Objective tests in organic chemistry - Journal of ... - ACS Publications

Publication Date: October 1945. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 22, 10, XXX-XXX. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to inc...
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Objective Tests i n Organic Chemistry T H E NATION has been working harder than a t any timein its history, yet it is not necessary for one t o slave a t a testing program in organic chemistry. Six complete sets of objective tests in organic chemistry are now available. These comprise the series from 194041 t o 194546, inclusive. Each of these series contains 27 subject examinations an the various topics of organic chemistry as: 1. .4lkanea, alkenrs, alkynes. 9. Alkyl halidw and polyhaloalkancs.

3 . Alcahuls. erlx-rs, halohydrinr, nlkenc oxidcr. 4. Aldehydes, ketones, ketenes. 5. Acids. saturated and unsaturated G. Hologrn, hydroxy, and oao-substirutcd acidi. 7. Anhydrides, acid ltalidr-, esters, salts. 8. Rcl~larmmentruaction;, rrrit,!r. 9. Carbohydrates. 10. Final examinations, Nos. 1 t o 9. I . Thioalcohols, thioethers, sulfonic acids. 12. Nitroparaffins, amides, urea, urea derivatives, amines, amino acids, proteins, nitriles, and isonitriles. 13. Foods and metabolism. 14. Metallic and nonmetallic alkyl compounds. 15. Alicyclic compannds. 16. Aromatic hydrocarbons. 17. Aryl halogen compounds. 18. Phenols. aryl alcohols, ethers. 19. Aryl aldehydes, ketones. quinones. 20. Awl carboxylic acids. 21. Aryl sulfonic acids. 22. Aryl nitro compounds, amines, and diazonium salts. 23. Heterocyclic and miscellaneous compounds. 24. Antiseptics, dyes, stains, indicators. 25. Terpenes, rubber, resins, fibers, and detergents. 26. Processes, reactions, syntheses, tests. 27. Final examinations, Nos. 11 t o 26.


Each test contains 20 items of the multiple choice type, in

which zero t o five answers may be correct. Both individual answers and various combinations of answers are employed. The completion time of each test is 20 or more minutes. The instructor may, however, select only such items as he desires t o emphasize and thus cut the test to a 10- or even a 5-minute quiz. These five series of tests have been compiled and edited by a volunteer group of collaborators. As a consequence it is likely that the tests are representative. These tests may be used advantageously with any textbook in any course in organic chemistry, for the individual tests cover specific areas of the subject. The tests are so arranged that they may b e graded manually, by cutting out small rectangles below the answers on a master key, and then superimposing the key on the test paper to be graded. Where machine grading is available, the numbering of the items is such that two answer sheets are all that are required for a complete course in organic chemistry. Thesesubject tests are available a t GO cents for the first set and 20 cents per set for each additional set, approximately 20 cents per student per year, plus postage. Individual sets are priced a t 60 cents. All orders for less than $2.00 should be accampanied by payment. These tests are available from the chairman of the committee, Ed. F. Degeiing, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. This is a nonprofit project, which has been subsidized by Purdue University from the outset. Three comprehensive objective tests in organic chemistry are also available, Form S, Form T , and Form U. These are obtainable from the Cooperative Test Service, 15 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, New York. These comprehensive tests contain 100 carefully selected items each, which give a representative coverage of a beginning course in organic chemistry. One hundred minutes are required for the completion of each of these examinations, but Forms T and U are so designed that they may be given in two 50-minute periods. Cooperation in the production of subsequent sets of both of these series of tests is cordially invited.