Observations of High-Density Ferroelectric Ordered Water in Kaolinite

Jul 27, 2010 - influences ice cloud formation in the atmosphere is mineral dust.7 A list of ..... less ordered structures (weaker less well-defined pe...
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J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 8396–8405

Observations of High-Density Ferroelectric Ordered Water in Kaolinite Trenches using Monte Carlo Simulations T. Croteau, A. K. Bertram,* and G. N. Patey* Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of British Columbia, VancouVer, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Z1 ReceiVed: May 20, 2010; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: July 7, 2010

Grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations are employed to investigate the structure of water adsorbed on kaolinite surfaces with trenchlike defects. The results obtained for two water models (SPC/E and TIP5P-E) at 235 K are essentially the same. Calculation of water density profiles in all three dimensions shows that a dense ordered state is present in our trench systems. The narrowest trenches have the highest water density and display clearly layered structures along the width and depth of a trench. The water within a trench shows distinct proton order and is strongly ferroelectric. These ordered structures might be important in the initial stages of nucleation and growth of ice on kaolinite surfaces. I. Introduction Although heterogeneous ice nucleation occurring in the atmosphere has been studied for many years, its effect on climate remains poorly understood. A better description of the heterogeneous nucleation process leading to the formation of ice clouds is certainly necessary to help in predicting precipitation patterns as well as in estimating the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the Earth.1-6 An important mechanism for ice nucleation in the atmosphere is heterogeneous nucleation, where ice nucleation occurs on a solid or partially solid aerosol particle. These solid or partially solid particles are referred to as ice nuclei. Although this mechanism is thought to be important, it is poorly understood on a molecular level and remains a large uncertainty when predicting ice cloud formation and climate.6,7 An important and abundant type of aerosol particle that influences ice cloud formation in the atmosphere is mineral dust.7 A list of the common clay minerals found in aerosolized dust samples include quartz, illite, muscovite, chlorite, kaolinite, and calcite.8 Our focus here is on kaolinite particles. These particles are known to be effective ice nuclei (IN) based on laboratory studies,9-11 and they make up a significant amount of the aerosolized mass of mineral dust8 (about 5-10% in certain locations). The reason why kaolinite particles are good IN remains unclear. One possible hypothesis is that there exists a good crystallographic match between the kaolinite and hexagonal ice surfaces.12 The kaolinite surface was thought to arrange the adsorbed water, according to specific sites, in a structure that has a lattice constant similar to ice. These structures would then be good templates for the formation of ice embryos. However, recently it has been shown that this is likely not the case using both Monte Carlo13 and ab initio studies.14,15 In fact, the lattice constants of the ring structures formed on kaolinite surfaces do not match those of hexagonal ice. This results in significant strain of the ice embryo which does not favor the growth of ice.13 Simulation studies13-15 support the idea that surface defects or irregularities such as steps, cracks, trenches, etc. must play * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: bertram@ chem.ubc.ca (A.K.B.) and [email protected] (G.N.P.).

