Nucleoside complexing. A Raman and carbon-13 NMR spectroscopic

Luigi G. Marzilli, Baltazar De Castro, John P. Caradonna, Robert Charles Stewart, and C. P. Van Vuuren. J. Am. Chem. ... G. W. Buchanan , M.-J. Bell. ...
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Journal of the Anzrrican C'hrmical Societj,

916 Table



P C h e m i c i l S h i f t per l X O'15

Function o f P 0 Bond

Tq pe, ,2 '' source

of " 0


phosphoanhydride bridge ( A D P , A T P ) phosphate anion t c r i n i n a l - P i x 0 3 anion ( A D P , A T P ) A T P 6-nonbridee l X O



1.00 1.25 1.33 1.50

shift, p p m calcdh obbd



0.0 166' 0.0206





E(la + 2 b ) / ( a + b ) where a = number of single bonds and



Januarjs 30, 1980

Acknowledgments. The authors wish to thank Dr. M. R. Webb of the University of Pennsylvania for making his " P N M R data on ATP i x 0 4 available before publication and Drs. A. A . Bothner-By and J . Dadok of the Carnegie-Mellon N M R facility for obtaining the ? ' P N M R spectrum at 235 MHz. This work was supported in part by L S P H S Grant G M 12446 and NSFGrant PCM78-13633. N M R spectra at 145.7 M H z were recorded at the Middle Atlantic N M R facility supported by U S P H S Grant RR542 at the University of Pennsylvania.

of double bonds. Calculated f r o m the value observed for .V = I . Averageof31Pshiftsduetothea-flbrldge'800nru-3iP References and Notes a n d p - 3 1 Pa n d to the 6-7bridge lXOon p - 3 1 P . Cohn. M.; Hu, A. Proc. Nafl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1978, 75, 200-203. Lutz. 0.; Nolle, A . ; Staschewski. D. Z. Naturforsch. A 1978, 33, 380382. surprising, however, that even a t 235 MHz where the Van Etten, R. L.; Risley, J. Proc. Nafl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1978, 4784bridge l8Oand nonbridge I8O species on p - P of ATPP,y-180h 4787. Cohn, M.; Drysdale, G. J. Biol. Chsm. 1955, 276, 831-846. are well resolved (see Figure 3), the spectrum of the y-P(I8O4) The following abbreviations are used: PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate; TEA, gave no indication of any nonequivalence of the shifts due to triethylamine; PEI, polyethylenimine; Hepes. 4-[2-hydroxyethyl)-l-piperthe nonbridge l X Oas compared to the P-y bridge lXO.A azineethanesulfonic acid. Mokrosch, L. C . ; Caravaca, J.; Grisolia, S. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1960, l80?, simple five-line pattern corresponding to l 8 0 o , 1801, 37, 442-447. lXO3,and " 0 4 was observed for each of the two regions of the Metzenberg, R. L.; Marshall, M.; Cohen. P. P.;Miller, W. G. J. BiOl. Chem. 1959, 234, 1534-1537. y - P doublet of the 63% I8Osample at 235 MHz. T h e equivaBrown, F. F.; Campbell, I. D.; Henson. R.: Hurst, C. W. J.; Richards. R . E. lence within experimental error of the chemical shift of the Eur. J. Biochem. 1973, 38, 54-58. Webb, M. R.; McDonald, G. G.; Trentham, D. R. J. Biol. Chem. 1978, 253, bridge and nonbridge oxygens on the y-phosphate of ATP and 2908-291 1. the nonequivalence for the P-phosphate of ATP may be related Bock, J. L.: Cohn, M. J. Bioi. Chem. 1978, 253, 4082-4085. to the axial symmetry in the chemical-shift tensors of the diLowe, G . ; Sproat, B. S . J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 7 1979, 16221630. anionic forms of mononucleotides and the axial asqmmetrq for Jordan. F.; Patrick, J. A.; Salamone, S., Jr. J. Biol. Chem. 1979, 254, the anionic form of diesters.I4 Since the chemical-shift tensor 2384-2386 of the acid form of mononucleotides is no longer axially symJarvest R L Lowe G J Chem S O C , Chem Commun 1979, 364366 metric, it would be of interest to examine ATP lXO4in the acid Terao, T Matsui S Akasi, K J Am Chem SOC 1977, 99, 6136form. 6138 number


Nucleoside Complexing. A Raman and 13CN M R Spectroscopic Study of the Binding of Hard and Soft Metal Species Luigi G . Marzilli,* Baltazar de Castro, John P. Caradonna, Robert Charles Stewart, and C. P. Van Vuuren Contribution f r o m the Department of'C'heniistrj.. The Johns Hopkins L:nirersitj, Baltimore, Maryland 21218. Receirrd March 16, 1979

Abstract: T h e influence o f a u i d e variety of metal salts a n d complexcs on the R a n l a n and I ' C \ M R spectra of three o f thc four c o m m o n nucleosides (uridine, adenosine, and cytidine) in M e r S O has been determined. ScLcral related molecules also htudied included deoxycytidine, 5-methyldeoxycytidine, 8-bromoadenosine. 6-dimethylaminopurine-9-riboside. a n d .VJ..VJ-dimethq Ia m i n o - ] -methylcytosine. Inorganic species utilized included cis- [ P t ( Me2SO):C12]. HgCI:.Zn(\03)2, C d ( Y O 3 ) 2 , Pb(N03):. Pb(C104h PbC12, Mg(N03)2, C a ( N 0 3 ) ~S r ( N 0 4 2 . B a ( N 0 3 ) 2 . BaCI:. La(KO3)l. Pr(\O3)3. L U ( N 0 3 ) 3 . LU(CIOJ)?, G L I ( N O ~LiCIO4, )~, N E t J C I , and N E t 4 h 0 3 . 'The I3C h M R shift dependcncieh on nictiil concentration were used to c;iIcuI;itc f o r m a t i o n constants for selected purine and p y r i m i d i n e derivatives. Constants obtaincd \ + i t h tigC12 agreed w e l l u i t h literature v;iIues. Hovdever, o u r studies suggest t h a t alkaline earth m e t a l ions have ii lower a f f i n i t y for nucleosides t h a n t h a t suggested previouslq. Of the c o m m o n nucleosides. cytidine has the greatest affinit! for ;ilkalinc c,irth mctal ions and these nppcar to b i n d to 0 - 2 . R a n i a n and I3C N i M R studies w i t h N 4 , N 4 - d i m e t h y l a m i n o - I-methqlcytosinc arc presented \\ h i c h support the 0 - 2 b i n d i n g mode. T h e only electrophile capable of interacting w i t h N-3 of this p q r i m i d i n c i h the H + ion. Conclusions d r a u n about b i n d i n g sites to other nucleosides are i n agreement w i t h previous studie5. A \ u m m a r q kiblc specifking the importancc of anion and cation b i n d i n g to the four common nucleosides is included. This s u i i i m a r ) providch ;I riitioniilc for ;ill oi'thc literature obscrvations a n d should help to m i n i m i z e the confusion currently surrounding the n'iturc oi' the iiitcractlons ot'inorganic hpccics u i t h nucleosides in Me?SO.

