Nutraceutical Changes Induced in Blue and Red ... - ACS Publications

special sensorial characteristics to these products. The lime- .... and anthocyanin pigments have been suggested as potential agents to reduce the ris...
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Downloaded by UNIV TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE CAMPUS on November 18, 2012 | Publication Date (Web): November 15, 2012 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2012-1109.ch011

Chapter 11

Nutraceutical Changes Induced in Blue and Red Pigmented Maize by Nixtamalization Process C. Reyes-Moreno, J. Aguayo-Rojas, and J. Milán-Carrillo* Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Facultad de Ciencias Químico Biológicas, Programa Regional del Noroeste para el Doctorado en Biotecnología, Boulevard las Américas, S/N , C.P. 80000, Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico *E-mail: [email protected]

Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most domesticated plant in the world. Among the largest diversity of genetic resources of Mexican maize, pigmented genotypes, as purple, red, and blue are the most common. Of the total number of races (landraces) currently existing in Mexico, there are at least 59 that are clearly and consistently distinguishable on the basis of biochemical and morphological characteristics. Pigmented maize has received increased attention from a nutraceutical perspective owing to its potential health benefits. Phytochemicals such as phenolics, anthocyanins, among others have been previously reported on several genotypes. The term nixtamalization refers to the alkaline cooking process of converting maize into foods such as tortillas and snack foods (maize chips, tortillas chips, and tacos). This chapter reviews our current knowledge about the effect of nixtamalization process on the level of total phenolics, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity of nixtamalized products (masa, nixtamal, tortillas, chips) produced from pigmented maize genotypes.

© 2012 American Chemical Society In Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Bioactive Compounds; Tunick, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Downloaded by UNIV TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE CAMPUS on November 18, 2012 | Publication Date (Web): November 15, 2012 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2012-1109.ch011

Introduction Mexico is rich in biological and cultural diversity. There are approximately 22,000 species of flowering plants among approximately 2,500 genera. Over 10% of the genera and 50 to 60% of the species are endemic to Mexico (1). Many crop plants used by humans have their origins in Mexico. Hernández (1993) estimated that more than 105 economically important species were utilized by peoples of Mexico prior to the Spanish conquest (2). Pre-Columbian peoples of Mexico developed a great number of domesticated plants, the most important being maize (Zea mays L.), chile peppers (Capsicum annuum L.), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and squash (Cucurbita spp.). Maize has played a central role in the agriculture of all indigenous cultures of Mexico (3). Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most domesticated plant in the world. Among the largest diversity of genetic resources of Mexican maize, pigmented genotypes, as purple, red, and blue are the most common. Of the total number of races (landraces) currently existing in Mexico, there are at least 59 that are clearly and consistently distinguishable on the basis of biochemical and morphological characteristics (4). Pigmented maize has received increased attention from a nutraceutical perspective owing to their potential health benefits. Phytochemicals such as phenolics, anthocyanins, among others have been previously reported on several genotypes. Although these compounds are considered nonnutritive, interest in antioxidant and bioactive properties has increased due to their potential health benefits. Several studies with pigmented genotypes have shown that they have multiple functional roles such as protection against oxidative stress, antimutagenic activity and colorectal carcinogenesis inhibition (5–8). Maize tortilla is the main basic daily staple food in Mexico and Central America. In the United States, the consumption of tortillas and their products has grown considerably because of the increasing of the popularity of Mexican food and awareness of their health benefits (9). Just in 2010 alone, the tortilla industry reached sales of US$ 1.0 trillion in this country (10). The term nixtamalization refers to the alkaline cooking process of converting maize into foods such as tortillas and snack foods (maize chips, tortillas chips, and tacos). Nixtamalization, or lime cooking, is the alkaline cooking of maize kernels in a calcium hydroxide solution. This process is responsible for important physiochemical, nutritional, and sensory characteristics of maize-based products including pericarp removal, calcium incorporation into kernels, improvement in niacin bioavailability, and formation of flavor and color compounds that impart special sensorial characteristics to these products. The lime- cooking also affects the quality of protein, the amount of resistant starch, and concentrations of anthocyanins, vitamins, minerals, and phytic acid (11, 12). However, little is known about the effect of nixtamalization, tortilla baking, and tortilla chip frying on the fate of phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of nixtamalized products, masa, tortillas, and tortilla chips (13–17).

174 In Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Bioactive Compounds; Tunick, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

This chapter reviews our current knowledge about the effect of nixtamalization process on the level of total phenolics, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity of nixtamalized products (masa, nixtamal, tortillas, chips) produced from pigmented maize genotypes.

