NUCLIDE CORPORATION - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 22, 2012 - Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38 (2), pp 81A–81A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60234a756. Publication Date: February 1966. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu ...
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Our six-inch mass spectrometer is designed for the man who would like to get started with an inex­ pensive instrument, and then stretch his mass spec­ trometer's performance and utility as his analytical program and his budget develops. NUCLIDE'S six-inch instrument (Model 6-60) is a high-performance mass spectrometer with a resolving power of better than Μ / Δ Μ 1,000. The 6-60 can be used to analyze gases and volatile liquids or solids from mass one to above 2,000. It's a reliable, proven analyzer — more than 30 have been field-tested for


periods of up to eight years, and they have compiled an unequalled record for trouble-free operation. The 6-60 can be used to directly analyze gas chromatograph effluents or precisely measure isotope ratio differences. The 6-60 may also be used to ana­ lyze high molecular weight samples., using NUCLIDE'S direct insertion crucible, and simultaneously run any selected "calibrating gas" to make mass determina­ tions and appearance potential or sensitivity calibra­ tions.

NOW HERE COMES THE FIRST By simply trading in the six-inch, 60-degree de­ flection magnet and analyzer tube for a 12-inch, 90degree analyzer, you convert your instrument into NUCLIDE'S Model 12-90. The 12-90 offers higher reso­ lution and sensitivity simultaneously. With the 12-inch system, you will be able to cleanly separate sample constituents that require a resolving power of 3,000. Spectra can be scanned from mass one to above 3,500

NOW HERE COMES THE SECOND By interchanging a few components, such as the ion source assembly, either the 6-60 or the 12-90 can be used for basically different kinds of studies—for instance, the determination of the thermodynamic properties of materials at high temperature, or the isotope dilution determination of refractory elements, or precise isotope ratio measurements of solids or of corrosive gases (such as UFC) — always with no com­ promise in performance. Or, a "source" mass spec­ trometer (NUCLIDE'S Model 1-90) can be added to


in just a few seconds. If you still want more stretch in instrument performance, you can add an electro­ static analyzer to your mass spectrometer, in the field, and increase your instrument's resolving power to more than Μ / Δ Μ 14,000.

STRETCH either instrument to form an ideal system for ion-mole­ cule studies. In addition, NUCLIDE has compatible, photoionization, field ionization, and electron selector sources . . . the list could go on indefinitely. So you see, a mass spectrometer with a two-way stretch may be your answer to management's concern about instrument versatility and cost. Your investiga­ tion will disclose that NUCLIDE mass spectrometers are your best insurance of high performance and reliabil­ ity at reasonable prices.



SEE OUR BOOTH F 39-40 Circle No. 64 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 38, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1966 • 81 A