Introduction Growing recognition of the importance of metal ion interactions with nucleic acids and nucleotides has stimulated an 000~-7863/80/l502-0916901. 0 0 / 0

explosive growth i n the number of studies devoted to understanding the chemistry of the complexes formed. This interest has Icd to at least seven recent reviews of this topic.' The great promise of platinum( I I ) metalloantineoplastic


'c' 19x0 A t n c r i c a n C h c m i c a l Socict)




1 Bitiditig c?f


Htrrd a t i d Sojt >MotrilSpecies

agentsh." and the relatively high stability of complexes formed bq Hg( I I ) and Cu( I I ) species',"' has resulted in considerable knowledge about the binding characteristics of these three metal systems. Comparative information on the binding of other metal species. in addition to having value in its own right, could provide further insight, say, into the reason for the effectiveness of certain platinum( I I ) antitumor agents, which ;ire generally believed to function by binding to nucleic acids in the tumor cells." Comparative information on binding may bc of value in understanding the relationship between mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of some but not other metal species.' I The origin of such effects is believed to be associated with binding of the metals t o the nucleic acid template. Another area of interest and one in which there is still considerablc confusion involves the binding of biologically relevant alkali :ind alkaline earth metal ions to nucleic acid species. It is still unclear whether or not magnesium in MgATP is bound to thc heterocyclic purine base.' I f such an interaction exists, it must be relatively weak. It is difficult to observe metal binding to the heterocyclic base in nucleotide complexes, since phosphate-to-Mg bonding dominates the interaction. Complexes between alkaline earth metal species and nucleosides, which lack any phosphate groups, are expected to be weak, but the probability of observing an interaction with the heterocyclic base is increased. In Me'SO, the prospects of obtaining metal ion-nucleoside binding are enhanced because high concentrations of metal salt and nucleoside can be achieved. A n additional advantage of this solvent is that amino and hydroxyl proton IH N M R resonances can be observed. There are several reports in the literature that salts of alkali and alkaline earth ions alter the ' H We demonstrated and I3C 1\; MR spectra of nucleosides." that the characteristic downfield shifts of ' H N M R signals which accompany the addition of halide salts to the solutions of guanosine in Me2SO can be wholly or partly the consequence of hydrogen-bonding interactions between the halide ion and the nucleoside.'" This effect, which has now been generally accepted,l3,lSis an indirect consequence of the weak solvation of the anions by Me2SO. We also demonstrated that LI nucleoside can interact simultaneously with a metal center and an anion in this solvent." I n the case of guanosine, we suggested that alkaline earth cations do not bind to the base. (Our conclusions were later incorrectly generalized to encompass a11 metal ions and all nucleosides.13) The anion and cation can also form a complex which itself may interact with the nucleoside.lx Finally, the ribose sugar can interact with both the cation and Although I\i MR has been the only method of studying these interactions in ,Me$SO, several nuclei have been examined (IH, I IC, "CI, 'Li), and both shift and relaxation measurements have been made." These studies have also encompassed a variety of both paramagnetic and diamagnetic metal centers. Recently, we began to examine such interactions with Raman spectroscopy and Raman difference spectroscopy as well as with lanthanide shift reagents.'() Our investigations have been aimed at clarifying the literature which contains confusing conclusions based on observations on the effects of salts of hydrogen-bonding anions. We have used instead, where possible, nitrate salts. The application of Raman spectroscopy and Raman difI'erence spectroscopy for the study of metal ion-nucleoside interactions in aqueous systems has been mainly developed by Tobias and his co-workers.'3 Raman spectroscopy has the advantage that environmental effects are relatively unimport a n t . A distinct change in the Raman spectrum of a nucleoside on addition of a metal salt is a clear indication of complex formation. I n contrast, the addition of salts to solutions of l i gands can indirectly cause changes in N M R parameters by alteration of the solvent properties, such as viscosity.Ix The

molarity of Me$O is in the range of -6 M and conceivably I M concentration of salt (a concentration not infrequently employed in the literature) could coordinate all the solvent molecules. I n iiddition to examining the question of whether or not complexes are formed at all, we are also concerned with defining metal binding sites and gaining some insight into the relative stability of the complexes which are formed. As will be seen. methods which have been used for obtaining formation , 1 ~ , fre~~,~~ constants from N M R m e a s u r e m e n t s ' 2 . 1 ) , 1 ~ have quently been incorrectly applied. This paper describes our work on three of the common nucleosides (cytidine, adenosine, and uridine) and some relevant purine and pyrimidine derivatives. We will contrast the results, v, hcrc possible, with work in progress on guanosine.


