Individual certification supplied with each standard. Model 188350 Phosphorus-32. (15 ml, 2 x 10* dpm nominal).......$40.00. Model 188240. Sulfur-35. ...
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Four sets, two individual scintillation standards, and two standardized solu­ tions for internal calibrating are available. SCINTILLATION STANDARDS SETS Consist of calibrated samples c o n t a i n i n g PPO a n d POPOP in t o l u e n e . Volume of each s t a n d a r d is 15 m l , sealed in a 2 0 m l lowactivity glass vial. Packaged in foamed-plastic holders which double as storage racks. Stated activities w i t h i n ± 3 % of t r u e values. Certifica­ t i o n of each s t a n d a r d supplied with each set. Unquenched c u and H 3 Set. Consists of u n q u e n c h e d s a m p l e s of c a r b o n - 1 4 a n d tri­ t i u m labelled toluene plus a toluene blank. Model 1 8 0 0 4 0 Set, c o m p l e t e $65.00 Quenched H ' a n d C14 Sets. Accurately assayed s t a n d a r d s . Each has d i f f e r e n t c o u n t i n g rate d u e to q u e n c h i n g . Model 1 8 0 0 5 0 T r i t i u m Set (5 s t a n d a r d s , 1 χ 10 6 d p m n o m i n a l each) $65.00 Model 1 8 0 0 6 0 Carbon-14 Set ( 6 s t a n d a r d s , s 2 χ 10 d p m nominal each) $ 75.00 Model 1 8 0 0 7 0 (both sets) $125.00

T R E N D S : I n the near future E u ­ ropean companies will most likely change drastically in their market­ ing approach, but not so much in their research and development ef­ fort. Different signs indicate this trend. First, most companies have made their literature available in the local language, as well as Eng­ lish. Second, as shown in an inter­ esting series of article by Mercer {1) the problem of marketing out­ side one's own country is realized. And third, a few companies do as­ sociate with American companies, for example, TJnicam with Microtek (now a wholly owned subsidiary of Tracer, Austin, Texas), Camag with Gelman, and Hilger-Watts with Engis. The latter combination re­ sulted in a new company, HilgerEngis, which produces a monochro­ mator in the Czerny-Turner con­ figuration in the U. S. A E I (mass spectrometers) is represented by Picker, and General Instrument Company (Fourier spectrophoto­ meters) merged with Beckman. Shandon recently opened its own

office in this country. Large com­ panies like Siemens and Philips have for a long time had their own sales organizations here. Doubtless they will increase their efforts when they get more instruments available for the market under discussion. The final result will be a market­ ing approach similar to the one in the United States, and more feed­ back from sales into the research and development departments will occur. INSTRUMENTATION

A few different techniques will be discussed more elaborately, and for this the opinion of a few European companies was asked. The com­ panies were selected according to their product line and their country and do not necessarily reflect a good average. European companies are more closed about their future plans and sales figures than Ameri­ can companies, which makes it rather difficult to make a forecast on straightforward information.

Quenched S " Set. Six accurately assayed quenched standards. Model 138 0 0 8 0 Sulfur-35 Set ( 6 s t a n d a r d s , 4 χ 10 d p m nominal each) $80.00 INDIVIDUAL STANDARDS P32 and S " Scintillation Standards. Furnished in flame-sealed, 2 0 m l low-activity glass vials. Stated activities within ± 4 % of t r u e values. Individual certification supplied with each standard. Model 1 8 8 3 5 0 Phosphorus-32 (15 m l , 2 χ 10* d p m nominal) $40.00 Model 1 8 8 2 4 0 S u l f u r - 3 5 (15 m l , 4 χ 1 0 s d p m nominal) $30.00 Standardized Solutions of Toluene-C' 4 and Toluene-Η 3 . For internal calibration in liquid scintillation counting. Supplied in flame-sealed glass a m p o u l e s . Stated activities are within ± 2 % of t r u e values. Individual certification supplied with each s t a n d a r d . Model 1 8 8 2 7 0 Toluene-C 1 4 (5 m l , 3 χ 10* d p m nominal) $20.00 Model 1 8 8 2 8 0 Toluene-H 3 (5 m l , 5 χ 10 4 d p m nominal) $20.00

Detailed specifications are available on request, as are current schedules containing complete radiochemical listings and information. Please write, or call 312 827-4456 collect. NUC:G-4-271



351 Howard Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 Circle No. 196 on Readers' Service Card 32 A



Figure 2. Present grating monochromator; covering the range from 2000 to 10,000 A, with unilateral slit [and, in near future, exchangeable gratings] (Hilger and Watts)