Nuclear Measurements Corp

company's chemical index. ... For further information, circle number 75 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A. Let's ... Or, if you prefer, send for...
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Product Capsules BURRELL

Chemicals, Reagent. Circle 54A for company's chemical index. 370 pages listing 7,344 chemicals. Contains in­ formation on hydrogen peroxide in spun aluminum containers. Fisher Scientific Co., 100 Fisher Bldg., Pitts­ burgh 19, Pa.


Fluorine, Liquid. Fluorine is now being stored, transported and handled directly as a liquid in tank-truck tonnages. Available is comprehensive new technical ' bulletin, "Fluorine." I t contains a wealth of helpful data and outlines new approaches. General Chemical Div., Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., 40 Rector St., N. Y. 6, Ν. Υ. 4th cover


Spectrographic Standards. Full specifications and prices available on Johnson, Matthey & Co., Ltd. high purity materials for chemical, spectro­ graphic, x-ray research and analysis. Jarrell-Ash Co., 32 Farwell St., Newtonville 60, Mass.


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Burrell Kromo-Togs are complete and versatile instruments for the quick and accurate analysis by elution of most gases and volatilized liquids. Model K-2 (pictured) accommodates two separate columns for maximum flexibility and operating economy in plant or laboratory. Features include the finest detector cell avail­ able, variable column temperature control and other exclusive developments of Burrell labora­ tories. © Trademark BURRELL KROMO-TOG, MODEL K-2 Cat. No. 340-20 $3,600.00 Other Models from $695. up

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BURRELL CORPORATION Scientific Instruments and Laboratory Supplies 2 2 2 3 Fifth A v e n u e , P i t t s b u r g h I S , P e n n s y l v a n i a For further information, circle number 75 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A

Let's c o m p a r e results on A l p h a - B e t a c o u n t i n g !

Polarographic Literature. Informa­ tion available on the "Bibliography of Polarographic Literature—1922-1955" compiled and published by Ε. Η. Sargent & Co. 192 pages. Over 6,800 listings. 48 page subject index con­ taining over 14,000 references. Ε. Η. Sargent & Co., 4047 W. Foster Ave., Chicago 30, 111. 72A-2 Radioactive Chemicals. Circle 85A-2 for copy of Tracerlab's "Chemical Catalog 2nd Edition." Contains in­ formation on many new radioactive chemicals. Tracerlab, Inc., 1601 Trapelo Rd., Waltham, Mass. 85A-2


Model K-2

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Nuclear Measurements Corp. 2 4 6 0 N. Arlington Ave.


Telephone: LIBERTY 6-2415

I N D I A N A P O L I S 18, I N D I A N A International Office: T3 Ε. 40th St., N e w York Ι ο , Ν.Υ. For farther information, circle number 75 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A V O L . 2 9 , N O . 4, APRIL 1 9 5 7