Experimental Section Materials. The following were from Fisher: La(?.0,)3.6H20. HgCl2, Pb(S03)2, Ba(N03)2, Cd(N03)>.4HzO, and Cr(N03)3. 9H20. The following were J. T. Baker chemicals: PbC12, AgNO3. and Mg(\03)2.6H20. Alfa supplied Pb(C104)2.3H,O. NaOCH3. Lu(C104)3.6HzO, and Pr(h03)3.SH20. Nucleosides and 2,4-dichloropyrimidine were from Sigma. The following were from Merck: Z n ( N 0 3 ) ? - 3 H 2 0 . Sr(N03)2, and B a ( N 0 3 ) 2 , The Ga(N03)7.9H20 w a s from K & K , the LiCI04 from G . Frederick Smith. and the Me2SO-dh (99.5 atom Gic D) from Aldrich. The Lu(NO3)3-5H20 was from R O C / R I C and the tetraethqlammonium salts were from Eaatman. \blR Studies. The ' j C UMR spectra were obtained on a Varian C'1.T-20spectrometer operating a t 20 M H z (1.8682 T) in the Fourier tr;in\form modc at a temperature of 32 "C and using an 8-nini probe. Llc?SO-tli, containing MeJSi as an internal standard was used as the \ol\.cnt and provided the internal deuterium lock. Tqpicallj ;I total of 2 0 0 0 3000 transients were acquired in 8K of memory u i n g a pulse \+ idlh ol' I0 ps (corresponding to a flip angle of 50-60°), a pulse delaq 01' 2 \. ,ind broad band proton decoupling. The 4000-Hz spectral nidth i i d rc\ulth in a n acquisition time of 1.023 s and in a digital resolution no bctter than 0.97 H7. -0.05 ppm. The chemical shifts reported are reproducible to f0.04ppiii.'" For high concentrations of lanthanide ions, as man! as 10 000 transients were needed to achieve good signal to noije. Thc ' H h MR spectra were recorded in the C u ' mode using either a J E O L M H 100 (32 "C) or a Varian H A 100 (28 "C) instrunient. Solutions and references were as above. Raman Studies. All Raman spectra were obtained on a Spex Industries Ramalog 5 spectrophotometer (Model I401/ I401 8 double grating monochromator. I800 gratings/mm) containing an RCA C3 l034A photomultiplier for photon counting. The laser sqsteni consisted of a Spectra-Physics Model 165-8 argon ion laser. and thc 5 145-A excitation v.aa employed here. The spectronieter w a s externally driven by means of a progrnmmed LAB-I 180 system which contains a hicolet I180 data processor with 16K o f memory, a n ASR-33 Teletype. and a Dexter12 monitor used for storage of required spectra. A Pace Electronics Variplotter Model 1100-D was used to obtain a hard copq of the displaj. The samples (0.2 M ) were prepared bq dissolving in Mc2SO-d(,the desired quantities of nucleic acid derivatives. metal nitrates, and anhqdrous sodium perchlorate. The latter (0. I M ) has a strong band at 933 cm-l which was used as a n internal intensity standard and reference. Some of the solution (-50 pL) was introduced into capillary cells ( I .5-2.0 X 90 mni) which were sealed and mounted hori7ontallq i n the cell compartment. The intensity of the -595-cni-' peak of the Me2SO-dh was maximi7ed for each sample. All spectra were recorded using 400-mU' laser po\+er with a time constant of 0.1 s. The slit width was set at 244 fim. giving a resolution of-2.25 cm-I. The Raman spectra were recorded Hith u scan speed of 2 cm-I/s for typical scans of 800 cni-I. Thus. thc eight scans for each sample required 65-70 min. The displayed area of each rpeclrum wiis allocated 2048 atorage pointh and was subjected to ;I ninc-point least-square5 smooth. Thc difference spectra were then obtained bq performing the following scries of subtractions: [(base

+ metal) - ( b a ~ c )-]

letal tal)

- (solvent)]


Journal of the Anierican Chemical Society

Equilibrium Calculations. The analqsis of metal ion--ligand equilibrium isgreatly simplified by the assumption t h a t a l:l complex 1ML is formed to the cxclusion of all other coiiiplexch. Then the equilibrium constant K can be expressed a s

ML (MC, - M L ) ( L " - M L ) where M" and LOare the initial concentration5 of nietal ion and ligand. respectively. and M L is the concentration of the complex. The observation of on11 single rcwnanccs i n the " L I R spectra indicates rapid exchange between free and complexed ligand. and the chemical shift for the ligand, thus bq L ML d=6 L + -dLlL (1) L+ML L+ML where 6,.and 6~1. are the chemical shifts of free and coniplexed ligand. respectivelq. and L is t h e concentration of free ligand. Defining t h e incremental chemical shift. A6,a5 the difference between the chemical shift of free ligand and the observed shift. and the incremental limiting shift for total complex, An,, the difference between the shifts of free and complexed ligand. we c a n rewrite ( I ) a s ML A6 = -A,,,,, (2) LO The equiiibrium constant can now be given bq K=


K =

and solving for

Ad =



A6 u e obtain

+ Lo + K-1)

- j ( M o + Lo + K - I ) ? - 4LoMo 2 L"


(4) This equation can be solved iteratively for the values of K and A,,,,, that give the best agreement between the observed and calculatcd shifts, in the sense t h a t the) niiniinize t h e error square L ' ( K , Am,n) =

I( A d ' o b ,

- Ad'


The assumed stoichiometry was further verified" using a Scatchard equation of the form

v _ - I? _ _ v_






where V = M L / M o and n = number of ligands bound. In the I : 1 case. V = (L"/M")A6/An,;,, and ; / L O = A6/(A,,,,, - A6)Mo and a plot of U/L vs. ;gave a straight line ofy intercept approximately equal to the reciprocal of the slope. both of which are equal to K . These calculations wcrc performed with locally written programs on a Dec-I0 comp u t er . Preparations. 2,4-Dimethoxypyrimidine. The preparation of 2,4dimethoxypqrimidine was carried out, with slight modifications, using tlic procedure of Hilbert and Johnson.?8 A solution of 30 g of 2,4dichloropyrimidine dissolved in I50 mL of absolute C H i O H was cautiously added to ii bolution of 25 g of sodium niethoxide dissolved in I50 m L of absolute C H 3 0 H . The vigorous reaction was sufficient to raise the temperature of the solution to its boiling point. The reaction was conipleted after 10- I5 min and the product wa5 obtained in 80% yield as described.2xThe ' H N M R spectrum of the product is as follows (ppm: intensities in parentheses): OCH3. 3.96 (6): H-5.6.55, J = 7 H z ( I ) ; H-6, 8.35 ( I ) . l-.Methyl-4-methoxy-2-oxypyrimidine. This product was prepared as described2* in essentially quantitative yield. mp 150 "C. H N VR: N ( ] ) C H I . 3.28 (3); OCH3, 3.74 (3); H-5, 5.85. J = 7 H z ( I ) : H-6, 7.85 ( I ) . N4,,VJ-Dimethyl-l-methylcytosine. I-Methyl-4-methoxy-2-oxSpqrimidinc (-2 g) was dissolved in 100 mL of a methanolic solution s,ituratcd with anhydrous din1eth)larnine in a bottle. The bottle w a s acalcd tight11 and set aside for 4.5 days at -32 " C . The excess of solvent was then evaporated under diminished pressure. leaving behind ;I wliitc solid. The crude product as dissolved i n C H i O H and the solution taken to dryness on 21 rotarq evaporator. The process wab rcpcated several times to remove all the unchanged dimethylamine. T h e product was collected in quantitative Sield and air dried. I H



