NSF Travel Grants - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

National Science Foundation will make available a limited number of individual travel grants to partially defray the travel costs of American scientis...
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NSF Travel Grants National Science Foundation will make available a limited number of individual travel grants to partially defray the travel costs of American scientists who wish to participate in the following international scientific meetings in 1964: 3rd International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, Kyoto, Japan, April 12 to 18 (application deadline, Dec. 1); International Symposium on Organic Reaction Mechanisms, Cork, Ireland, July 20 to 24 (application deadline, April 1); 3rd International Congress on Catalysis, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 20 to 25 ( application deadline, April 1); 4th International Congress on Surface Activity, Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 7 to 12 (application deadline, May 1). Application blanks may be obtained from the National Science Foundation, Chemistry Section, Washington, D.C. 20550.


speaker will then discuss the impact of economic, technology, marketing, and management factors on the profitable growth in the chemical industry. Another featured speaker will be Donald A. Schon, director of the Office of Technical Services, U.S. Department of Commerce. For further information write CCDA, 100 Church St., New York 7, N.Y.

Animal Nutrition Research Council

will hold its annual meeting Oct. 16 at the Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. For further details write Dr. R. F. Miller, Merck & Co., Chemical Division, Rahway, N.J.

Industrial Hygiene Foundation will hold its 28th annual meeting Oct. 23 and 24 at Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh. A featured speaker will be State Senator Charles R. Weiner, who will talk on Social Progress and the Law. For further information write IHF headquarters at Mellon Institute.

Institute of Food Technologists, New

York section, will have a series of technical seminars preceding its monthly meetings, beginning in October. The subject of the Oct. 16 meeting is Technical Information Filing and Retrieval, and the speaker will be Paul Kahn of Continental Baking Co. There will also be a panel discussion on Applying Statistical Quality Control. Dr. George Rosner of Duff Baking Mix Corp. will speak on Food Law Enforcements, Nov. 20, -and there will be a panel discussion on Off Flavors in Fats and Oils. Seminars will be held at the Chemists' Club. For further details write Dr. Andre Bolaffi, Jell-O Division Laboratories, General Foods Technical Center, Tarrytown, N.Y.

Commercial Chemical Development Association will hold its fall meeting Oct. 23 at the Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel, Pittsburgh. Theme will be Profitable Growth in the Chemical Industry. In the morning session, William T. Sutphen of Stanford Research Institute will speak on The Changing Chemical Industry. Each succeeding 74


OCT. 7, 1963

Tanners' Council of America will hold its 47th annual meeting at Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, Oct. 23 to 25. Theme of the meeting will be Leather Looks to the Future. The general sessions are open to all members and guests from allied trades. Write TCA, 411 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y.

Armed Forces Chemical Association

will hold its 18th annual meeting Nov. 13 to 15 at the Statler-Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C. Theme of the

meeting will be Chemical Research and Engineering—Partners in the Nation's Progress. Maj. Richard D. Curtin, director of development and deputy chief of staff for research and development, U.S. Air Force, will be the keynote speaker. The Under Secretary of State, the Hon. Brockway McMillan, will speak at the banquet. Scientific Apparatus Makers Association will hold its midyear meeting in Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 3 to 6. A program of papers, panel discussion, and social events, as well as sports, has been planned. For further information write SAMA, 20 North Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. 60606.

Evolutionary Operation is the topic of a two-day course to be given Nov. 15 and 16 at the Carrousel Motel, Cincinnati. Sponsors are the Cincinnati section and the chemical division of the American Society for Quality 'Control. Enrollment is limited to 40; registration fee is $100. The course will cover the concept, underlying principles, mechanics, and applications of EVOP, emphasizing how to establish and operate an EVOP program in the plant. For further information write Dick M. Race, O. C. Manager, U.S. Playing Card Co., Park & Beech Sts., Cincinnati 12, Ohio.

The Akron Polymer Lecture Group, under the auspices of the University of Akron, began its 1963^64 program of lectures Sept. 24. Succeeding lectures will be Nov. 1 and Dec. 6, 1963; Jan. 3, Feb. 7, March 6, April 3, and May 1, 1964. Address inquiries to Dr. G. S. Trick, Research Laboratory, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron 16, Ohio.