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Maize Diversity Most crop species currently used in modern agriculture were domesticated during a brief period in human history between five and ten thousand years ago. During this process, cultivated plants underwent domestication bottlenecks (18) that generally reduced their gene diversity relative to their wild ancestors. Mexico is the center of origin of maize (Zea mays L), which was domesticated about 9,000 years ago from its wild progenitor teosinte (derived from “teocintli” in nahuatl language: “teotl” = sacred and “cintli” = dried ear of maize), a common name give to a group of annual and perennial species of genus (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis) probably in a single event in Central Balsas River Valley of Southwestern Mexico, confirmed by archaeological and molecular evidence (19–21). After its domestication in the Central Balsas River watershed, the maize initial spread was in Mexican Central Highlands where its early diversification took place, perhaps favored by an increase in diversity due to the introgression from other teosinte populations (Zea mays spp. mexicana). Once this early diversification occurred, maize dispersal followed two routes, toward North America and South America (19). During the spread of maize cultivation, different maize lineages acquired distinct genetic and morphological characteristics that eventually diversified and adapted to a wide range of climatic and geographic conditions. Sets of plants sharing particular characteristics have been classified into races (landraces). Members of a landrace have pronounced similarities not only in morphological phenotype and geographical distribution, but also in genetic, cytological, physiological, and agronomic characteristics (22, 23). A landrace has been locally sown year after year, and local farmers have dynamically maintained its diversity. With the occurrence of modern agriculture, new varieties have been introduced, often originating from crosses among elite inbred lines. These new varieties as a group usually contain less genetic diversity but also have higher yields; thus, they have replaced old local landraces in some places (3). Among the largest diversity of genetic resources of Mexican maize, pigmented genotypes, as purple, red, and blue are the most common. Of the total number of races (landraces) currently existing in Mexico, there are at least 59 that can be clearly and consistently distinguished on the basis of biochemical and morphological characteristics (3, 4).

175 In Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Bioactive Compounds; Tunick, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Phytochemicals in Pigmented Maize Currently, pigmented maize has received an increased attention from a nutraceutical perspective owing to its potential health benefits. Several bioactive constituents, such as phenolic compounds and anthocyanins, among others, have been previously reported on several genotypes; these bioactive compounds are present mainly in whole grains. Although these compounds are considered nonnutritive, interest in antioxidant and bioactive properties has increased due to their potential health benefits (5–8). Phenolic acids and flavonoids represent the most common form of phenolic compounds found in whole maize kernel, with a number of types that exist as soluble free and conjugated or insoluble bound forms (24). More than 5,000 flavonoids have been identified in nature (25). The most significant function of the sap-soluble flavonoids is their ability to impart color to the plant in which they occur. Flavonoids are responsible for most orange, scarlet, crimson, mauve, violet, and blue colors, as well as contributing much to yellow, ivory, and cream colors (26). Anthocyanins as a class of flavonoids are water-soluble glycosides of polyhydroxy and polymethoxy derivates of 2-phenylbenzopyrylium or flavylium salts and are responsible for the red, purple, and blue colors of many fruits, vegetables, and cereal kernels (27). Simple or acylated anthocyanin pigments are mainly located in the aleurone layer or pericarp of the maize endosperm, greatly affecting the color of the kernel (28), and could be separated into anthocyanin-rich fractions for use as functional colorants or functional food ingredients (29). They can be found in many different varieties of pigmented maize in Mexico (30). They are probably the most important group of visible plant pigments besides chlorophyll. In their natural state, simple anthocyanins are esterified to one or several sugars. When, in addition to this sugar, they also have an acyl radical they are called acylanthocyanins (31). Studies conducted by Salinas et al. (2003) indicate that the anthocyanins found in blue maize comes from cyanidin and malvidin (mainly from derivatives of the former), whereas in red grain maize they come from pelargonidin, cyanidin, malvidin and other still undescribed anthocyanins (32). Jackman and Smith (1996) found the free and acylated cyanidins, 3-glucosides of pelargonidin and peonidin, in blue maize. In addition to the color that they impart, there is an intensified interest in anthocyanins, as well as other flavonoids and phenolic acids, due to their beneficial health effects (33). The health beneficial properties of these plant metabolites have been attributed to their high antioxidant and antiradical activities but also to many other mechanisms such as antimutagenesis, anticarcinogenesis, and estrogenic activities, inhibition of enzymes, and induction of detoxification enzymes (34). Anthocyanin rich foods and anthocyanin pigments have been suggested as potential agents to reduce the risk of colon cancer by inhibiting proliferation of human colon cancer cells in vitro (35). Also, the tests of Tsuda et al. (2003) provide a nutritional and biochemical basis for the use of the anthocyanins as a “functional food factor” that may be beneficial for helping to prevent diabetes and obesity (36).