January 30, 1980

h C 1 R : U(4)(CH3),, 3.04 ( 6 ) : N ( I ) C H j , 3.28 ( 3 ) ; H-5. 5.85, J = 7 t i 7 ( I ) : H-6. 7.57 ( I ) . Anal. Calcd for C:H1 l N 3 0 : C, 54.90; H, 7.19. Found: C. 55.27; H. 7.10. .VJ,V"-Dimethyl-I-methylcytosiniumKitrate Salt. To an aqueous wlution of I U H N O ? (20 mL) was added 0.2 g of ,l.'4.,\4-dimethqll-mcthylc\tosine. The mixture was allowed to evaporate to dryness. Ic,i\ing the u hitc. cr)htalline ,I'4.,YJ-dimethyl-l -methqlcq tosinium nitr;itc salt. The product was not recrqstalli7ed. Anal. Calcd for C - H I ~ N J OC.~ 38.89; : H , 5.55. Found: C, 38.76; H , 5.81. ,V.',.YJ-Dimethyl-I-methplcytosinium H y d r o c h l o r i d e Salt. \J..\'l-Dimethyl-l-meth~lcqtosine (0.2 g j was added to an aqueous solution (20 mL) of 3 N HCI. The mixture was allowed to evaporate to dryness, leaving t h e crystalline :V4,)V4-dimethyl- I -methylcytosini u n i hjdrochloride salt. The product h a 5 not recrystallized. Anal. Calcd for C:HI.h30CI: C. 44.57: H , 6.37. Found: C. 44.91: H. 6.55. cis-lDichlorobis(dimethy1 sulfoxide)platinum(II)j. This derivative prepared as described in the literatureZyand was kindly provided bh Mr. K . Wilkowski.

Results The interactions of nucleosides with metal salts in MezSO have varying degrees of complexity. The Results section will be divided into four subsections. The first three subsections deal with each of the three nucleosides (Figure I ) and include in some cases derivatives of each nucleoside. The three sections will be ordered i n terms of increasing complexity of binding, ending with cytidine, which has the most versatile binding modes. This section is followed by a fourth section of N3,NJ-dimethyl- 1 -methylcytosine, a molecule which has proved to be useful in clarifying the conclusions we have drawn concerning the site of metal binding to the cytosine base of cytidine. The metal species we have studied can be divided into three cI;isses. First, and most controversial, are hard metal species such as the alkaline earth ions. We find (see subsection on cytidine) that all the alkaline earth ions have similar effects but that Ba'+ salts have the greatest effects. Therefore, we have generally employed Ba(N03)2 in our studies. W e have also found (see subsection on cytidine) that the effects of Ba(N03)2 and La(NO3)I on the 13CN M R spectrum of cytidine are very similar and that the lanthanides are reasonable probes of the effect of alkaline earth ions in our system. Second, we have examined the effects of HgC12. There is general agreement I3.l3.20.24.?0 that HgCl2 binds strongly to endocyclic ring nitrogens of nucleosides in MerSO solution. Our studies with this metal species were mainly aimed at establishing the degree of perturbation of I3C N M R and Raman spectra expected from metal binding in Me2SO. Finally, we examined Zn(NOjj2 and Pb(NO3),. The Zn'+ ion has a known affinity for endocyclic nitrogen',* but otherwise is "harder" than HgCl2 and thus serves as a bridge to facilitate comparison between the hard and soft metal species we have studied. Uridine. I n MerSO, uridine has the simplest behavior of all the nucleosides examined in this study. The ribose portion of this molecule, as in all ribonucleosides, interacts with LiCl and it has been suggested that both Li+ and CI- interact with the ribose hydroxyl group simultaneously.'xAnion effects will be considered in the Discussion section. Our I3C N M R studies with uridine (see supplementary tables) clearly show that the hard metal species such as Pb(N03)2 and Ba(N0j). do not cause appreciable shifts, with a maximum shift of 0. I7 ppm in C-6 when Ba(N0,)2 (0.5 M) is added to uridine (0.2 M). In agreement with this finding, La(hO3)3 (0.5 M) causes I3C N M R shifts of at most 0.2 ppm when added to uridine (0.2 M). These shifts are very likely only environmental effects since the identical experiment with the paramagnetic species Pr(N03)3 (0.5 M ) leads to a maximum shift of only -0.25 ppm. Similarly, Lippard and his co-workers3()found that HgC12 (2.0 M) causes maximum shifts of -0.3 ppm in uridine (0.5

Marzilli et ai. / Binding of H a r d and Soft Metal Species Table I . C o i i i n ” e


Incremental Shifts o f t h e “C N M R Resonances of Cytidine (0.2 M ) on Addition of Various Salts”












0.2 0.7 0.S 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.2

6.49 0.56 0.74 1.05 6.50 2.09 1.58 1.36 1.32 2.49 0.63 2.35

8.02 - I .09 -0.87 0.7 I 8.06 10.07 -1.16 0.24 -0.22 2.88 0.99 3.47

-3.01 -0. I O -0.07 -0.44 -2.91 0.69 -0.27 -0.74 -0.85 -0.96 -0.69 0.09

0.06 -0.76 -0.97 -0.55 0.04 - I .43 -1.80 -1.39 -2.03 -1.77 -0.77 0.03

-0.25 0.36 0.43 0.19 -0.21 1.10 0.43 0.14 -0.25 -0.72 -0.35 -0.77

-0.67 -0.24 -0.33 -0.24 -0.57 -0.13 -0.48 -0.59 -0.73 -0.59 -0.46 -0.26

-0.15 -0.09 0.03 -0.02 -0. io 0.37 -0.04 0.03 0.0 I -0.0 I -0.08 0.0 1

0.56 -0.08 -0.16 0.00 0.62 0.06 -0.05 -0.12 -0.13 0.3 1 0.00 0.5 1

0.69 0.02 -0.09 0.05 0.68 0.01 0.06 -0.03 0.03 0.42 0.24 0.50

(‘ In MczSO-dh; negative shifts downfield















Figure 2. Ranian difference spectra for adenosine (0.7 M ) in \lc?SO-d6 i n t h e presence of the inorganic species (0.7 M ) indicated.

