the University of California, Santa Barbara; and the University of Kansas. Together, those schools had 14 female chemistry faculty members, wherea...
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EDUCATION Women continue to be concentrated in the assistant and associate professor ranks. Women make up 21% of assistant profes­ sors, which is unchanged from last year but an improvement over the 18% share in 2000, the first year of the survey Women's representation among associate professors has been more consistent, settling around 20% for the past four years. By compari­ son, women currently account for 8% of full professors, up from 7% last year. The 2000 baseline was a 6% share. These num­ CORINNE A. MARASCO, C&EN WASHINGTON bers are consistent with a 2001 report from the National Research Council that shows N SOME RESPECTS, THERE IS PROGRESS faculty, Rutgers reclaims the first-place spot that, even though the average career age of in the percentage of women faculty it held in 2001:10 women, or 25% of the women is less than men, men are more like­ members in the top 50 chemistry de­ faculty Pennsylvania State University fol­ ly than women to hold tenure at any pro­ partments. That progress, however, is lows with seven women, or 23% of the fac­ fessional age. unevenly distributed. This is the ulty Next is the University of California, fourth year that C&EN has examined this Los Angeles, with 11 women who make up Mary Frank Fox, NSF Advance Pro­ topic, and as in previous years, women are 22% of the faculty. Florida State Universi­ fessor of Sociology at Georgia Institute still underrepresented among the full pro­ ty moves into fourth place with 20%, or six of Technology, advises that the data fessor ranks, despite slow and steady over­ women. Tied for fifth place are Massa­ should be considered against the trajec­ all headway. chusetts Institute of Technology and the tory of chemistry Ph.D.s awarded to University ofArizona, where women make women over time. That trajectory shows C&EN surveyed schools identified by up 19% of the faculty. M I T has six women a steady increase in the percentage of the National Science Foundation as having and the University of Arizona, five. chemistry Ph.D.s awarded to women but spent the most on chemical research in does not correspond to an associated in­ 2001, the latest year for which data are At the other end, just two schools on crease in women moving through the acavailable. The schools were contacted by the list this year— Stanford University and ^ ^ _ ademic ranks. e-mail and telephone and asked to provide the number of tenured and HOLDING STEADY tenure-track faculty holding full, as­ ACCORDING TO FOX, academic Women now consistently earn around 30% of sociate, and assistant professorships women have already survived bar­ Ph.D.s awarded in chemistry with at least 50% of their salaries riers of selection, both self-selec­ paid by the chemistry department tion into science and selection by % chemistry Ph.D. degrees earned by women for the 2 0 0 3 - 0 4 academic year. institutions. They have moved 40 Ρ These numbers exclude emeritus through the education pipeline and 30 professors, instructors, and lectur­ have earned the credentials for pro­ ers. The response rate was 100%. fessional work. However, women's educational attainments are not A comparison of this year's list translating into career achieve­ to last year's shows some differences ments, especially advancement in in the schools included. Schools ap­ 0 rank, compared with men's. pearing on NSF's list for the first 1985 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 time are Rice University and Wayne "The critical issue in the data," SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Survey of Earned Doctorates State University. The University of Fox says, "is that women's doctor­ Georgia, Athens, which was on the al degrees are not translating into list in 2000, and the University of Mary­ expected academic rank over time. De­ Emory University—have only one woman land, College Park, which was on the list in spite the number of women with doc­ faculty member. Ten schools have two 2001, are back in the top 50 list. Not mak­ toral degrees earned in the 1970s and women, and 13 have three. ing the 2003 list, but on it in 2002, were 1980s, and the passage of years allowing In academic year 2003-04, women rep­ Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Uni­ these women to mature in professional resent 12% of the total chemistry faculty versity; the University of Virginia; the Uni­ experience, the proportion of women at the top 50 institutions. This is the same versity of California, Santa Barbara; and who attain academic rank as full profes­ percentage as 2002-03 (C&EN, Sept. 23, the University of Kansas. Together, those sor has not kept pace with the growth of 2 0 0 2 , page 110) and up from 11% in schools had 14 female chemistry faculty women holding doctorates. Even as­ 2001-02 (C&EN, Oct. 1,2001, page 98). members, whereas the four schools that suming up to 15 years from receipt of In absolute terms, while the total number replaced them have 12.5. d o c t o r a t e to rank of full professor, of faculty declined from 1,630 last year to women's degrees are not translating in­ 1,592 this year, the total number of women Among the top five schools with the to expected rank over time." • faculty increased from 188.5 to 196.5. highest proportion of women in the total FACULTY



Fluctuations are positive overall, but advances for women in academia are small nevertheless



ni i i l l l l l l l l l l l

"Women's doctoral degrees are not translating into expected academic rank over time." 58

