Nutrition in the Treatment of Dry Eye with Special Attention to Sea

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Chapter 30

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Nutrition in the Treatment of Dry Eye with Special Attention to Sea Buckthorn Oil Petra S. Larmo,*,1 Baoru Yang,1 Riikka L. Järvinen,1 Niko L. Setälä,2 Matti H. Viitanen,3 and Heikki P. Kallio1 1Department

of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, University of Turku, Finland 2Department of Ophthalmology, University of Turku, Finland 3Department of Geriatrics, University of Turku, Finland *E-mail: [email protected]

Dry eye is a common condition associated with ocular inflammation and discomfort. The risk of dry eye is increased in women and in older age, and is affected by several external factors including contact lens wear and certain medications. Published studies suggest that intake of n-3 fatty acids and/or oils rich in both γ-linolenic and linoleic acids beneficially affect dry eye. Deficiency of vitamin A may be a risk factor. Benefits of antioxidant supplementation have been reported. Sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides) is a traditional health-promoting plant. The combined seed and pulp oil of sea buckthorn is rich in carotenoids, tocopherols and tocotrienols and has a linoleic:linolenic acid ratio of ≤2. Intake of the combined sea buckthorn oil positively affected the symptoms of dry eye, as observed in a double-blind study of 100 women and men. It also restricted the rise in tear film osmolarity, a central indication of dry eye. The fatty acid composition of the tear film was not affected. Instead, the effects were likely to be mediated via attenuation of inflammation and oxidative damage.

© 2012 American Chemical Society In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Dry Eye Dry eye is a multifactorial disease of tears and the ocular surface resulting in symptoms of discomfort, visual disturbance, and tear film instability. The International Dry Eye Workshop in 2007 emphasized the role of ocular inflammation and increased tear film osmolarity as common to different forms of dry eye (1). Tear film lubricates and protects the ocular surface and provides it with nutrients. It is composed of three continuous layers: a hydrophilic mucous layer anchored to surface epithelial cells and produced by conjunctival goblet cells; an intermediate protein-rich aqueous layer produced by the main and accessory lacrimal glands, and; a hydrophobic lipid layer produced from the meibomian gland extraction, meibum (2, 3). In the aqueous-deficient dry eye the lacrimal secretion is reduced. There may be several reasons for this, including obstruction or dysfunction of the lacrimal ducts, or reflex hyposecretion (1). Sjögren’s syndrome patients commonly suffer from dry eye. Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease of the exocrine glands, characterized by lymphocytic infiltration to the lacrimal and salivary glands. Inflammation in the lacrimal glands causes acinar and ductular cell death and the hyposecretion of tears (1, 4). In the evaporative dry eye the evaporation of the aqueous tear film is excessive. This may be due to dysfunction of the meibomian glands secreting the lipid rich-meibum. The meibum lipids form the outermost layer of the tear film and restrict the evaporation of the aqueous tear (1, 5). In patients with meibomian gland dysfunction, the fatty acid composition of the tear film lipids differs from that of healthy people (6). In addition, the lipid layer of the tear film is commonly thinner in people experiencing dry eye symptoms compared to those having no symptoms (7). Both aqueous deficient, and evaporative dry eye cause