NOW...pour your own plastic parts - Chemical & Engineering News

Nov 6, 2010 - NOW...pour your own plastic parts. Chem. Eng. News , 1959, 37 (33), p 17. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v037n033.p017. Publication Date: August 17, ...
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THIOKOL LIQUID POLYMERS stand behind another forward step in product design



Cold-casting with THIOKOL LP/epoxy compound produces durable parts . . . saves time, money . . . eliminates inventory problems—at Wallace & Tiernan Manufacturer of chlorinators and other quality industrial equipment, Wallace & Tiernan turns o u t its own p r o d u c t n a m e p l a t e s , base­ plates and a variety of integral parts—in plastic at home. N o spe­ cial machinery is required. A mixture of T H I O K O L liquid polymer, epoxy resins, curing and coloring agents is prepared man­ ually and poured into molds. T h e compound cures by itself a t room temperature, resulting in plastic


end items that are durable and chemical r e s i s t a n t . T h e molded parts can be simple or intricate in form, custom-colored for beauty and function. Units a r e made on demand. N o large quantity of stock need be maintained. Outside suppliers are eliminated. And unit costs come down — from $40 to $4, in some cases. F o r full i n f o r m a t i o n , w r i t e T H I O K O L a t address below.


Simplicity of molding cast­ ings is shown in pouring and removal of Wallace & Tier­ nan nameplates. Hardware is e m b e d d e d i n t o p l a s t i c before curing.


780 NORTH CLINTON AVENUE · TRENTON 7, NEW JERSEY In Canada: Naugatuck Chemicals Division, Dominion Rubber Co., Elmita, Ontario

^Registered trademark of the Thiokol Chemical Corporation for its liquid polymers, rocket Dropellants, plasticizers and other chemical products

A wide range of durable, flexible plastic parts a r e produced by this unique molding technique