NYTRON improves the performance of Phosphates Silicates Caustic

Nov 5, 2010 - Chem. Eng. News , 1952, 30 (6), p 503. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v030n006.p503. Publication Date: February 11, 1952. Copyright © 1952 AMERICAN ...
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NYTRON improves thé p e r f o r m an ce of

NYTRON will improve t h e performance of m o s t processes using solutions o f phosphates, silicates, acids, soaps, caustic soda, soda ash and similar materials. In industries as varied as textile manufacturing and steel pickling, laundering and dairy cleaning, NYTRON has found such unique applications because no other wetting agent-detergent matches NYTRON's combination of properties! Examine this unusual combination of properties! When used in combination with other materials—or used alone— NYTRON provides faster wetting . . . better penetration . . . more thorough rinsing . . . improved detergency! Find out how NYTRON can help you get improved performance t o o !

Phosphates Silicates


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Detergency It is effective on an unusually wide variety of soils, NYTRON has excellent power to remove oil and grease from fabrics, surfaces, metal parts. It cleans efficiently in cold, as well as warm or hot water and retains its detergent action when used in either acid or alkaline mediums. Hard Water Action NYTRON is more economical because increased quantities do not have to be added to compensate for water hardness; completely prevents the formation of scum, grease rings, streaks, spots. Chemical Stability Remains chemically stable over a wide range of temperatures, acidity or alkalinity.

Rapid Solubility NYTRON goes into solution almost instantly

in hot or cold water and will not "salt out" in concentrated solutions of many acids, alkalies or metallic salts. Q u i c k , T h o r o u g h Rinsing NYTRON rinses promptly and completely in cool or even cold water, does not leave an insoluble deposit. Reduced W e t t i n g T i m e Effectively lowers surface tension, even in extremely low concentrations. It improves the action of acid and alkaline solutions over a wide range of temperatures. Foaming NYTRON will foam in any normal concentration of acid or alkali, in distilled water or sea water, in ice cold or boiling water. I m p r o v e s P e r f o r m a n c e o f Soap Improves quality when used to partially or completely replace soap.

5 0 L V A Y SALES D I V I S I O N , Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation, AO Rector Street, New York 6 , N. Y. I want to see for myself how NYTRON improves performance. Please send me a free sample plus non-technical information and specific technical data on this Synthetic Organic Detergent with the exclusive combination of properties.





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