a major role in ice nucleation by kaolinite, and likely other types of clay particles. Closely related, ice freezing experiments also indicate that ice nucleation on mineral dust surfaces occurs at specific types of surface defects, so-called active sites.16-19,12 For example, Marcolli et al.16 have shown that active sites were needed to describe freezing experiments on Arizona test dust, a type of mineral dust. In a recent study,20 we investigated water adsorption in kaolinite defects at 298 K. Specifically, we considered nanoscale trenches with widths ranging from 14.78 to 73.91 Å and a depth of 23.19 Å. The motivation for this geometry and these length scales is discussed below. This work showed that at 298 K water completely filled these trenches at subsaturation relative humidities (RH) values. The present paper describes an extension of these studies aimed at determining and understanding the structure of water condensed in the same trenches at 235 K. One of the goals is to determine if water in these trenches has order, imposed by a local field and/or by confinement. Another objective is to assess whether these types of defects could be important in ice nucleation in the atmosphere. Related to our work, over the past decade or so, several simulations of ice formation have been reported.21-35 In some cases, ice formation was achieved by confining the water or by applying a field. This has the effect of reducing the number of available disordered hydrogen-bond network structures compared to an unconstrained, three-dimensional system, thus enhancing ice nucleation. As an example, in their molecular dynamics simulations, Svishchev and Kusalik21 were able to crystallize liquid water into some amorphous forms of ice, as well as into cubic ice I (depending on the density), by applying an electric field at a temperature of 250 K. By confining the water in a hydrophobic slit pore less than one nanometre wide, Koga et al.22-24 were able to induce a liquid to an amorphous bilayer transition. In other similar cases, ice formation has been observed in model nanotubes,25,26 pores,27 and slits.28,26 In the following, we analyze the water structures formed in and around trenches using density and orientational order parameter profiles, molecular imaging, and hydrogen bond numbers. The results are based on grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations performed at 235 K using both the SPC/E and TIP5P-E water models. The remainder of the paper is organized in three parts. The models and simulation issues are

10.1021/jp104643p  2010 American Chemical Society Published on Web 07/27/2010

Ferroelectric Ordered Water in Kaolinite Trenches

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 32, 2010 8397

Figure 1. The simulation cell.

considered briefly in section II; results are presented and discussed in section III, and our conclusions are summarized in section IV. II. Model and Method GCMC simulations of water adsorption were performed on kaolinite surfaces containing trenches at 235 K. The trench systems used are based on the schematic displayed in Figure 1. The motivation for this particular defect type comes from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of kaolinite particles.36-42 Such images show that the basal planes of kaolinite are relatively smooth (at least on the length scale of the resolution of SEM), but the surfaces perpendicular to the basal planes are rough and irregular, with features that often look like trenches or cracks that should have sides (i.e., walls) that correspond to the Al and Si surfaces. The trench bottoms and the surface areas between the trenches consist of unprotonated edges (100 plane). In the SEM images the dimensions of the trenches and cracks are larger than the dimensions used in our simulations, but it seems reasonable to assume that similar structures are present at smaller length scales below the resolution of SEM. The four trenches used in our earlier work20 (labeled 1, 2, 3 and 4) are again considered here (see Figure 2). A complete description of the simulation setup and the construction of these trenches is given in ref 20. Very briefly, the trenches in Figure 2 are made of unprotonated edges (bottom of the trench and top surface), together with Al and Si surfaces (the trench walls). All trenches are 23.19 Å deep, and the y dimension of the central cell is 35.77 Å in all cases. The trench width varies from 14.78 Å (trenches 1A, 1B, and 2) to 44.34 Å (trench 3) and 73.91 Å (trench 4). A complete list of the parameters is given in Table 1. Note that all systems are infinitely periodic in the x and y directions. Differing from ref 20, we set the distance separating the top and bottom slabs in our double slab systems (Figure 1) to 100 Å instead of 50 Å, to ensure that the water molecules are not interacting with the other opposing surface (which, in turn, is used to cancel the effect of lattice truncation13). This allows the formation of large mounds above the top unprotonated edge surface, without significant interactions with the opposing surface. To ensure, insofar as possible, that our results and conclusions do not strongly depend on the model employed, we consider two different, well-known water models, namely, SPC/E43 and TIP5P-E.44 Note that the bulk ice Ih melting points of these models differ considerably, occurring at about 215 K for SPC/E and 274 K for TIP5P-E.45 The force field parameters for the surface water interactions are those of CLAYFF,46 a model

Figure 2. The trenches considered at 235 K. Note that the systems are replicated along the x axis to match the dimension of the largest case. From top to bottom, the trenches are 1, 2, 3, and 4. Simulations were performed for trench 1 without (1A) and with (1B) the intertrench spacing filled (clay atoms inside the black rectangle). The black arrows indicate the trenches.

