Obituary. Bill M. Woods - ACS Publications

May 1, 1974 - Chemical Abstracts Service will hold the 19th in its se- ries of open ... abstracting and indexing services have been completed and publ...
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NEWS AND NOTES CAS OPEN FORUM Chemical Abstracts Service will hold the 19th in its series of open forums Tuesday, September 10, a t 8 P.M., a t Howard Johnson’s, during the American Chemical Society’s 168th National Meeting in Atlantic City. Topic of discussion will be community use of the CAS Chemical Registry System. OBITUARY

Bill M. Woods Engineering Index, Inc., regretfully announced the death of its former Executive Director, Bill M. Woods, in East Northport, New York, on May 1, 1974. Mr. Woods came to Ei on March 11, 1968 a n d resigned on March 25, 1973 duse t o ill health. H e was replaced by the present Executive Director, John E. Creps, Jr. Formerly, he was the Executive Director of the Special Libraries Association from 1959 t o 1967. Some of his earlier experience included positions as the Assistant Professor of Library Science and M a p Librarian a t the University of Illinois. During his five-year tenure of office, Ei experienced a thirty-five per cent increase in the amount of engineering information published as well as a significant gain in prominence, both as a national and international organization. For Ei internally, Mr. Woods saw the implementation of his study which directed an Ei management reorganization and a computerization of the Ei production system. T h e results of these endeavors are still improving the timeliness of Ei Services, making provision for new and improved services, and will facilitate greater coverage of technical literature in the near future. Further, he presided over the institution of the computer-readable version (COMPENDEX) of the Ei information base. Additionally, Mr. Woods directed the completion of a vocabulary study in the electrical/ electronics field in concert with the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, United States, t h a t aided in the development of a n improved Ei controlled indexing vocabulary and classification system. Also, he was instrumental in encouraging the development of the Overlap Study Agreements between Bio-Sciences Information Service, Chemical Abstracts Service, and Engineering Index, Inc. Two phases of this study of the degree of redundancy between abstracting and indexing services have been completed and published to date. For Ei’s external relations, Mr. Woods served as President of the National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing S e n i c e s (NFAIS). H e was active in various positions in the American Society of Engineering E d u cation (ASEE), American Society of Information Science (ASIS), Association of Scientific Information Dissemination Centers (ASIDIC), Information Industry Association (IIA), and the Special Libraries Association (SLA). On the international front, Mr. Woods advanced Ei’s involvement in worldwide organizations such as the European Association of Scientific Information Dissemination Centers (EUSIDIC). Internatisonal Council of Scientific UnionsAbstracting Board (ICISU-AB), UNISIST, and the World Federation of Enginee:ring Organizations (WFEO). NEW ENEiRGY SECTION IN CA Effective with Volume 81 (July-December 1974) of Chemical Abstracts, abstracts in a number of sections will be reorganized to better serve the needs of the growing number of investigators working on energy-related problems. T h e majority of abstracts on topics related t o energy technology will be brought together in three sections published in the same CA issue.

Abstracts concerning chemical and chemical engineering aspects of nonfossil energy sources (other than nuclear fuels, propellants, and explosives) will appear in a new section entitled Electrochemical, Radiational, and Thermal Energy Technology (section 52). Topics covered in this section will include thermal, solar, geothermal, and waste heat energy sources; electrical and electrochemical energy conversion devices; energy handling, storage, and transport technology; and safety aspects of energy productiun and use. Abstracts on these topics previously have been scattered throughout various sections of CA. Abstracts on the chemical and chemical engineering aspects of the extraction, production, processing, and use of coal, natural gas, petroleum and their derivative products, which formerly appeared in sections 51 and 52, will be combined in a single section, Fossil Fuels, Derivatives, and Related Products (section 51). Abstracts related to nuclear energy sources and applications will continue to appear in section 76, Nuclear Technology. The reorganization represents no change in CA’s coverage but is a n effort to bring together information on the chemical and chemical engineering aspects of energy-related subjects to make it more visible and easier to locate. Cross references in each of the energy-related sections also will direct the user t o abstracts of possible interest in other sections of CA. BIBLIOGRAPHIC GUIDE Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts Service, and Engineering Index, Inc., have announced plans to publish a Bibliographic Guide for Editors and Authors. It will be available in September 1974. T h e first publication to be produced jointly by the three major U. S.scientific abstracting and indexing services, the Guide will contain full titles, titles abbreviated in accordance with International Standard Organization standards, American Society for Testing and Materials CODEN, and International Standard Serial Numbers (if available) for some 20,000 scientific and technical periodicals monitored by the three services. Each entry for a periodical will. be coded to indicate which of the sponsoring secondary services monitor it. T h e guide also will provide an annotated bibliography of national and international documentation standards of potential interest to journal editors and instructions for editors on the use of the “bibliographic strip” to identify both journal issues and individual articles through a compact code. To encourage its broad use by individual authors and editors, the Guide will be priced a t $9.30, and lower prices will be offered for quantity purchases. For quantities of six to ten copies, the per copy price will be S8.00; for 11 to 20 copies it will be $7.00; and for 21 or more copies the price will be $6.00 per copy. T h e three services believe that the new Guide will be a n aid to both editors and authors in the preparation of references included in the articles they publish. They point out that there is presently no single, comprehensive listing of standard periodical title abbreviations available within a price range individual editors and authors can afford; tools currently available consist mainly of guidelines for abbreviating titles and lists of frequently used periodical title words with the abbreviation for each. T h e services also hope t h a t publication in t h e Guide of instructions for use of the bibliographic strip might encourage more editors to use this code, which greatly facilitates the identification of journal issues by libraries and abstracting and indexing services. For additional information, contact: Department of Professional Services and Education, Biosciences Information Journal of Chemical Documentation, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1974