Now DMAP does more...for less ^
Increased yield
QJ Increased throughput • Lower process temperatures
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• Fewer by-products Q Increased purity
You already know DMAP is a highly effective catalyst in Ag Chem, pharmaceutical, polymer and chemical process industries. And you've seen DMAP push yields and throughput up while eliminating troublesome impurities—even m the most difficult catalytic reactions. But have you heard the latest abotttDMAP? For instance, that DMAP catalyzes the mediation of
• Lower cost
phenols, amines and carboxylic acids with dimethyl carbonate, avoiding the use of dimethyl sulfate? Or that in polyurethanes DMAP has proven to dramatically shorten gelation times? More important, have you heard that Reilly innovation has dramatically reduced DMAPs price? Get all the facts you've been missing about Reilly's DMAP Write for Reilly's updated DMAP applications
brochure: Commercial Development Department, Reilly Tar & Chemical Corporation, 1510 Market Square Center, 151 North Delaware, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204. Or call (317) 248-6411.
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