6 Guanosine


four common nucleosides when S = ribose. Circled numbers indicate binding sites along the directions of highest electron densit) (adapted from ref 38). Figure 1. The

M ) and we have confirmed this finding. Also, Zn(NO3)l (0.7 M) causes shifts of at most -0.2 ppm. Complete I3C N M R data will be found in the supplementary material. I n support of the conclusions drawn from the I3C N M R studies, there are no detectable perturbations in the Raman spectrum of uridine (0.2 M) in the 900-1 700-cm-’ region on addition of 0.7 M HgC12, Zn(N03)2, or Ba(N03)2. The Raman difference spectra obtained are essentially featureless except i n spectral regions where strong solvent bands are present. The Raman bands in the 9 0 0 - 1 8 0 0 - ~ m - ~region for all the nucleosides do not arise from the ribose group but are attributable to the heterocyclic base.3’ Specific assignments of these bands to specific vibrational modes in the bases have been only tentatively made.3’ Adenosine. This nucleoside is similar to uridine in not interacting with hard metal ions. For a 0.2 M solution of nucleoside, Ba(N03)2 (0.7 M ) causes a I3CN M R shift of only 0.1 5 ppm (for (2-8). Likewise, La(N03)3 (0.5 M ) causes a maximal shift of only 0.17 ppm (for C-1’) and Pr(NO3)I (0.5 M ) has its greatest influence on the resonances for C-8 and C-4’, which shift only 0.2 ppm,

The metal salts HgCl2 and Zn(NO3)l cause appreciable shifts in the I3C N M R spectrum of this nucleoside. For a 0.2 M adenosine solution, HgCll (0.7 M ) causes a 1.20-ppm shift in the C-6 resonance (in good agreement with a previous study30), and Zn(NO3)z (0.7 M ) causes a 1.27-ppm shift in the C-5 resonance and a 1.03-ppm shift in the C-8 resonance. These changes in the I3C N M R spectra are accompanied by large changes in the Raman spectrum in the 1300- 1600-cm-’ region (Figure 2). The difference spectra for the HgCI? and the Zn(NO3)z solutions are given here primarily for comparison with the difference spectrum for the Ba(N03)2 solution. There is no controversy about the binding of Z n ( N 0 3 ) 2 and HgC12 to both N-1 and N-7. The Raman difference spectra are reminiscent of similar spectra taken for aqueous solutions where the major differences are in the same spectral region.32 The dissimilar difference spectra for HgC12 and Zn(N03): solutions may be a consequence of a different mix of N - I - , N-7-, and N - I - N-7-bonded complexes. In support of this difference, the shift of C-2 moves upfield (0.36 ppm) on addition of HgCl2 but downfield (0.47 ppm) on addition of Zn(NO3)z. The complex cis-[Pt(DMSO)lCI?] induces a large downfield shift of the C-2 resonance ( I .55 ppm) when added in an equimolar amount (0.2 M). The dependence of the “ C K M R shifts on HgC12 concentration (supplementary material) leads to a formation constant of -I M-I, Table 1. This value agrees well with that obtained using ‘ H N M R data.” Cytidine. This nucleoside exhibits the most complex behavior of all the common nucleosides. A preliminary communication on our studies with cytidine has appeared.>O Complete 13C


Journal of the American Cheniical S0ciet.y / 102:3



January 30, 1980




1300 Cm-I

k'igure 3. Ranian difference spectra l'or cqtidine (0.7 \I) i n MelSO-db i n prcxncc o f the inorganic specich (0.7 "\.I) indicated.





Figure 4. Ranian difference spectra for cytidine (0.7 M ) in MclSO-dh in the presence of several different inorganic species. all 0.7 M except BaClz,

N M R spectral data on this nucleoside can be found in the supplementary material. We previously concluded that the site of attachment of metal species to this nucleoside depended on the nature of the metal ion: hard metal ions bind to 0 - 2 , soft metal species and H + bind to N-3, and zinc ion binds to both N-3 and 0 - 2 . In I3C N M R , the characteristic change which signals the binding mode is the direction of shift of the C-2 resonance: upfield shifts signify strong h - 3 binding and downfield shifts signify stronger interaction with 0 - 2 , Table

I. Cytidine is thus the only nucleoside for which there is clear cvidencc for the binding of alkaline earth metal ions. These iiiet;ll ions bind to 0 - 2 . The cytosine base also interacts with Li+ or LiCI, as evidenced by 'Li line broadening.Ix However, the suggestion that this interaction involves N-3Ix is probably incorrect. The C-2 resonance of' cytidine (0.2 M) is shifted downfield by -0.5 ppm on addition of LiCIOd (1.57 M). We have briefly discussed Raman evidence for 0 - 2 vs. N-3 binding to cytosine derivatives. Raman difference spectra for the addition of several salts to cytidine are given in Figures 3 and 4. There is relatively little effect of the metal species on the C=0, C=C, and C=N double bond frequencies" about 1500- 1600 cm-I, but considerably larger perturbations occur i n the - I 200-1 300-cm-' region. The interpretation of these Raman spectral changes will be treated below. It should be noted, however, that several metal species induce Raman difference spectra similar to that produced by Ba(N03)2 (Figure 4). The changes in N M R chemical shifts which accompany the addition of labile metal species to solutions of ligands can be treated (as described in the Experimental Section and mentioned briefly in the previous subsections) to yield formation constants. W e have investigated extensively the application 01' this approach to assess the formation constants when several rnct;il species interact w>ithcytidine, Table 11. A comparison between the experimental points and the shifts predicted by theory is given in Figure 5 . The comparative results obtained for Ba(N03)l and HgC12 are considerably different from those reported by others." I n particular, our results suggest that the formation constant cytidine is substantially larger than that for I'or HgC12 Ba(N03)? cytidine. Both our Raman results (Figure 4) and our "C h MR data demonstrate that BaCI? and Ba(N03)2 have similar effects. The literature conclusion that BaCI. and

+ +

0.3 M .

Table 11. S u m m a r j of Stability Constants"


ligand cytidine' cytidine' cytidine cytidine cytidine deoxjcytidine 5-niethyldeoxycytidine cytidine c) tidine cytidine cytidine cytidine cytidine DMC DMC I-methylcytosine guanosine3' I -methylguanosine" adenosine


0.10 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.20

HgClz HgClz HgCI? HgClz HgC12 HgCI2 HgCI.

0.10 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.20

Ba(NO3)l Ba(SO3).