176 In Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Bioactive Compounds; Tunick, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Nixtamalization Process The earliest reported archeological evidence of maize dates back to the wild precursors that existed some 8,000 years ago in Central Mexico. By two thousand years later, maize was already under cultivation and was very much involved in the subsequent rise of the great Mesoamerican civilizations (37). Katz et al. (1974) established the hypothesis that all societies who depend on maize as their staple diet also used the technique of alkaline cooking (38). For this purpose, they researched 51 societies who lived in America. In basis of this studies concluded that the use of lime is found predominantly in Mesoamerica and only sporadically in southern of United States, which favors the idea that the nixtamalization process was originated between the main societies settled in Mexico and that maize as its grain cooking were introduced later to all the continent (38). However, it is not known how and why the Aztec and Mayan civilizations selected this type of process. Although studies of physical, chemical and nutritional change that the nixtamalization process causes in the maize offers several possible explanations. It is very probable that the thermal-alkaline treatment of maize grain had been selected by trial and error; undoubtedly, the explanation that most anthropologists and their informants have offered for the significance of this treatment in each society is that alkali softens and “hulls” the tough pericarp of the maize. Yet, if the alkali cooking techniques used by societies consuming large quantities of maize are examined in the cultural context alone, then they would seem only to be innocuous methods for softening the outer kernel and would carry no adaptive or evolutionary significance. However, the archeological evidence favors the fact that without these cooking techniques a high degree of dependence on maize produces serious malnutrition (39). The process of nixtamalization plays a critical role in the increase of the nutritional value of maize through its utilization in the elaboration of food products such as tortillas, snack tortillas, snack maize and tortillas for tacos (11, 40). The technology for tortilla production is ancestral and it has been transmitted from generation to generation in Mesoamerica. This technology involves the thermal-alkaline cooking of the maize grain, process named nixtamalization (from Nahuatl: nixtli = ashes and tamalli = cooked dough of maize). In Mexico these techniques are still utilized as in the Aztec times; the nixtamalized maize was ground in a metate to produce dough (masa) that was used to form disks by hand of approximately 20 cm of diameter, which were cooked on a clay griddle (comal) (11). The resulting product was called tlaxcalli for the Aztecs and subsequently tortilla for the Spaniards (41). The traditional nixtamalization process requires cooking the maize kernels in a solution of water with lime and steeping overnight. Generally, the ratio of maize to solution ranges from one part of whole maize kernels to 3-10 parts of the alkaline solution. The solution is generally a water and lime solution with 2% by weight lime (Ca(OH)2). The maize is cooked by boiling followed by a steep period, on the order of 12 h. This cooking process softens the pericarp and allows the endosperm to absorb water, thus facilitating subsequent milling. After steeping, the solution is drained. The steeped maize is called nixtamal, and the 177 In Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Bioactive Compounds; Tunick, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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cooked-step liquid, rich in maize solids, is called nejayote. Nejayote is a highly alkaline waste product that has a large oxygen demand, and must be disposed properly, which significantly increases the cost of the traditional nixtamalization process. The nixtamalized kernels are then repeatedly washed with water to remove excess lime and any solubilized particles generating additional waste liquid. The cooked and nixtamalized kernels can be ground or milled, in disk mills for example, with the addition of small amounts of water. The resulting dough is called masa and is suitable for making food products, including tortillas and other related tortillas products such as maize chips, tortilla chips, taco shells and nachos (11, 40). The nixtamalization process is responsable for important physiochemical, nutritional and sensory characteristics of maize-based products including the removal of the pericarp, incorporation of calcium into the kernels, improvement of niacin bioavailability, and formation of flavor and color compounds that impart typical sensorial characteristics to the final products (11, 12). Tortillas are made from the masa by forming thin disks of masa with an appropriate diameter (e.g. 12 to 15 cm). These disks are cooked on both sides to obtain the final tortilla product. Generally, tortillas have a relatively short shelf life in that they quickly harden and lose their flexibility. Traditionally prepared tortillas, without additives, have a maximum shelf life of about 12 to 15 h, and after this time, they become hard or stale. Therefore, discerning tortilla consumers obtain tortillas manufactured the same day. Alternatively, the cooked, nixtamalized and milled kernels can be dried so that the final product will be a nixtamalized maize flour (also called “instant masa” or “dry masa”). This instant masa can be shipped to tortilla manufacture or consumers. Water is added to instant masa to make a reconstituted masa and itis used to make tortillas. However, it is generally believed that the instant masa made from nixtamalized maize flour has lower quality characteristics than fresh masa, as reflected in the final tortilla product flavor and texture. Maize tortilla is the main basic daily staple food in Mexico and Central America. In the United States, the consumption of tortillas and their products has grown considerably because of the increasing of the popularity of Mexican food and awareness of their health benefits (9). Just in 2010 alone, the tortilla industry reached in this country, sales of US$ 1.0 trillion (10).