hyperosmolarity of the tear film. Hyperosmolarity activates inflammation and induces damage to the surface epithelium. The loss of mucin-producing goblet cells, among others, leads to instability of the tear film. This further fortifies the hyperosmolarity and induces more detrimental changes (1). Typical symptoms include soreness, dryness, grittiness, burning, and redness of the eyes, as well as watery eyes or blurry vision (8). The risk of dry eye is increased by several external factors including contact lens wear, windy and dry conditions, and tobacco smoke. The condition is more common in women than in men and its prevalence increases with age (5, 9). As androgens regulate the functions of the meibomian gland, this increase in the risk of dry eye may be due to androgen deficiency in aging people (10). Given the multifactorial nature of dry eye and the poor association between the signs and symptoms of dry eye, a combination of diagnostic tests are recommended for diagnosis. Focal clinical tests include tear film osmolarity (mOsm/L), tear film stability as tear film break-up time (TBUT, seconds until break up of fluorescein tear film, observed under slit lamp), tear secretion analysis using the Schirmer test (mm of tear flow in strip of filter paper placed under the lower eyelid in 5 min), symptom questionnaires and cytological analyses (9, 11). 534 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Vitamin A and Antioxidants in the Treatment of Dry Eye Vitamin A affects the regulation and differentiation of epithelial cells, including those in the eyelids, conjunctiva, and cornea. Accordingly, vitamin A deficiency is detrimental, and may predispose to dry eye. Loss of goblet cells has been observed due to the lack of vitamin A. Lacrimal glands contain vitamin A in the form of retinyl palmitate, whereas the tear fluid contains retinol (5, 12, 13). Topical application of vitamin A has been shown to beneficially affect dry eye in humans. In a prospective, randomized, controlled, parallel group study the vitamin A treatment significantly improved blurred vision, TBUT, the Schirmer test score and the cytological parameters (12). Carotenoids with β-ionone ring function as precursors for vitamin A, and may via this mechanism beneficially affect dry eye. Also the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of carotenoids (including those that are not precursors of vitamin A) (14) may interfere with mechanisms of dry eye. In patients with meibomian gland dysfunction the amount of carotenoids in the meibum is reduced. The decline in meibum carotenoids is associated with older age (15). The ocular surface is exposed to radiation, atmospheric oxygen and environmental chemicals, which makes it vulnerable to damage caused by the reactive oxygen species. Oxidative damage may contribute to the activation of inflammation and dry eye (16). Peponis et al. (16) reported the beneficial effect of vitamin C (1000 mg/d for 10 days) and vitamin E (400 IU/d for 10 days) on eye health, as judged by the Schimer score and TBUT in diabetic patients. Blades et al. (17) investigated the effects of an antioxidant supplement in a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over study of 40 participants. Consumption of the product, containing several antioxidants (β-carotene, flavonoids), vitamins (E, C, D, B6, B1, B2, B12, K, folic acid, pantothenic acid), minerals, and amino acids for one month significantly improved the stability of the tear film and the health of the ocular surface compared to the baseline. No changes were observed in the placebo group during the intervention. The increase in the tear stability correlated with the increase in the density of goblet cells in the conjunctiva.

