November 6: A day of opportunity - Journal of Chemical Education

Potential local activities that can be conducted in recognition of National Chemistry Day. Keywords (Audience):. General Public. Keywords (Domain):...
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editorially /peaking November 6: A Day of Opportunity

Parents' Chemistry Days. One local section initiated a "MomIn 1986 George Pimental, then President of the American mies and Daddies' Chemistry Day" for 7- and 8-year-olds; the Chemical Society, planted a seed that will bear its fruit on only admission requirement was that a parent must accompany November 6, National Chemistry Day. The planning and each child. organization associated with National Chemistry Day will culminate on that date in what is hoped to be an upsurge of Information Night. An evening-long event featuring booths events across the country associated with all asDects of staffed by representations from area industries provides the apChemistry-events designid to inform, to instruct, A d even portunity to encourage industrylacademia and high school/college interactions. to amuse. National Chemistry Day is planned to be exDressed on the local level with events coordinated and exnedited by local American Chemical Society sections. ~ e & l ~ three quarters of the 184 local American Chemical Societv Local teachers ~otentiallvhold an i m ~ o r t a n kev t to the sections have expressed an interest in National chemist& chemistry students can iorm a large pool of success of NCD. Day; many of these have appointed coordinators for the local ener~eticand eager partici~antsor h e l ~ e r sfor the local development of National Chemistry Day. The American events planned if they can'he induced t o a high level of Chemical Society would like to have the local events associinterest and can be organized. The connection between this l Day to be manifestations of ated with ~ a t i o h a Chemistry pool of student helpers and the local organization of NCD is local strengths, interests, and needs. A number of potential the teacher. Interested teachers need to recognize the advanactivities are possible at the local level. tnge thrv rangsin hy pooling their resuurcrs-their students Indusrr) Open Huu.ies. Thls XCI) focusoprnsindustry'sdoorr t u and their chemical expertise-with thoseofthc localscction. the yrnrral puhlir and is meant rodraw arrcntion to the presence 1.ocal section coordinntws for NCI) should realize the ~ - exis~- ~ ~ and importance of chemistry in a community tance of that pool of eager student workers available through l'hemirol Demonelrol~onr. The excitement and heauty of chemlocal high school teachers. This connection, focused on a isrrs ran be illuatrnted hy local wction memherr ro civic groups, common interest, NCD, could form the basis of a continuing high s~l~ools, grade schools, shopping cenlcrs, museums, fairs, and local alliance. Teachers who want to take advantaee of the trade shows. resources of their local sections and to improve the local manifestation of NCD are urged to call the coordinator of Lectures, Slide-Tape Programs, News Features. The aim of these activities is to reach a wide public audience with messages the local ACS section. In August we will publish a list of related to "What chemists do" an? "What chemistry does for NCD coordinators for local ACS sections. Look for it. you." Start thinking about what you can do on NCD. You have all summer to help plan an outstanding local program and Student Competitions. Essay contests and "chembowls" offer opportunities for public recognition. help fulfill the promise of a successful NCD. JJL



Volume 64






Number 6 June 1987