Effect of Nixtamalization on Phenolics, Anthocyanins, and Antioxidant Activity of Pigmented Maize This nixtamalization process causes profound changes in the structure, chemical composition, and nutritional value of the foods. One of the changes is the partial removal of the pericarp or bran due to alkali treatment, nixtamal washing, and handling (42), so that the finished products are considered as semi-whole grain foods. This is important because whole grain consumption has been associated with the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD), type 178 In Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Bioactive Compounds; Tunick, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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2 diabetes, and some cancers (43, 44). In addition, the new USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans emphasizes the need for consumption of whole grains. The phytochemicals present in whole grains are mainly in bound form (34, 45, 46). Nutritionally, lime cooking also affects the quality of protein, the amount of resistant starch, and concentrations of anthocyanins, vitamins, minerals, and phytic acid. However, little is known about the effect of nixtamalization, tortilla baking, and tortilla chip frying on the fate of phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of nixtamalized products, masa, tortillas, and tortilla chips (11, 13–17). The total phenolic content of blue and red raw maize, masa, tortillas, and tortilla chips is presented in Table 1. The range of total phenolic content of raw maize was from 45.1 to 465.3 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/100 g of dry weight of sample. These differences could be attributed to the genetic background, grain physical properties and particularly to the relative ratio of the anatomical parts of the kernel since the pericarp and endosperm’s aleurone layer are the structures richest in phenolic compounds (34, 47). The range of total phenolic content for nixtamal or masa and tortillas was from 19.8 to 226.8 and from 19.8 to 240.7 mg GAE /100 g of dry weight of sample (Table 1). There was a significant reduction in phenolic content when corn was nixtamalized or lime-cooked. However, the difference between masa and tortillas indicated that the main losses were incurred during lime-cooking and steeping. In general, these significant losses can be attributed to the combined effect of alkaline and thermal processing during nixtamalization, as well as physical losses of the pericarp and leaching of phenolics into the cooking liquor (nejayote). Nejayote is rich in some important phytochemicals as phenolics compounds, anthocyanins and carotenoids that are leached out during cooking (48). Nixtamalization also affects the polyphenolics by breaking down cell wall ester linkages to release free phenolic compounds present in the pericarp into the cooking solution (49) and is responsible for partial breakdown of the kernels. Del Pozo-Insfran et al. (2006) and Lopez-Martínez et al. (2011) reported a reduction between 51.7 and 75.0% in total phenolic content assayed in tortillas of pigmented blue (Mexican and USA) and red (Mexican) maize genotypes (Table 1) (13, 17). Other researchers (16) observed high retention of phenolic compounds (60.9-63.9%) in pigmented maize tortillas prepared with instant nixtamalized maize flours from blue and red maize (Table 1). The highest concentration and stability of the phenolics in the last tortillas might be mainly attributed to the application of optimal nixtamalization conditions for kernels processing. Mora-Rochin et al. (2010) observed that most phenolics (>80%) in raw kernels pigmented maize and their nixtamalized products occurred in the bound or attached to cell wall form (16). Similar findings were reported by other researchers (15, 46) who indicated than 80% of total phenolic content in maize and others cereal grains are bound primarily to hemicellulose in cell wall of the pericarp, aleurone layer and germ.

