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Analytical & Preparative

GEL ELECTROPHORESIS Buchlcr provides these important, température controlled instruments for separating proteins, hemoglobin albumin, enzymes and other compounds using polyacrylarnide or another supporting medium. For comploïo information and prices, wri'.c for appropriate bulletin.

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News Κ Square Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Pollutronics Co., Cleveland; and Quanta/ Metrix, San Carlos, Calif. The objec­ tive of the new company is to provide components and fully integrated sys­ tems for nuclear power control, pollu­ tion abatement, and industrial and laboratory measurements and analyses, according to the president, Reginald F. Webb. There will be some name changes; for example Κ Square will be called Ultrascan Co. The latter com­ pany produces scanning electron micro­ scopes and related equipment. Cor­ porate headquarters are at 18530 S. Miles Pkwy., in the Warrensville Heights section of Cleveland. Varian has transferred its Graphics and Data Systems Division into its Varian Data Machines subsidiary, 2722 Michelson Dr., Irvine, Calif. 92664, in a move to consolidate the firm's com­ puter systems activities. Varian Data Machines has announced a new, ex­ panded series of maintenance contracts available to both new and existing cus­ tomers. There are many options to the plans and the customer can tailor his maintenance to his exact requirements. Hewlett-Packard's 2000-series timeshared computer systems can now be leased on a six-month trial basis. The plan has been especially designed for end users who install in-house, time­ sharing systems. Details of the plan are available by writing to Inquiries Manager, Hewlett-Packard Co., 1601 California Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 The Quartz Division of General Elec­ tric Co. recently appointed ColemanDelmar, 318 Madison St., Maywood, 111. 60153, 312-345-7500, as a "Franchised Fabricator and Lapidary." Both custom and standard quartz products are available. Users of quartz or borosilicate glass products are invited to investigate the ware now available as either custom or stock items. Expert speakers with information about renting, leasing, purchasing, and financing new and reconditioned lab­ oratory equipment and computers are available from the new Telco/Labex Speakers Bureau. telco Marketing Services, Inc. is the parent company of Telco Leasing, Inc., which rents and leases new medical and scientific equip­ ment, and the Laboratory Instrument Exchange (Labex), which buys and sells reconditioned lab equipment. Those interested in booking a speaker, at no charge, should write to the Telco/ Labex Speakers Bureau, 301 B. Erie St., Chicago, 111. 60611.