Akron. Dining Hall, Student O n t e r Bldg., University of Akron Alabama. Birmingham Southern College Auburn. Ross Chemical Laboratory, Auburn University Baton Rouge. Room 170, Coates Chemical Laboratory, Louisiana State University Binghamton. Lecture Hall, Science Bldg., Harpur College Binghamton. Grove Park Inn, Norwich. N.Y. Central New Mexico. St. Michael's College, Santa F e Central North Carolina. A&T College, Greensboro


Sidney Siggia



David A. Shirley



David A. Shirley


M. H. Arveson

Application of Differential Reaction Kinetics to the Analysis of Mixtures Metalation with Alkyllithium Reagents—Some Recent Advances Metalation with Alkyllithium Reagents—Some Recent Advances ACS *± YOU


A. C. Zettlemoyer

Water at Interfaces


David Shemin


L. B. Rogers


John G. Malm

The Biosynthesis of Porphyrins and Vitamin B12 Principles of Analytical Separations Chemistry of Xenon and Perxenates



Central Texas. Southwestern University, Georgetown Cleveland. Cleveland Engineer­ ing and Scientific Center


L. B. Rogers


Sidney Siggia

Corning. Lodge on the Green Motel Dallas-Fort Worth. Greater Southwest International Airport Du Pont Country Delaware. Club, Wilmington Eastern New York. Locomotive Club, Schenectady Eastern North Carolina. East Carolina College, Greenville El Paso. Room 300, Student Union Bldg., Texas Western College Georgia. Blue Room, Cox Hall, Emory University, Atlanta Hampton Roads Old Dominion College, Norfolk, Va. Inland Empire. Casey's Gay Nineties Restaurant, Spokane, Wash. Joliet. College of St. Francis Kalamazoo. Paper Technology Auditorium, Western Michigan University ( Panel Discussion ) Kansas City. University of Mis­ souri at Kansas CityKansas State University. Room 115, Willard Hall, Manhattan Louisiana. Tulane University, New Orleans Maryland. Sheraton-Belvedere Hotel, Baltimore (Maryland Chemist Award Program ) Memphis.


A. C. Zettlemoyer


L. B. Rogers

Milwaukee. Wis.

Elks Club, Racine,

Mississippi Library Bldg., Millsaps College, Jackson Mobile. Physics Bldg., Springhill College „ , New York ( Staten Island Sub­ section). The Staaten Res­ taurant New York (Westchester Chemi­ cal Societv Subsection ). Sloan-Kettering Institute, Rye


Northeast Wisconsin. Holiday Inn, Appleton Northeastern Ohio. American Automobile Association, Painesville Shopping Center Orange County. Hurley Bell Restaurant, Corona del Mar, Calif. Oregon. Oregon State University, Corvallis Panhandle Plains. Sands Motel Restaurant, Borger, Tex. Penn-Ohio Border. Pensacola. Pensacola Junior Col­ lege Permian Basin. Ranchland Hills Country Club, Midland, Tex. Philadelphia. Franklin Institute ( Second Philadelphia Section Award Address) Pittsburgh. Mellon Institute


Purdue. Chemistry Bldg., Pur­ due University, Lafayette, Ind. Quincy-Keokuk. Sprout's Inn, Quincv, 111. Richland. Spalding School Cafe­ teria Syracuse. Syracuse University University of Missouri. Student Union Auditorium, Schlundt Hall, Columbia Virginia. Elmo's Barbecue, Hopewell Virginia Blue Ridge. Charcoal House, Danville, Va. (Tour of Dan River Mills Cloth Store and Corning Glass Works—3 P.M. ) Washington-Idaho Border. Uni­ versity of Idaho, Moscow Western New York. Continental Inn, Tonawanda (Ladies' Night) Wichita. Science Hall, Univer­ sity of Wichita Wilson Dam. TVA Chemical En­ gineering Bldg., Sheffield, Ala. Wooster ( Ohio ). Chemistry Bldg., College of Wooster

Application of Differential Reac­ tion Kinetics to the Analysis of Mixtures Water at Interfaces


Glenn T. Seaborg A. C. Zettlemoyer

Water at


John G. Malm


L. B. Rogers

Chemistry of Xenon and Perxenates The Analytical Chemist, Special­ ist and/or Generalist