179 In Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Bioactive Compounds; Tunick, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Table 1. Total phenolic content of raw pigmented maize and their nixtamalized products Total phenolics (mg gallic acid/100, dw) Free

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Prodn ucts

Total Total %

References Del PozoInsfran et al (2006)

Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Blue (Mex)

Nixta1 mal



Blue (Mex)

1 Tortilla



Blue (Mex)

1 Chips



Blue (USA)

1 Raw


Blue (USA)

Nixta1 mal



Blue (USA)

1 Tortilla



Blue (USA)

1 Chips


↓81.0 Del PozoInsfran et al (2007)

Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Blue (Mex)

1 Tortilla



Blue (Mex)

1 Chips



Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Blue (USA)

1 Tortilla



Blue (USA)

1 Chips



Red (USA)

1 Raw




Red (USA)

1 Masa





125.3 ↓48.6

Red (USA)

1 Tortilla





136.5 ↓44.0

Red (USA)

1 Chips





111.7 ↓54.2

Blue (USA)

1 Raw


Blue (USA)

1 Masa





158.5 ↓40.5

Blue (USA)

1 Tortilla





161.8 ↓39.2

Blue (USA)

1 Chips





136.9 ↓48.6


De la Parra et al (2007)


Continued on next page.

180 In Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Bioactive Compounds; Tunick, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Table 1. (Continued). Total phenolic content of raw pigmented maize and their nixtamalized products Total phenolics (mg gallic acid/100, dw) Free

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Prodn ucts

Total Total %

Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Blue (Mex)

1 Tortilla


Red (Mex)

1 Raw


Red (Mex)

1 Tortilla


115 ↓36.3

69 113



MoraRochín et al 2010

142.1 ↓39.7




140.7 ↓35.7



Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Blue (Mex)

1 Masa

195.4 ↓56.9

Blue (Mex)

1 Tortilla

201.4 ↓58.7

Red (Mex)

1 Raw


Red (Mex)

1 Masa

226.8 ↓48.7

Red (Mex)

1 Tortilla

240.7 ↓51.7

LópezMartínez et al (2011)

The anthocyanin content of blue and red maize and their nixtamalized products is presented in Table 2. Anthocyanins are the main compounds responsible for the final tortilla color. These antioxidant compounds are mainly found in the pericarp and/or aleurone layer (50). In general, most anthocyanins were lost during lime-cooking by leaching into the steep solution or nejayote. There were significant differences in anthocyanin content among types of maize; red maize contained the highest amount (779 mg of cyanidin-3-glucoside equiv/100 g, dry weight basis), followed by blue maize (192 mg of cyanidin-3-glucoside equiv/100 g, dry weight basis). Lime-cooked blue and red maize kernels lost approximately 38.26-92.86% and 48.72-100% of the anthocyanins present in their respective raw kernels (Table 2). These significant losses occurred as a result of the synergistic effect of the alkaline pH and temperature, which causes important structure transformations or modifications in the anthocyanins. In this regard, Jing & Giusti (2007) concluded that maize anthocyanins are complexed and precipitated with denatured proteins after cooking (~100°C), leading to a decline in total assayable anthocyanins (51). Also, studies conducted by Fossen et al. (1988) indicate that cyanidin 3-glucoside losses 181 In Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Bioactive Compounds; Tunick, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

stability when the pH is higher than 5 as always occurs during nixtamalization (pH > 6.5) (52). Differences in anthocyanin content among nixtamal or masa, tortilla and tortillas chips were observed; the highest losses (60.5-91.07%) were observed in tortilla chips (Table 2).

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Table 2. Anthocyanin content of raw pigmented maize and their nixtamalized products Anthocyanin content (mg of cyanidin-3-glucoside equiv/100 g, dw)


Prodn ucts

Blue (Mex)

8 Raw

115 to 192

Blue (Mex)


71 to 117

Red (Mex)

5 Raw

35 to 779

Red (Mex)


0 to 87

Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Blue (Mex)

Nixta1 mal


Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Blue (Mex)



Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Blue (Mex)

Nixta1 mal



Blue (Mex)

1 Tortilla



Blue (Mex)

1 Chips



Blue (USA)

1 Raw


Blue (USA)

Nixta1 mal



Blue (USA)

1 Tortilla



Blue (USA)

1 Chips



Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Blue (Mex)

1 Tortilla



Blue (Mex)

1 Chips




References Salinas-Moreno et al (2003)

↓38.26-39.06 Salinas-Moreno et al (2003) ↓88.83-100 Agama-Acevedo et al (2004) ↓69.31 Cortés et al (2006) ↓81.83 Del Pozo-Insfran et al (2006)

Del Pozo-Insfran et al (2006)

Del Pozo-Insfran et al (2007)

Continued on next page.

