NSF Announces Fellowship Awards - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 17, 2012 - NSF Announces Fellowship Awards. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (2), pp 52A–52A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60170a760. Publication Date: February 1961...
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NEWS Spectroscopy Laboratory, will be in charge of the program in collaboration with Dr. Foil A. Miller, Mellon Institute and Professor E. R. Lippincott, University of Maryland. The Program on Technique of Infrared Spectroscopy (July 17 to 21) will comprise thirty hours of lectures and laboratory work, integrated to give comprehensive instruction in both theory and practice. The Program on Applications of In-

frared Spectroscopy (July 24 to 28), will consist of lectures by staff and guests on theoretical aspects and on applications. Afternoon hours will be devoted to practice in the interpretation of the infrared spectra of complex molecules. Lecture, laboratory and conference rooms used for the Program are completely air-conditioned. Participants may reserve rooms in the Institute dormitories and all other Institute fa-

NO GROWING PAINS! with (© modular gas chromatographs You can modernize your present gas chromatograph and adapt it for other systems of use as well. Add refinements where and when you need them. Insert a detector and power supply for a new detection method and obtain the equivalent of a whole new system. It's easy to do, and the cost is low with RSCo modular additions.

Or, for your first investment in a gas chromatograph RSCo's complete modular system offers these unusual advantages. Economical conformance to your first needs. Expandability at any time with easily added modules. Progressively greater usefulness because adaptability banishes obsolescence. Highest quality of performance to advance your research projects.

A card or phone call today brings our catalog of nearly thirty topquality RSCo modules. Whether used in combinations of complete systems or in groups of two or three simply to augment your existing system, the RSCo units do outstanding gas chromatography. DEPT. C



200 SOUTH G A R R A R D B L V D . RICHMOND. Circle No. 139 on Readers' Service Card

52 A




cilities will be open to them. Application forms and full information may be obtained from Dr. James M. Austin, Director of the Summer Session, Room 7-103, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Mass.

NSF Announces Fellowship Awards Award of 376 fellowships in two programs has been announced by the National Science Foundation. Science faculty fellowships were awarded to 285 college and university science teachers, to enable them to improve their effectiveness as teachers. About 750 applicants from all parts of the United States and its territories had applied for these grants. Ninety-one senior post-doctoral fellowships were also awarded, on the basis of 275 applications received. The postdoctoral fellowships are designed to enable the recipients to pursue further advanced training and research in their fields. The faculty awards were made on the basis of ability as indicated by letters of recommendation, academic and professional records, and other evidence of attainment and promise. Requirements for receiving a postdoctoral award included a doctoral degree in science, mathematics, or engineering at least five years previously, plus a demonstrated ability and aptitude for advanced training. NSF expects to reopen the two programs in May for awards to be made in December.

Wiley Award Nominations Nominations are now being accepted for the fifth AOAC Harvey W. Wiley Award for Achievement in Analytical Methods. This award of $500 will be given to the scientist or group of scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the development of analytical methods for foods, drugs, cosmetics, feeds, fertilizers, and pesticides or for use in general analytical chemistry. These are the fields of interest to the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists which are encompassed in its publication, Official Methods of Analysis. Mr. Jonas Carol, of the Food and Drug Administration, won the 1960 award for his outstanding contributions in advancing the frontiers of the analytical methodology of drugs. Nominations must be submitted to the Secretary of the Association by April 1st. Nominees need not be members of the Association. Further inCircle No. 163 on Readers' Service Card