure 5C). In contrast, the results from iMDLScore1 rescoring were not ideal. We observed a similar trend (iMDLScore2 (black) > AutoDock4.1 default (blue) > iMDLScore1 (red)) with ROC AUC analysis for the lysine riboswitch, as demonstrated in Table 4 and Figure 5D. In summary, we identified the best combinations for RNA virtual screening: rDock:rDock_solv coupled with iMDLScore2 rescoring could be used for flat, open, and flexible binding sites of RNAs, while GOLD:GOLD Fitness combined with rDock_solv rescoring could be appropriate for closed and rigid RNA targets (Figure 1). Application of Ensemble Docking/Scoring for Structural Flexibility of RNAs. RNAs are flexible and ligand binding can significantly alter the backbone dihedral angles, which may in turn change the sugar puckering, narrow grooves, and introduce kinks or intercalation.53 For example, when different ligands bind to HIV-1 TAR RNA, the sugar puckering of A22 can switch from C3′-endo (1UUD) to O4′-endo (1UUI), while U23 switches from C3′-endo (1UUD) to C1′endo (1UUI). The technique of ensemble docking has been widely used in the field of proteins to model flexibility with a limited number of discrete conformations.54 The ensemble structures can be obtained from different X-ray crystal structures, NMR models, or normal-mode analysis.16,55 To investigate whether ensemble docking could also improve the docking/scoring accuracy in the RNA system, we collected five RNA targets and their alternative conformations in Table 5 for native pose ranking and cross-docking experiments. We found that, when RNA flexibility was modeled by structural ensemble, the results of the native pose ranking were significantly improved using rDock_solv scoring functions for 1LVJ, 1AM0, and 2Z74. As aforementioned, without considering RNA flexibility, we could not obtain reasonable results for these three targets in a native pose ranking study. However, with other methods, except ASP, only a slight improvement of ranking (