Now—They Can Live in wall-to-wall luxury - C&EN Global Enterprise

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u r t t ' s y M o h a w k Carpet M i l l s . I n c . , A m s t e r d a m , N e w York

in wall-to-wall luxury

Now—They Can

A revolution is going on in the carpet industry. They call it "tufting"— a 12 to 15 times faster method of making wide carpet that brings wall-to-wall luxury within virtually everyone's reach. i « H

Much of the credit for the success — even for the very existence — of tufted carpet is laid t o t h e back-size. This heavy, flexible coating, applied to the backing, securely anchors the tufts and adds much to the body and dimensional stability of the carpet. Because of its ^ital roîe, the back-size used by more than one leading manufacturer i s based on C H E M I G U M LATEX. The reasons? Sizes made with C H E M I G U M LA^TEX are easy to compound, easy to apply. They exhibit excellent long-term aging, good pile or loop bind, resist washing or dry cleaning, do not become brittle or tacky and retain their light color. For much the s o m e reasons, C H E M I G U M LATEX is used in sizes f o r high-quality woven carpets and in sizes, binders and finishes for many other textile, paper and leather products. Full details plus the latest lech Booh Bulletins on C H E M I G U M LATEX a r e yours by writing t o : Goodyear, Chemical Division, Dept. F-9416, Akron 16, Ohio.


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C h e m i g u m , P l i o f l e x , Plloli-te. P l i o - T u f , P l i o v i c - T . M . s T h e G o o d y e a r T i r e & Rubber C o m p a n y . Akron, O h i o












High Polymer Resins, Rubbers, Latices and Related Chemicals for the Process Industries JUNE
