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Our all-glass U-column GC m a y well b e the established standard in the life sciences· HERE ARE SOME OF THE REASONS WHY NUCLEAR-CHICAGO'S SERIES 5000 HAS ACHIEVED SUCH WIDE A C C E P T A N C E : Reason No. 1.

Reason N o . 3 .

Reasons No. 5, 6 , 7 , 8

The Series 5000 makes great separations. Fatty acids. Drugs. Pesticides. Bile acids. Steroids. Sugars. Vitamins. Even amino acids. And it makes them with minimum sample decomposition. Even the tough ones. The inlet system is all glass to keep metal away from your samples in this hightemperature zone. (And we've just improved the port for more efficient injection and easier septum replacement.) In fact, sample degradation is minimized throughout the entire system. The system has intake and exhaust dampers for efficient cool-down after each temperature-programmed separation. The column is re-equilibrated at the initial temperature before the next run can start. Peak retention times are routinely reproducible. The electronic temperature programmer gives you oven-temperature reproducibility on a day-to-day basis. The gas flow controllers are insulated and isolated for the best stability available today.

The Series 5000's low noise levels and excellent reproducibility permit smooth interface with all of the popular computers in laboratory use. All system modules, including our new solid-state electrometer, are designed to help achieve this interface. The Series 5000 electrometer has unique tempera t u r e - c o n t r o l l e d FET's, single-point grounds on individual PCB's, and independent outputs for recorder, integrator, and computer. That means exceptional baseline stability, very low noise level, short warmup time, and outstanding computer compatibility. Our detectors have extremely low S/N ratios and unexcelled sensitivity. Our dual-zone detector oven has independent temperature controls for the successful use of multiple detectors. And it permits servicing of one zone while operating a detector at full sensitivity in the other.

We maintain a complete inventory of c h r o m a t o g r a p h y s u p p l i e s : Columns, phases, supports, syringes, recorders, detectors, hydrogen generator, et al. We also maintain more than 30 sales and service offices in major cities from coast to coast. But we can't tell it all here. The proven accuracy, the proven reliability, the proven productivity. All about all Series 5000 features and what they can mean to you. Our new Series 5000 U-column brochure tells and shows it all. Send for it. Then you'll have all the facts. 0.22s

Reason No. 2 .

Our Model 5141 Automatic Sample Injection System multiplies your productivity. Permits 24-hour unattended operation for either isothermal or temperature-programmed analyses. Utilizes metal gauzes (to eliminate solvent peak) or "Hot Pop" PTFE capsules (to prevent sample evaporation prior to injection). Up to 72 solid samples, 35 liquid samples.

The Series 5000 can perform a greater variety of analyses than any other U-column GC. Accessory options such as Radioa c t i v i t y M o n i t o r i n g (RAM), A u t o m a t i c Sample Injection (see below), Automatic Temperature P r o g r a m m i n g and C o o l Down, Pyrolysis (with better reproducibility than any other pyrolyzer), and Cryogenic Programming are all easily incorporated in this completely modular system.

Reason N o . 4 .

The Series 5 0 0 0 . From Nuclear-Chicago· The Up-and-Coming Chromatography People· NUCLEAR-CHICAGO A SUBSIDIARY OF

E. D. [ S E A R L E ]



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