Nuclear Measurements Corp

for students to confirm their laboratory re- sults. As in theprevious edition, the book is written for students beginning studies in chemistry, chemic...
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COMPLETE AUTOMATIC DE-IONIZER Here is a complete, loaded, fullyinstrumented, automatic ionXchange unit in a neat, compact, and ready-tooperate "package." It is equipped with our own Illco/Matic, all-plastic, aira c t u a t e d valves, which h a v e been specially developed for ionXchange ser­ vice. The Control Panel, also our own design and manufacture, provides all necessary quick-adjustment features, and requires only electrical hook-up to the terminal box on the frame. The only other connections required are to plant service.

FULLY ASSEMBLED AND READY TO INSTALL All structural assembly of elements, all piping, all wiring, and all instillation of air lines is done in our factory by men of long experience. Then the unit is tested for proper operation of all circuits, loaded with the proper sup­ porting beds and resins, painted, bolted to a skid, and crated for delivery to the exact spot it will be used. This is the quickest, easiest, and surest way for you to get a reliable, ready-to-gc ionXchanger — arranged and instrumented to suit your special needs, whatever they are. Write for Particulars ILLINOIS WATER TREATMENT CO. 8 4 0 C e d a r St. Rockford, Ml. NEW YORK OFFICE: 141 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. CANADIAN DIST.: Pumps & Softeners, Ltd., London, Can. Circle No. 45 on Readers' Service Card ·

added, and an enlarged section on labo­ ratory directions and another on mathematical operations are included. Also, a section on spot tests is added to the appendix, providing a means for students to confirm their laboratory re­ sults. As in the previous edition, the book is written for students beginning studies in chemistry, chemical engineer­ ing, dentistry, medicine, nutrition, and similar fields.

An Introduction to the Chemistry of Fats a n d Fatty Acids. F. D. Gunstone, χ + 161 pages. John Wiley k Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New Y o r k , N . Y . 195S. SO.


80 A



This book is meant primarily for students and teachers rather than re­ searchers. The first chapter discusses fatty acids as the most important struc­ tural units of the fats, followed by an account of the chemical nature of the latter. After a short chapter dealing with physical properties, there is a longer report of the chemical proper­ ties of fats and their component acids. Finally there are two short chapters on some biochemical and technical aspects of the subject. The book is not meant to replace the more extensive mono­ graphs bearing on this subject, but the author feels that it may serve1 as an introduction to them.

Detect and Measure

NMC Proportional Counter Converters transform any scaler with a high voltage supply into a complete proportional counting system. Connect to scaler and plug into any 110-volt circuit for precise detec­ tion and measurement of alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Discriminate between alpha and beta by high voltage setting only. Samples counted inside gas flow chamber which yields full 2 pi geometry. Every alpha and beta emitted into chamber is counted. Built-in low voltage power supply and gas flow control. Amplifier-discriminator is built-in and completely transistorized.

P C C - l O A (IV2" χ IOV2" χ 17" deep) Standard all-purpose counting chamber accepts disc type samples up to 2lA" diameter χ %". Inter­ changeable chambers available for lower background counting.

m # .

Radioisotopes in Scientific Research. V o l . I. Research w i t h Radioiso­ topes in Physics a n d Industry.

R. C. Extermann, Editor., xxi + 7(31 pages. Pergamon Press, Inc., 122 East 55th St., New York 22, Ν. Υ. 195S. $22.50 (set of four volumes,

P C C - 1 1 A (9V2" χ W2" χ W/2" deep) Chamber totally enclosed by heavy lead shield to reduce beta-gamma background counting. Other fea­ tures are the same as for PCC-lOA.


This volume is one of four dealing with the proceedings of the Interna­ tional Conference on Radioisotopes in Scientific Research held in Paris in September 1057. The first volume in­ cludes more than 50 papers, with ac­ companying illustrations, charts, and bibliographies. Discussion following a paper's presentation is appended, to­ gether with abstracts in French, Spanish, and Russian. In some cases, the reprint is in French and an English abstract is substituted for the usual French abstract. This first volume includes papers on production of radioisotopes, dosimetry, design and uses of strong sources, metallurgy, industrial applications, solid state physics, and methods and tech­ niques.

P C C - 1 2 A (10" χ 11" χ 19" deep) Large chamber accepts samples up to 1W diameter χ 1" thick. Ideal for bulky samples or large-area filter paper samples. SEND FOR FREE LITERATURE

Nuclear Measurements Corp.

2460 Ν. A r l i n g t o n Ave. Phone: Liberty


INDIANAPOLIS 18, INDIANA Instruments for the Nuclear Field Since 1948 International Office: 13 E. 40th St., New York 16, Ν. Υ. Circle No. 64 on Readers' Service Card