Nuclear Science & Engineering Corporation

range of 1.3 to 23,400 cc./minute for air and 0.017 to 703 cc./minute for water. Metered fluids contact ... 1000, and 5000 watts. Orion Optics. Corp.,...
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PRESSURE CHEMICAL CO. M a t e r i a l s a n d Services for Research •

Monodisperse Polystyrene Polymers O f narrow molecular weight distribution and accurately de­ termined molecular weight for instrument calibration and develop­ ment.

Metal and Alloy Whiskers Perfect crystalline fibers for studies of metal properties, reactions and catalysis.

High Pressure Facilities Available for testing your reactions on a laboratory or pilot plant scale and for synthesis of new materials.

Add-on Varigard with chambers of acrylic plastic has additional cham­ bers which can be attached to the basic 9-chambered unit t o a maxi­ mum of 15 chambers. The capacity of each chamber is 125 m l . Gaskets of Teflon join each pair of chambers and Delrin stopcocks interconnect and control solution flow rates. Buchler Instruments, Inc., 1327 16th St., Fort Lee, N . J . 429

At Pittsburgh — see us at Booth C-48 or confacf Flowmeter Kit

Pressure Chemical Co. 3 4 1 9 - 2 5 S m a l l m a n St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Τ 5 2 0 1 Tel. ( 4 1 2 ) 6 8 2 - 5 8 8 2 Circle No. 185 on Readers' Service Card

A solution for your research problems ...pick a WINNER

The Century flowmeter kit has a range of 1.3 to 23,400 cc./minute for air and 0.017 to 703 cc./minute for water. Metered fluids contact only borosilicate glass and parts made of Teflon. The unit may be mounted on its own tripod, built into a panel, or on a support standard or ring stand. Fischer & Porter Co., 462 Jacksonville Rd., War­ minster, Pa. 18974. 430



MODEL AM-1 Selected as one of the 100 most significant new t e c h n i c a l products of 1965 by Industrial Research

SUGGESTED APPLICATIONS A N D D E M O N S T R A T I O N S U S I N G THE MOSSBAUER EFFECT • Determination of different o x i d a t i o n states of an element ( e . g . , F e + 2 , Fe+3). • Magnetic property studies of rare earths and other materials. • Structural information on materials such as organo m e t a l l i c compounds, ferrates, prussiates and many others. • Bonding studies of many compounds. • Confirm theories of chemical structure and of compounds formed in intermediate stages of chemical reactions.


r I d e n t i f i c a t i o n of magnetically ordered structures and d e t e r ­ mination of Curie and Nee I' temperatures, • Nondestructive analysis for valence, chemical composition and magnetic hyperfine fields. • Study o f heme proteins, iron porphyrins and other materials of b i o l o g i c a l interest.




V e l o c i t y range 0 - 1 5 and 0 - 6 0 cm/sec, continuously v a r i a b l e .

Source a n d / o r absorber cooling t o liquid helium temperature.

For use with multichannel analyzers i n the time mode. t]% system linearity over 9 5 % of the half period of the v e l o c i t y waveform.

Visit us a t Booth F-l


P.O. Box 10901 - Pimburoli, Po. 1523*

Engineering ·

442-4000 - Ar.o Cod· 412

Circle No. 128 on Readers' Service Card

206 A



Corporation TWX «42-3192

Universal lamp housings accommo­ date most available xenon and mer­ cury lamps interchangeably. The C60 Series contains a spherical reflec­ tor, a quartz condensing lens, a blower for cooling, and an inter­ changeable lamp socket. Three mod­ els have maximum ratings of 2 5 0 , 1000, and 5000 watts. Orion Optics Corp., 3 2 2 Main St., Stamford, Conn. 06901. 431