Zfl(N03): Pb(N0?)2 Pb(C104)2 PbCl2 HgCll Pb(NOj)? Pb(hO?)? HgC12 HgCll HgCll

K . M-' 21 f 2 22f I 22&8 23flO 1817 224~14 21 f 12

K , h M-'

20f2 2156 19f4 19f6 18f3

2.2 f 0.1 2.1 f 0.2 2.8 f 0.6 10 f 2 8 f2 1.2 f 0 , l I .3 f 0.3 2.7 f 0.1 19 f 1 1 . 7 A 0.9 3.0 f 0.6 I .2 f 0.3

I n MezSO-d6; determined using I3C N M R except as noted. Determined by excluding deviant resonances (C-4 and C-5 in cytidine). ' H N M R results. (

HgCI. have similar affinities for cytidine is different from our findings. W e have therefore performed a competition experiment between Ba(N03)?and HgC12, and the data we obtained for three solutions of cytidine (0.2 M) each with (a) Ba(N03)? (0.7 M), (b) HgCI, (0.7 M), and (c) Ba(N03)2 (0.7 M) and HgCI? (0.7 M) are given in Table 111. As can be seen, the data for solutions (b) and (c) are similar. Since the C-2 resonance shifts in opposite directions with Ba(N03). and HgCI? we would certainly have detected Ba complexation if these species had similar affinities for cytidine. For BaCll (work in progress), we find that K 7 . 5 M-' as compared to values of 14-20 M - ' reported in the literature.I3.l5 h'l,N"Dimethyl-l-methylcytosine. Our studies with cytidine strongly suggested that 0 - 2 and not N-3 is the principal binding site for most metal species. This finding is contradic-


Marzilli et al. 'l'ahle

1 Bindirig of

Hard and Soft Metal Species

92 1

I l l . Comparison or thc Effect> of H e C I - and B a ( h O 3 ) ~on t h e "C Y M R Soectruni of Cytidine ( 0 . 2 M ) " \'III







C-2' ~~


t IfCI-. (0.7 M ) IIgCI: Ba(KOi)?


( 0 . 7 M ) (0.7




I 55.36 152.4 I

165.47 162.95

93.82 95.47

141.42 142.38

89.16 89.88

84.00 84.58

73.92 73.92

69.34 69.02

60.57 00.13

152.3 I





















h(u 01). (0.7 M )

I n Lle2SO-d,,. in parts per million doLvnfield from MejSi

+ 0.2M



1700 f,'igure 6 .













R:inian hpectra of cltidinc and cbtidinc HhO3. both 0.7 hl i n,.



METAL I O N C O N C E N T R R T I O N / M k'igure 5. The chemical

shift changes in cytidine (0.1 \I)in MelSO-dh JS l'unction of Pb(Y03): conccntr'ition. Computer-dra\rn plot and solid l i n e s indicate theoretical fit based on data in t h e supplementar> malc-



tory to most solution studies in the literature' and furthermore is also contrary to most crystal structures on metal complexes To verify our conclusions, of cytosine and its we have examined the binding of metal species to N-',N'dimethyl- 1 -methylcytosine (DMC). Molecular models of this


spccies indicate that the metal species are too large to bind to N-3 and that 0 - 2 binding will be sterically favored. We also rcasoned that the substitution of a dimethylamino group for ;in amino group would not significantly alter the electronic propcrties and binding in the six-membered heterocyclic ring. I n agreement with this conclusion, we present i n the supplemcntary material the shift values for the corresponding ring carbons in D M C and cytidine, which are comparable. A characteristic phenomenon which we have used for cytidine in MezSO and others'),'-' have used for cytidine in aqueous solution is that the direction of ' ) C chemical shifts for binding of electrophiles to a given ring site is the same regardless of the identity of the electrophile. Thus, HgClz and



1200 cm-1

I-igure 7. it\

Raman \pcctra of .\\,.\\-dimeth!lamino- I-nieth!lcyto\ine and HCI salt. both 0.2 L1 in Me?SO-d6.

H + induce similar patterns of chemical-shift differences. These electrophiles also cause roughly similar patterns of change in the Raman spectrum of cytidine. The Raman spectrum of [cytidineH]N03 in Me2SO-d6 (Figure 6) is similar to that found when HgCll is added to cytidine in this solvent. Our rcccnt report'O elucidating the "C N M R and Raman spectral changes attributable to 0 - 2 binding of electrophiles represcnted the first examples of a deviation from this pattern. The changes induced in the I3C N M R spectrum of DMC by tl+are quite different from those induced in DMC by all other electrophiles studied thus far (Table IV). I n particular, the C-2 resonance is shifted upfield by H + as it is shifted by H + in cytidine. However, when HgCI? is added to DMC. the C-2 resonance is shifted downfield and the complex formed is relatively unstable (Table 11). Recall that HgClz shifts the C-2 resonance of cytidine upfield in MelSO. All metal salts examined also shift the C-2 resonance of DMC downfield (Table IV). In the same manner, the Raman spectral changes which accompany the addition of a H + to D M C (Figure 7 ) are quite


Joirrnul of the Anwricun Chemical Societj,

/ 102:3 / Junuarj. 30, 1980

Table IL’. Comparative Incremental Shifts of the I7C \ M R Resonances ol‘,\J..\’l-Dimeth~l-I-n~eth~lc~tosine (0.2 M ) on Addition of V ;I r i o u s Sa It I‘ salt


CH 1






0.2 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.2

6.36 6.36 -0.56 -0.59 -0.48 -8.5 - I .42 -1.13 - I .30 -0.45 -0.85 0.06

6.76 6.89 0.3 I 0.23 0.16 0.66 0.99 0.47 0.5 I 1.17 0.74 0.1 I

-1.53 - I .52 -0.61 -0.99 -0.92 - 1.39 - I .s5 - I ,53 -1.61 - 1.34 -I .83 0.03

- I .97

0. I 5

- I .87

o.l5 0.00 -0,I3 -0.14

-0.03 -0.03 -0.09 -0.38 -0.01 -0. I 4 -0. I 2 -0. I0 -0.14 0.02

2 2

-0.03 -0. I7 -0.25 -0. I9 -0.47 -0.02

-0.40 -0.83 -0.32 -0.67 -0.84 0.02

I n Me?SO-rl(,: negative shifts donnficld.