C & E N / OCTOBER 2 7 . 2003


WOMEN IN ACADEMIA Only 8% of full chemistry professors at top 50 universities are women FULL PROFESSOR TOTAL WOMEN %

Arizona State Ua California Inst, of Technology Columbia U Cornell UD Emory U

23 18 17 21 17

2 2 1 1 0

Florida State U3 Georgia Inst, of Technology* Harvard Ub Indiana U, Bloomington Johns Hopkins U

15 18 16 17 14.5

2 1 1 0 0

Louisiana State U Massachusetts Inst, of Technology Michigan State U North Carolina State U Northwestern U

19 24 22 15 20.5

Ohio State U Pennsylvania State U Princeton U Purdue U RiceU




9% 11 6 5 0

5 3 1 4 3

0 0 0 1 0

0% 0 0 25 0

7 5 5 4 4

3 1 1 0 1

43% 20 20 0 25

35 26 23 29 24

5 3 2 2 1

14% 12 9 7 4

13 6 0 0

8 7 3 6 1

1 0 0 2 0

13 0 0 33 0

7 7 3 8 4

3 1 2 0 2

43 14 67 0 50

30 32 22 31 19.5

6 2 3 2 2

20 6 14 6 10

0 3 2 1 1

0 13 9 7 5

6 2 8 6 2

1 1 2 0 1

17 50 25 0 50

6 6 4 6 5

2 2 0 3 1

33 33 0 50 20

31 32 34 27 27.5

6 4 4 3

3 1 0 19 12 15 11

20 18 22 33 16

1 2 1 3 0

5 11 5 9 0

10 6 3 6 2

2 1 2 2 1

20 17 67 33 50

4 6 3 8 4

1 4 0 3 1

25 67 0 38 25

34 30 ,28 47 22

4 7 3 8 2

12 23 11 17 9

Rutgers UD Stanford U Texas A&M U U of Akron U of Arizona

30 16 37 12 20

6 1 3 2 4

20 6 8 17 20



0 0 25 0 20


4 3 5

0 0 1 0 1

45 17 27

10 25 1 1 5 5 11 2 12 5 19

U of U of U of U of U of

California, Berkeley California, Irvine California, Los Angeles8 California, San Diego3 Chicago

42 20 33 26 16

5 1 2 1 5 6 18 5 19 2 13

6 3 11 5 2

U of U of U of U of U of

Colorado, Boulder3 Florida Georgia, Athens Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Maryland, College Park3

20 22 20 28 26

4 1 0 2 4.5

U of U of U of U of U of

Massachusetts, Amherst Michigan Minnesota, Minneapolis North Carolina, Chapel Hill Notre Dame3

11 24 25 23 18

U of U of U of U of U of

Oklahoma3 Pennsylvania Pittsburgh South Carolina3 Southern California 3

U of Texas, Austin U of Utah U of Washington U of Wisconsin, Madison Wayne State University6 TOTALS


4 2 2

1 0 0

50 0 25 0 0

2 3 7 4 0

0 1 2 0 0

0 33 29 0 nm

9 5 9 11 5

1 1 3 0 0

11 20 33 0 0

53 28 49 41 21

20 5 0 7 17

7 10 3 5 5

1 3 1 1 0

14 30 33 20 0

7 4 4 6 7

0 1 1 1 0

0 25 25 17 0

34 36 27 39 38

5 5 2 4 4.5

1 1 2 2 0

9 4 8 9 0

7 4 5 4 6

2 1 1 2 1

29 25 20 50 17

5 11 9 9 7

0 3 1 1 2

0 27 11 11 29

23 39 39 36 31

5 4 5 3

3 1 3 13, 10 14 10

14 22 13 17 21

0 2 0 1 1

0 9 0 5

5 6 8 2 2

2 1 2 0 0

40 17 25 0 0

6 4 8 8 4

1 0 1 1 2

17 0 13 13 50

25 32 29 27 27

3 3 3 2 3

12 9 10 7 11

30 21 32 33 12

1 2 2 2 0

3 10 6 6 0

5 3 5 0 6

1 0 0 0 2

20 0 0 nm 33

10 6 6 8 7

2 1 3 2 2

20 17 50 25 29

45 30 43 41 25

4 3 5 4 4

9 10 12 10 16









8 3





21% 1,592

11 11 22 12 10


15 14 7 10 12


NOTE: Appointments as of 2003-04 academic year, a Chemistry and biochemistry, b Chemistry and chemical biology, c Wayne State University actually ranks 51 on NSF's 2001 list of top chemistry funders, but UC San Francisco, which ranks 12, has no chemistry department, nm = not meaningful.




27. 2003