NUCLEAR-CHICAGO CORP. | Analytical Chemistry - ACS Publications

NUCLEAR-CHICAGO CORP. Cite This:Anal. Chem.197143486A. Publication Date (Print):April 1, 1971. Publication History. Published online23 May 2012 ...
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Nine symposium papers focus atten­ tion on recent trends and needs in the field of thermal analysis. The contents can be classified under the following principal topics: (a) discussions of the importance of experimental parameters for obtaining information from dta; (b) evaluation of errors of classical calorimetric measurements; (c) review of progress in developing standards for temperature calibration based on dy­ namic measurements; (d) providing a representative sample of thermal analy­ sis applications—in high temperature measurements and in studies of bio­ chemical, polymer, and explosive ma­ terials; (e) evaluation of errors in dif­ ferential scanning calorimetry; and (f) modifications of thermogravimetric ap­ paratus for kinetic studies. Publications of the National Bureau of Standards 1968-69. B. L. Oberholtzer, National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 305, Supplement 1,497 pages. $4.50

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U. S. Government Publications

Status of Thermal Analysis: Proceed­ ings of a Symposium held at Gaithersburg, Md., April 21-22, 1970. Oscar Menis, Ed. NBS Special Pub­ lication 338. 189 pages. Paperbound. $1

* Pumps liquids and gases in many applications including column chromatography and automatic analyzers


lytical calorimctry arc analyzed. This book contains valuable reports on biopolymers ; explanations of new thermal analytical methods ; and even some new information on the study of Apollo 11 moon rocks.




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All publications of the years 1968 to '69 by NBS staff members, whether in the periodical or nonperiodical media of the Bureau or in outside journals and books, are listed with complete bibli­ ographic citation and accompanied by an abstract that generally runs from 50 to 100 words. Also, full citations, in­ cluding titles and authors of papers, are now given for the growing number of ''state-of-the-art" conferences, spon­ sored and cosponsored by NBS, cover­ ing areas of national or worldwide sci­ entific and technological interest. There are author and kev word indexes.