Dietary Oils in the Treatment of Dry Eye Long chain n-3 fatty acids are precursors of anti-inflammatory eicosanoids. They may affect the expression of inflammatory genes (18). Dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (20:3n-6), a metabolite of γ-linolenic acid (18:3n-6), is a precursor of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), which has anti-inflammatory and anti-aggregatory properties and may induce the production of tears (19–21). The effects of the eicosanoids produced from arachidonic acid (20:4n-6), the more unsaturated derivative of dihomo- γ-linolenic acid, are in general considered pro-inflammatory and pro-aggregatory (18, 22). Supplementation with a combination of linoleic (18:2n-6) and γ-linolenic acids has been reported to beneficially affect dry eye in humans (21, 23–26). Barabino et al. (26) reported the positive effects of oral oil intake for 45 days in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of 26 participants. The source of the oil was not specified in the article, but the product contained 57 mg of linoleic acid and 535 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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30 mg of γ-linolenic acid in each daily dose. The parameters that were positively affected included dry eye symptoms, ocular inflammation, and the lissamine green test score, which reflects the presence of non-vital cells in the cornea and conjuctiva. The same oil preparation (26) at a 50% lower dosage was used in the study by Macri et al. (24). They investigated the effects of linoleic and γ-linolenic acids in participants undergoing photorefractive keratectomy, which is a known risk factor for dry eye. In the study of a total of 60 participants the group receiving the active oil supplement showed improvement in their ocular symptoms, a higher tear fluorescein, and an increase in tear production compared to the control group. Pinna et al. (23) studied the effects of the same preparation using a daily oral dose of 28.5 mg of linoleic acid and 15 mg of γ-linolenic acid. The 57 patients with meibomian gland dysfunction in their study were divided into three groups: one treated using eyelid hygiene, one treated with the oil capsules and one treated with a combination of eyelid hygiene and oil capsules for 180 days. The symptoms of dry eye were significantly improved in all treatment groups. Oil intake significantly reduced the turbidity of the meibomian secretion and meibomian gland obstruction, suggesting that the composition of the meibum may have been affected. The effect of the oil was further improved by eyelid hygiene, as other signs were also positively affected in the combined oil and hygiene group (23). Aragona et al. (21) investigated the effects of combined linoleic (224 mg/d) and γ-linolenic acids (30 mg/d) in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome. In a doubleblind, placebo-controlled study of 40 participants, the oil intervention for one month significantly increased the levels of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) in tears. After the oil intake was discontinued, the PGE1 concentrations started to decline. The oil positively affected the symptoms of dry eye and corneal fluorescein staining (21). The report by Kokke et al. (25) is an exception among such studies in that it specified the oil that was used as a source of linoleic and γ-linolenic acids. Most other studies do report the main fatty acids, but the plant/animal source is not mentioned. The group of Kokke et al. (25) investigated the effects of evening primrose oil on contact lens-associated dry eye in a study of 76 women. The participants consumed ≈3 g of evening primrose oil or olive oil as a placebo daily for six months. Evening primrose oil improved the overall lens comfort and reduced the feeling of dryness. Among the objective diagnostic tests performed, the tear meniscus height was increased but the other test scores were unaffected. In patients with Sjögren’s syndrome, however, supplementation with 800 mg or 1600 mg γ-linolenic acid from evening primrose oil did not improve in the symptoms of dry eye or Schirmer test results. The intervention period in the double-blind placebo-controlled study of 90 patients lasted for 6 months (27). In an epidemiological study (28), the high dietary intake of n-3 acids was associated with a reduced risk of dry eye in women. No independent effect of n-6 intake on dry eye was observed. A high n-6/n-3 ratio was associated with an increased risk. In this study the association of individual n-6 fatty acids and dry eye was not analyzed. In an animal study, a combination of n-3 fatty acids and 536 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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γ-linolenic acid was superior for the treatment of dry eye compared to n-3 or n-6 fatty acids alone (28, 29). Positive trends due to the intake of n-3 fatty acids were recently observed in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 36 dry eye patients. The participants consumed a combination of fish oil (450 mg eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) and 300 mg docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3)) and flaxseed oil (1 g) or wheat germ oil as a placebo daily for 90 days. No statistically significant differences between the active and placebo groups were observed, probably due to the small number of participants. However, in the combined fish and flaxseed oil group there was a trend towards increased tear secretion as measured by the Schirmer test and by fluorophotometry. The symptoms of dry eye were reduced during the intervention in both groups. The positive effect was more pronounced in the active group: 70% and 37% of the symptomatic patients became asymptomatic in the active and placebo groups, respectively. The tear film stability and the lipid composition of the meibum were unaffected by the oil supplementation (30).