182 In Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Bioactive Compounds; Tunick, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Table 2. (Continued). Anthocyanin content of raw pigmented maize and their nixtamalized products Anthocyanin content (mg of cyanidin-3-glucoside equiv/100 g, dw)


Prodn ucts

Blue (USA)

1 Raw


Blue (USA)

1 Tortilla



Blue (USA)

1 Chips



Blue (USA)

1 Raw


Blue (USA)

1 Masa



Blue (USA)

1 Tortilla



Blue (USA)

1 Chips



Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Blue (Mex)

1 Tortilla


Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Blue (Mex)

1 Masa



Blue (Mex)

1 Tortilla



Red (Mex)

1 Raw


Red (Mex)

1 Masa



Red (Mex)

1 Tortilla




References Del Pozo-Insfran et al (2007)

De la Parra et al (2007)

Mora-Rochín et al 2010 ↓55.03 Lopez-Martinez et al (2011)

Lopez-Martinez et al (2011)

Table 3 shows the hydrophilic antioxidant activities, or ORAC values, of free and bound phenolics of the raw blue and red maize and their nixtamalized products as micromoles Trolox equivalents per 100 g of sample, respectively. The range of antioxidant activity for blue and red raw grains was from 2,560 to 12,286 and 2,115 to 19,190 μmol Trolox equivalents (TE)/100 g of dry weight of sample, respectively. It was observed that bound phenolics were the primary contributors (64.7 to 74.5%) of antioxidant activity. Some researchers (15, 17, 34) have reported that total polyphenolics are the most important contributors (98%) to the total antioxidant capacity in maize. In general, most researchers (13, 14, 16) have reported that the total antioxidant activity decreased after lime-cooking process; tortillas and tortilla chips from nixtamalized pigmented maize types lost 16.34 to 51.03 % and 58.69 to 61.48 %, respectively, of the ORAC value observed in raw kernels (Table 3). However, Gutiérrez-Uribe et al. (2010) observed that 183 In Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Bioactive Compounds; Tunick, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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the free and bound antioxidant activities of masa solids were approximately 4.8 and 5 times higher compared to raw kernels (Table 3) (53); according to these researchers their results clearly indicate that lime-cooking enhanced free and bound antioxidant activities. These results are not comparable to other previous reports that only considered the antioxidant activity of free compounds extracted in phosphate buffer solution and that indicate that less than 80% of the antioxidant activity of maize was recovered in masa (14). In addition, the short lime-cooking times applied by Gutiérrez-Uribe et al. (2010) to the kernels under study did not allow enough time to release or degrade bound phytochemicals (53).

Table 3. Antioxidant activity of raw pigmented maize and their nixtamalized products Antioxidant activity1 Free

Free %

Bound Bound %




n Products

Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Del pozo-

Blue (Mex)

1 Nixtamal



Blue (Mex)

1 Tortilla


et al

Blue (Mex)

1 Chips



Blue (USA)

1 Raw


Blue (USA)

1 Nixtamal


Blue (USA)

1 Tortilla


Blue (USA)

1 Chips


Blue (Mex)

1 Raw


Blue (Mex)

1 Tortilla


Del pozo-

Blue (Mex)

1 Chips



Blue (USA)

1 Raw


et al

Blue (USA)

1 Tortilla



Blue (USA)

1 Chips


Blue (Mex)

1 Raw



Blue (Mex)

1 Tortilla

1,719 ↓55.7


Red (Mex)

1 Raw



Red (Mex)

1 Tortilla

2,422 ↓41.8


12,286 ↑1.8





Rochín et


al (2010)

Continued on next page.

184 In Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Bioactive Compounds; Tunick, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Table 3. (Continued). Antioxidant activity of raw pigmented maize and their nixtamalized products

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Antioxidant activity1



Free %

Bound Bound %

Total 2,115


n Products

Red (Mex)

1 Raw



Red (Mex)

1 Masa


↑377.4 5,660

Blue (Mex)

1 Raw



Blue (Mex)

1 Masa


↑396.4 5,860







Uribe et al



μmol Trolox equivalents (TE)/100 g of dry weight of sample.

Conclusions Nixtamalized products (nixtamal or masa, tortillas, tortilla chips) of blue and red pigmented maize processed by traditional nixtamalization process contained and retained phenolics, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity differently. Nixtamalization process promoted the loss of phenolics and antioxidants but the use of optimal processing conditions, with short lime-cooking times, generated significantly lowest losses or increases in this parameters. However, more research is needed to find the best processing conditions to retain or increase the phytochemical content and functional properties of pigmented maize in nixtamalized food products, which is of interest due to the increasing consumer preference for maize-based products and for their possible contribution to the human diet owing to the antioxidant activity and potential nutraceutical properties.

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