Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Long-Range Spin

Eugene I. Snyder, L. J. Altman, and John D. Roberts. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1962, 84 (10), pp 2004–2004. DOI: 10.1021/ja00869a046. Publication Date: Ma...
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Vol. 84

tic acid,I2 thiostreptine shows a singlet (3 protons, 2’-methyl) a t r = 8.7, a doublet (3 protons, wmethyl) centered a t r = 8.4, J = 6 and single protons a t T = 6.4 (3’-H), 4.4 (1’-H) and 1.2 (5-H). Thiostreptine can be regarded as derived from 0,ydihydroxyisoleucine and cysteine. It is interesting to note its relationship to the antibiotic hydroxyaspergillic acid,I3 which is a derivative of P-hydroxyisoleucine.

is clearly illustrated by Fig. 1 which shows the n.m.r. spectrum of the acetylenic proton of vinylacetylene in benzene solution under very high resolution (