Sea Buckthorn Oil Sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides) is a traditional health-promoting plant that is nowadays cultivated for food in Europe, in several Asian countries, and in the USA and Canada. The berries are rich in phenolic compounds, vitamin C and berry oil (31–33). Intake of a low dose of sea buckthorn berries for 3 months reduced the circulating levels of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein in healthy adults (34). The oil content of sea buckthorn seeds is commonly around 10%. The main fatty acids of the berry oil are palmitoleic, palmitic and oleic acids, whereas the seed oils contain mostly linoleic, α-linolenic and oleic acids. The berry oil is especially rich in carotenoids, and both oils have high concentrations of tocopherols, tocotrienols and phytosterols (35–37). Animal studies indicate that sea buckthorn oil promotes wound healing, has cytoprotective and antioxidative effects and may protect against gastric ulcers (38–41). Beneficial effects of sea buckthorn oils on atopic dermatitis and mucous membrane have been observed in humans, as well as anti-aggregatory activity (42–44). Recently, positive effects of sea buckthorn oil on dry eye were observed in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel study of 100 volunteers carried out at the University of Turku, Finland (45, 46). During the intervention period of three months the participants consumed 2 g of sea buckthorn or placebo oil daily in the form of capsules. Clinical dry eye tests and symptom follow-ups were performed at the beginning of the intervention, at one month and at three months. A post-check was scheduled one to two months after the intervention. A total of 86 participants completed the study (n=45 in the sea buckthorn group; n = 41 in the placebo group). At each study visit several dry eye tests were performed. The tear film osmolarity (mOsm/L) was measured using an electrochemical osmolarity meter (TearLabTM, OcuSense Inc., San Diego, CA). Tear film stability was measured as tear film break-up time (TBUT) and tear secretion was analyzed using the 537 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Schirmer test without anesthesia. The fatty acid composition of the tear film was analysed using samples collected on Schirmer papers and gas chromatography. The participants answered a modified version of the validated dry eye symptom questionnaire (the Ocular Surface Disease Index; mOSDI) at each visit. During the intervention the participants kept a daily logbook concerning their dry eye symptoms. The common symptoms were listed and the participants were asked to assess the severity of the symptoms using a scale from 0 = no symtoms to 3 = severe symptoms. The participants were asked to daily report in the symptom logbooks whether they had taken the study capsules. Participants taking the sea buckthorn/placebo capsules for at least 80% of the intervention days were considered compliant (n = 81). The sea buckthorn oil used in the study was combined oil form the seeds and berries of sea buckthorn. It was extracted using a supercritical carbon dioxide process by Aromtech Ltd. (Tornio, Finland). The main fatty acids in the oil were palmitoleic (22% w/w), palmitic (22%), oleic (21%), linoleic (16%) and α-linolenic (10%) acids. The daily dose of sea buckthorn oil contained 1.8 mg of carotenoids, 6.0 mg of α-tocopherol, and 0.8 mg of γ-tocopherol. The placebo was a mixture of medium chain triacylglycerol fraction from palm and coconut oils. The intervention lasted from autumn to winter. There was a considerable drop in the mean temperature in Turku from +8 °C at the beginning of the study to −5 °C at the end of the intervention. During the cold months, the air humidity was low indoors and outdoors. Low relative humidity increases tear evaporation, and dry eye symptoms are more common during cold periods (47, 48). For this reason, there was a general increase in tear film osmolarity both in the sea buckthorn group and in the placebo group. However, the increase from baseline to the end of the intervention was significantly lower in the sea buckthorn group (an increase of 8 and 12 mOsml/L in the sea buckthorn and placebo groups, respectively; P = 0.04, all participants included; P = 0.02 when only the compliant participants were included). Of the symptoms assessed in the logbooks, redness and burning of eyes were less severe in the sea buckthorn group compared to the placebo. The difference between the groups was significant for redness when all participants were included (P = 0.04). A positive trend was seen when only the compliant participants, consuming the study products for at least 80% of the intervention days, were included (P = 0.11). For burning, the result was significant in compliant participants (P = 0.04) and a positive trend was observed when all participants were included in the analyses (P = 0.05). In the subgroup of contact lens wearers a positive effect of sea buckthorn oil on the frequency of general, non-specified eye symptoms was observed in all participants (P = 0.049), but not when only the compliant participants were included (P = 0.19). Intake of sea buckthorn oil did not affect tear secretion (Schirmer test), the stability of the tear film (TBUT), the symptom scores of the mOSDI questionnaire or other individual symptoms assessed in the symptom logbooks (45). Sea buckthorn oil supplementation did not affect the fatty acid composition of the tear film (46). This observation was similar to that of Wojtowicz et al. (30), who reported the beneficial effects of n-3 supplementation on dry eye but did not 538 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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however observe changes in the lipid composition of meibum. The effects of sea buckthorn oil are likely to be mediated via modulation of the inflammation associated with the dry eye. In addition to the fatty acids, other components of sea buckthorn oil may have contributed to the effect. Carotenoids, tocopherols and tocotrienols have anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties (14, 49). Several carotenoids in sea buckthorn oil have provitamin A activity (50), and may therefore affect the differentiation of the cornea and conjuctiva cells. Effects on the differentiation of meibocytes by the sea buckthorn oil fatty acids are possible (51).

Summary In summary, beneficial effects of antioxidant supplementation on dry eye have been reported in humans. The combination of linoleic and γ-linolenic acids positively affected the signs and symptoms of dry eye in several studies of different populations. Epidemiological investigations and interventions indicate the benefits of n-3 fatty acids. Combined sea buckthorn seed and berry oil is rich in lipophilic antioxidants, linoleic and α-linolenic acids. Positive effects of sea buckthorn oil on dry eye are likely to be mediated via effects on inflammation and oxidative damage.

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541 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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