David A. Shirley


John G. Malm


James R. Arnold

17 15

Otto Eisenschiml

Chemical Heroes of the Civil War Professional Ethics in Relation to Chemical Patents


R. Van Nordstrand

X-Ray Techniques in Catalyst Research X-Ray Absorption Edge Spectra and Chemical Structure ACS "v ··' -•' 'J; '·•


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MOLECULAR WEIGHT: 139 · MELTING RANGE: 1 9 8 - 1 9 9 C ' j

^•SOllIBÎlltY! Soluble In i -".:._ ' I f e "•:·'>·.·; %- soiitMein ·.; ; "·?

Application of Differential Reacton Kinetics to the Analysis of Mixtures Excitation in Controlled Atmos­ pheres—Present Status and Progress Chemistry of the Solar System The Analytical Chemist, Special­ ist and/or Generalist Application of Differential Reac­ tion Kinetics to the Analysis of Mixtures ACS τ± YOU Principles of Analytical Separa­ tions The Chemical Basis for the Bio­ logical Activity of Nitrogen Mustard Alkylating Agents Magnetohydrodynamic Power from Coal—Present and Future Recent Progress in Conformational Analysis Chemistry of the Solar System The Chemistry of Extractives of Some Pacific Northwest Coni­ fers and Its Influence on Their Utilization Total Synthesis of Azasteroids

• · « • "K. -



R. Van Nordstrand


James R. Arnold

X-Ray Techniques in Catalyst Research Meteorites and Cosmic Rays

17 17

A. C. Zettlemover R. Van Nordstrand

Water at Interfaces X-Ray Absorption Edge Spectra and Chemical Structure

chemical corporation


John G. Malm


John G. Malm

Chemistry of Xenon and the Perxenates Chemistry of Xenon and the Perxenates



James R. Arnold


Faber Birren

The Human Side of Color X-Ray Absorption Edge Spectra and Chemical Structure Metalation with Alkyllithium Rea­ gents—Some Recent Advances Application of Differential Reac­ tion Kinetics to the Analysis of Mixtures

?U&&t 14

R. Van Nordstrand


David A. Shirley


Sidney Siggia






Men and Molecules...

How odorless can a paint be?

. . . released for broadcast after Oct. 18, is titled "A New Look at Pain and Leukemia." It will feature Dr. Morton Prager and Dr. Arthur Keats, both of Baylor University. See "ACS on the Air" listings (C&EN, Sept. 16, page 151) for stations broadcasting in your area. Each week C&EN announces here the "Men and Molecules" program to be released the following Friday. This may not be the specific program to be carried on your station at the time listed, however; a number of different programs are constantly in circulation. Call your local station to find out when specific programs you are interested in will be broadcast.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS American Chemical Society 146th National Meeting. Denver, Colo. Jan. 19-24, 1964. 147th National Meeting. Philadelphia, Pa. April 5-10, 1964. 148th National Meeting. Chicago, 111. Aug. 30-Sept. 4, 1964. 149th National Meeting. Detroit, Mich. April 4 - 9 , 1965. Eastern Analytical Symposium. ACS New York and North Jersey Sections et al. Statler-Hilton Hotel, New York, N.Y. Nov. 13-15. ACS Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 30th Annual Chemical Engineering Symposium. University of Maryland, College Park, Md. Nov. 14-15. ACS Southeastern Regional Meeting. Charlotte, N.C. Nov. 14-16.

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Other Organizations 7th Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology. ORNL. Gatlinburg, Tenn. Oct. 8-10. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 77th Annual Meeting. Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. Oct. 14-16. Chemical Institute of Canada. 13th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Que. Oct. 19-23. 11th Detroit Anachem Conference. Association of Analytical Chemists. McGregor Memorial Conference Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. Oct. 21-23. Commercial Chemical Development Association. Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Oct. 23. National Agricultural Chemicals Association. 30th Annual Meeting. Homestead, Hot Springs, Va. Oct. 27-30. American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists. National Convention. Hotel Statler, Boston, Mass. Oct. 30-Nov. 2. Manufacturing Chemists' Association. 13th Semiannual Meeting and Midyear Conference. New York, N.Y. Nov. 19.