Now there are two sides The bad.
The beautiful.
to every mothers story Vinyl hnirdryor (lood and hose can bo more flexible, ii eat -res ι s tant and durable w i t h A M O C O Τ Μ A. Stylish, machine-washable lothes that stay wrinkle-free a n be made from polyesters )ased on A M O C O DMT'/TA. . W i t h A M O C O T M A in vinyl bibs atid baby pants, they ;an withstand hot soapy water and heat of automatic; dryers. Food warmers molded from hirjh-heat A M O C O Polystyrene can make feed inn baby easier, safer. Reinforced plastic trays made w i t h A M O C O I PA are easier to clean because they resist chipping, cracking and detergents used in w a s h i n g . . From A M O C O D M T / Τ Α can come polyester for carpets that clean quickly and reduce floor care time.
The beautiful is possible. If you're w i l l i n g to make it happen. A n d w e have tee materials to prove our point: Chemical intermediates like T M A (Tnmellitic A n h y d r i d e ) , IPA (Isophthalic A c i d ) , D M T ( D i m e t h y l Terephthalate), TA (Terephthalic A c i d ) . Basic plastic raw materials like polystyrene. Plus the technical service to help you achieve product improvements w i t h o u t significantly increasing your costs. A n d that makes a beautiful story for y o u , too. A m o c o Chemicals C o r p o r a t i o n , Department 10B00, 130 East Randolph Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601
/imoco chemicals Products designed for g r o w t h .