Figure 8 . K a m a n spectrum of .\“,.VJ-dimeth) Inmino- I -mcth! IC)toaine ( 0 . 2 M ) in b 1 ~ 2 S O - di n~the abscncc of m e t a l halts and in the presence of 1111: n i c u l j a l t a indicated (0.7 M).

different from the changes which accompany the addition of bulkier electrophiles, namely, metal species (Figure 8). T h e Raman difference spectra are therefore characteristically different for H + and other electrophiles (Figure 9). The new bands at -1450 cm-’ i n the Raman spectrum of D M C may be due to W C H 3 vibrational modes.?’ In the pioneering work on the use of Raman spectroscopy to study metal-nucleoside interactions?’ Lord and Thomas examined the mercuration and protonation of cytidine in H 1 0 . The shift to higher frequency of the total intensity i n the double-bond region ( 1500- 1800 cm-l) and the corresponding shift to lower frequency of the intensity in the single-bond region ( 1 200- 1300 cm-I) were interpreted as the “fixing” of the single and double bonds of the ring by protonation or mercuration. In the present study, the same direction of frequency shifts is observed in Me2SO for mercuration and protonation of cytidine. However, the salts of hard metal ions caused the opposite pattern of shifts, particularly in the single-bond region. Protonation of DMC is accompanied by intensity shifts which are in the same direction as found for protonation of cytidine. However, with all metal salts investigated, the intensity shifts for D M C follow the pattern opposite to that found for protonation and mercuration of cytidine and protonation of DMC. These changes for D M C are quite pronounced (Figure 8) and follow the pattern observed with cytidine salts of hard metal ions. Addition of an electrophile a t 0 - 2 apparently tends to “ u n f i x ” the double and single bonds of the cytosine ring. Stability constants for D M C for two metal salts are presented in Table I I . T o allow$a comparison to sterically less





Figure 9.Comp,lrison of Raman difference spectra for D M C (0.2 h l ) and l ) \ I C t + C l (0.2 \I)nith thedifference spectrn for DClC (0.2 M ) in the prchcncc of the s a l t h indicated (0.7 M ) . all spectra for Me?SO-dh solution\.

hindered systems, the interaction of Pb(Y03)2 with I -methylcytosine was also examined.

Discussion At present. the degree of interaction of the anions with metal ions in Me2SO is generally not known. W e are currently engaged in the study of this phenomenon as well as in a study of anion interactions with nucleosides. It was the aim of this study to avoid, where possible, the use of chloride salts since this anion is known to interact with nucleosides. Nevertheless, we shall refer to a few selected studies with chloride salts.” The use of HgC12 could not be avoided since Hg(N03)2 (or H g ( 0 A c ) l ) organomercurates some of the nucleosides. However. we feel that there is probably very little dissociation of CI- from HgCIl. The site of interaction of CI- with cytidine is a t the N H ? / C ( 5 ) H site. W e have found that CI- does not interact as strongly at this site with 5-methyldeo~ycytidine.~’ The similarity in K for the HgCll complex of these nucleosides (Table 11) suggests that the interaction of CI- with the nucleosides is not a problem. The order of stability and values of K reported previously for HgCI2 using ‘ H N M R and the least-squares procedure” are in excellent agreement with our results with “C N M R . The graphical estimation of K”,” appears to give values which are too high but the stabilitj order, namely, cytidine > guanosine” > adenosine > uridine. is found in all cases. This same order is found in H 2 0 for the affinity of CH3HgOH and H g ( O H ) l

Marzilli et al.


toward available endocyclic nitrogens in cytidine, guanosine, and ade nos i ne. The reported' K 3.5 M-' for ZnC12 cytidine, using I H N M R , agrees well with our values of K = 2.8 M - ) for Zn(NO3)l (Table 11) and K = 3.0 M-' for ZnC12.37The literature values13,1i of K for BaCI? cytidine of -14-20 M-' are higher than our value for Ba(NO3)r (-2.2 M-I) and BaC12 (-7.5 M-I).j7 The higher value of K for BaClr than for Ba(N03)2 may result from anion binding to either the metal or the nucleoside; this problem is a subject of current investigation. Our results with PbCll (Table 11) demonstrate some of the problems which may arise when chloride salts are employed. W e find that PbC12 appears to form a much weaker complex with cytidine than does either Pb(N03)2 or Pb(C104)2. (Both of these salts give similar K values.) The binding shifts, A,,,,, obtained with PbC12 are similar to those obtained with Pb salts of the oxy anions. This result suggests that most of the PbC12 does not dissociate. Accordingly, PbCll does not produce the characteristically large downfield shifts we19 and others) 3 , ' f ~ , 1 have x reported with chloride salts.37Uncoordinated chloride ion would interact with N ( I ) H and NH2 of guanosine." A comparison of K values for cytidine and DMC is instructive. Since HgCl2 is forced to bind to 0 - 2 in D M C , it is not surprising that the formation constant for D M C is considerably lower than that for cytidine, where binding is at N-3. Howflever, the K value for Pb(NO3)z is also lower for D M C than for 1 -methylcytosine and cytidine even though binding is at 0 - 2 in all cases. W e believe that the dimethylamino group probably causes some steric hindrance to binding of 0 - 2 i n DMC. Steric hindrance could force the metal to bind at an alternate site on the 0 - 2 , such as site 4 in Figure 1. Such a change in binding site could explain the reversal of the direction of the Pr(i%O3)3 paramagnetic shift of C-2 in D M C as compared to the shift for other cytosine derivatives, Table V . W e are currently exploring this matter further with other parati1ag n e t i c I ant ha n i d e ions. For D M C , the order of stability is Pb(N03)2 > HgC12 > Pt(DMSO)?CIl and the latter does not form a detectable complex. For cytidine, the stability order for various metal species appears to be Pt(Me?SO)?C12 > H g C l l > Pb(N03): Pb(CIOJ)2 > BaCI? > Zn(NO3)l ZnCl? I Ba(N03)2 L a ( N 0 3 ) j . For adenosine the order appears to be Pt(Me$S0)2CI? > HgCll > Zn(N03)r. With adenosine, I3C N M R shifts were inadequate for an assessment of K with hard nietal species, and for uridine this was true for all metal species. For salts of hard metal ions, the small 13C N M R shifts for uridine and adenosine and the small residual Raman difference spectra for adenosine are caused by either solvent changes or by weak metal binding. The paramagnetic lanthanide salts should have produced much larger shifts if the metals were directly bound. One potential cause of the minor spectral changes could be ;I slight amount of base protonation. I n some cases, hydrated salts were used. Also, the metal ion could possibly bind to the sugar, leading to deprotonation of the hydroxyl group and protonation of a base site. For adenosine, we observed similar effects for L a ( N 0 3 ) j and the more acidic Lu(N03)l. The species C r ( H ? 0 ) 6 j + did not have a significant effect on the "C N M R spectrum of adenosine. I n contrast, C I - ( H ~ O ) (along ~ ~ + with Lu(C104)3 and G a ( N 0 3 ) 3 ) had a significant influence on the spectrum of cytidine. In addition, the effects of La(N03)3 and Lu(N03), were considerably different. These changes in the cytidine spectrum were consistent with protonation at N-3 and suggest that cytidine is more basic in Me2SO than the other nucleosides. The I3C N MR shifts of the sterically hindered nucleosides (1


