Nuclear Measurements Corp. - ACS Publications - American Chemical

counting! If you precision count a and/or ß activities, using any system other than the NMC proportional counting system . ... Except for a year's po...
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For further information, circle number 16 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A

Let's compare results on Alpha-Beta counting! Proportional Counter Converter, Model PCC-14 ^ (Converts any V.'ËSSu Scaler)

Complete Proportional Counting System Model PC-3

If you precision count α and/or β activities, using any system other than the NMC proportional counting system . . . S e n d us y o u r s a m p l e ! We'll return it with the exact radioactivity rates precision re­ c o r d e d by N M C p r o p o r t i o n a l FREE N M C C A T A L O G counting equipment. Covers N M C s complete line

of nuclear instruments.

O r , if y o u prefer, s e n d f o r a f r e e

W r i t e t o d a y f o r your copy.




Nuclear Measurements Corp. 2 4 6 0 N. Arlington Ave.



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International O f f i c e : 13 E. 4 0 t h St., N e w York 16, N.Y. For further information, circle number 16 A 2 on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A

16 A


spectrophotometry; he described instru­ mentation for automatic photometric titrations; application of the cathode ray oscilloscope to polarographic meas­ urements; automatization of paper chromatography; automatic weighing; integration of radiant energy, and use of thermistors for temperature measure­ ments in cryoscopic investigations. He has worked recently on instrumentation to study the back-scattering of beta particles by matter, results of which are promising as a powerful analytical tool. He was born in Philadelphia in 1900, received his B.S. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1922, his A.M. from Columbia in 1923 and his Ph.D. from Columbia in 1925. Except for a year's postdoctoral research in physics (1927) at Zweites Physikalisches Institute, Gottingen, Germany, he served on the staff of Xew York University from 1924 to 1951 starting as an instructor in chemistry and becoming a full professor in 1940. He served as a member of Massachusetts Institute of Technol­ ogy's Radiation Laboratory during World War II and as consultant to the University of California's Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory from 1948 to 1951. He has been an active member of the AMERICAN




many years and has served as chairman of two local sections. He is also a mem­ ber of the AAAS and the Electrochemi­ cal Society. He has participated in sev­ eral meetings of the International Con­ gress on Analytical Chemistry. In 1929 he received the silver medal of the American Medical Association for studies on radium poisoning. Air Pollution Study Grants Available Grants-in-aid in the field of preven­ tion and abatement of community air pollution are now available, under terms of the Air Pollution Research and Technical Assistance Act of 1955, the U. S. Public Health Service announced. Grants are available starting with the 1956-57 academic year to state and local government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals. Full details are available from the Chief, Division of General Health Serv­ ices, Bureau of State Services, Public Health Service, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Wash­ ington 2.5, D. C. Nuclear Energy Standards World standards for the use of nuclear energy in industry will be considered by a technical committee of the Inter­ national Organization for Standardiza­ tion. Subjects to be covered will be ANALYTICAL