Binding of Hard and S o f t Metal Species



Table \'. Comparative Incremental Shifts Obtained for Cytosine Ilcrivativcs (0.2 M in Me.SO-dh) with P r ( N 0 3 ) 3 (0.3 M)" K4,.&'4-




c-' c-4 c-5 C'-0


I -methylcytosine


10.12 2.01 -2.26 0.18

7.34 1.86 -1.34 0.37

6.74 I .56 -0.99 0.58

dimethyl-Im e t h y icytosine

-3.40 0.35 -0.69 -0.2 I

Po\iti\e values upfield

6-dimethylaminopurine-9-riboside and 8-bromoadenosine (supplementary tables) were less sensitive to lanthanide salts. Such a result is consistent with either an environmental or a bonding origin for the small shifts in adenosine. I f the small spectral changes are reflecting bonding, then the patterns of stability toward hard metal species we have observed follow the trend cytidine >> guanosine3?1 adenosine > uridine. The interaction of both hard and soft metal species with uridine is undetectable. The interactions with guanosine Lind adenosine are so weak as to be uncertain. Relaxation effcctsIx with ?Li+ also show that only cytidine definitely interacts with this cation. In studies of the binding of alkaline earth chloride salts with nucleosides, the dependence of K's calculated from ' H N M R data on the alkaline earth cation has been put forward as evidence for the interaction of the cation with all four nucleosides." l i I n this vein, the shift of the H-8 resonance of adenosine was used to evaluate the formation constant for the supposed complex formed by that nucleoside and alkaline earth metal ions.l2.ldW e find that NEt4CI induces the same types of shifts in H-8.37 However, NEtdN03 does not cause any appreciable shifts in either the sugar or the base resonances of adenosine." .4t present there is no compelling IH N M R evidence for the binding of alkaline earth metal species to the base of any common nucleoside except cytidine, where nitrate and perchlorate salts induce significant shifts. There is currently a need to investigate the interaction of chloride salts of alkaline earth metal ions with nucleosides using "C N M R and Raman spectroscopy since M - O N 0 2 species may exist. However, we find for lead that the nitrate salt has a much higher affinity for cytosine derivatives than does the chloride salt. In addition, the effect of Pb(N03)Z and the nitrate salts of other hard metal species on the 13C N M R spectrum of the nucleosides is quite comparable. It should be noted that P b ( N 0 3 ) l is among the best diamagnetic metal salts in perturbing the I3C N M R spectra of cytidine and DMC. The results thus far with salts of hard metal ions fit in well with predictions made by the Pullmans,3xwho calculated the relative energies of metal binding by an S C F L C A O a b initio procedure. These calculations suggest that N a + would bind to the bases in the order guanosine N cytidine >> uridine I adenosine. According to these calculations, exocyclic oxygens are the important binding sites, in agreement with predictions which can be based on hard and soft acid and base theory. This observed trend differs in detail from the theoretical calculations. However, we have demonstrated that other ligands in the coordination sphere of the metal center greatly influence the stability of the nucleoside complexes.39 The theoretical computations assessed the interaction of a "naked" h a + ion with the bases. Our studies" have concentrated on the binding of metal species to endocyclic nitrogens. Attachment of a metal to the exocyclic groups poses different, less severe steric problems.

Table 1'1.Sunimary 01' Interactions 01' Cations and Anion5 v.ith the I Ictcroc~clicR a x of Uucleosidcs in M e 6 O " \nccic\





\lo detectable interaction. -: detectable interaction, +; w e a k or no iiitcrxtion. -/+, CI- interacts w i t h sugar hydroxyl groups. ()


Summary We believe that virtually all of the l c M R observations on metal ion-nucleoside interactions can be explained with only a few specified binding criteria. We have summarized these criteria in Table V I . The complex patterns rcported in the literature are observed only when both the cation and the anion of the added salt can bind to the heterocyclic base. The s u m mary view of these interactions i n Table VI is consistent not only with all the K M R data but also with our Raman studies and (crudely) with theoretical predictions. The present study demonstrates the utility and complementary nature of Raman and N M R spectroscopy. The contrasting behavior of DMC and cytidine represents an example in which both approaches point to the same conclusion. The results with DMC are unique in the sense that no other electrophile causes the same Raman spectral changes as does the H + ion. This finding contrasts with previous Raman spectroscopic studies on nucleic acid d e r i v a t i v e s , ~ ( l ji , ~ ~Never,~~ theless, an N ( 3 ) , 0 ( 2 ) chelate cannot be ruled out.2o An interesting question relevant to the binding of antitumor agents to nucleic acids involves the possibility that atypical donor sites may be brought into the binding picture. This could happen if, in the polymer, a weak binding site is juxtaposed to one of the available coordination sites on Pt, which is held in place by strong endocyclic nitrogen bonds. Our study with DMC is illuminating in that no c i s - [ P t ( M e , S O ) ~ C I ~and ] detectable complex is formed. Acknowledgments. This w>orkwas supported by Grant G M 20544 from the National Institutes of Health. W e wish to thank Matthey-Bishop, Inc.. for a loan of KlPtCIJ. C.P.V.V. thanks the C S l R (South Africa) for a bursary. Dr. H . Todd Miles, K l H Bethesda, provided valuable advice on the synthesis of DMC. The N M R and Raman instrumentation was obtained through grants from the N S F . Supplementary M a t e r i a l Abailable: Effects o 1 ' ~ i l t hon ' t I and I 'C L M R spectr'i ( 2 3 pages). Ordering information is given on a n y current niabthcad page.

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