TABLE 1: Dimensions of the Simulation Cells in Terms of the Lattice Parameters a ) 5.1535 Å, b ) 8.9419 Å, and c ) 7.3906 Åa trench

trench width (Å)

x dimension (Å)

1A, 1B 2 3 4

2c (14.78) 2c (14.78) 6c (44.34) 10c (73.91)

6c (44.34) 8c (59.12) 10c (73.91) 14c (103.47)

a The y dimension and trench depth are 4b (35.77 Å) and 4.5a (23.19 Å), respectively, for all systems.

developed for clay particles. The clay lattice was assumed to be rigid, with the atoms fixed in the most stable configuration.47 This model was also used in our earlier studies of water adsorption on kaolinite,13,20 and where comparisons are possible, it agrees well with calculations based on density functional theory.13,15 Configurational energies were obtained using the usual 3D Ewald method48 leaving an empty gap of 107 Å in the z direction (Figure 1) to avoid unwanted interactions with periodic images in that dimension.49,50 Periodic boundary conditions were employed in the x and y directions. A total of 6858 wave vectors were included in the Ewald sums together with the parameter R ) 0.175 Å-1 and a reciprocal space cutoff of 2.0 Å-1. The Lennard-Jones and real space interactions were spherically truncated at 18.0 Å. In the GCMC simulations, insertions,


J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 32, 2010

deletions and displacements (each counted as a Monte Carlo step) of water molecules were attempted with equal probability at fixed chemical potential. Very long simulations (109 or more steps) were necessary to attain the results reported, due in part to the large number of water molecules involved. The number of clay atoms included also significantly affects the computational effort required, and in most calculations only a single layer of clay atoms surround the trenches to minimize the computing cost. Our earlier work13,20 has shown that this is sufficient for qualitative purposes, and further tests with more clay atoms are given in the present paper. In an earlier paper,20 we described in some detail the adsorption of water into kaolinite trenches at 298 K as a function of chemical potential. The goal of this previous paper was to determine adsorption isotherms and compare the isotherms with experiments. Here we do not consider the adsorption isotherms. Rather, we consider only results at 235 K obtained at chemical potentials of -54 and -49.5 kJ/mol, for the SPC/E and TIP5P-E models, respectively. Since chemical potentials for the bulk transitions of SPC/E and TIP5P-E water do not appear to have been obtained at 235 K, we use the estimates given by our earlier simulations of water confined between atomistically smooth kaolinite surfaces13 to define relative humidities. These are estimated as ∼60 and ∼77% RH for SPC/E and TIP5P-E, respectively. Note that in all likelihood these values are upper limits on the RH, because in our simulations13 the surface water interactions are expected to slightly favor the condensed phase compared to bulk systems with no surfaces present. A temperature of 235 K was chosen due to the relevance of this temperature for ice nucleation in the atmosphere. The chemical potentials of -54 and -49.5 kJ/mol, for the SPC/E and TIP5P-E models, were chosen because they give RH values that roughly correspond to conditions at which ice nucleation occurs in the atmosphere at 235 K. We did not attempt to make the RH values for both water models match exactly, but this has no bearing on the structural analysis given below, since for both models the trenches contain comparable amounts of water. III. Results and Discussion A. Water Adsorption at 235 K and Chemical Potentials of -54 and -49.5 kJ/mol for the SPC/E and TIP5P-E Models. Images of the different coverages found in our systems, at the above chemical potentials, and RH values of 60% and ∼77% for SPC/E and TIP5P-E, respectively, are displayed in Figures 3 and 4. As was observed in ref 20, for the same RH the coverage found for trench 1B is larger than for its counterpart, trench 1A, which has the intertrench spacing empty (see Figure 3). But, as we will see, this has no qualitative effect on the water structure in the trenches. The same observation applies for the different water models. Although smaller coverages are found for the narrow trenches using TIP5P-E compared to SPC/E (see parts a and b of Figure 4), as is shown below, the structural results are very similar whether we use the SPC/E or TIP5P-E models. From Figures 3 and 4, we see that water is strongly adsorbed at the atmospherically relevant RH values given above. All trenches shown are filled with water except for the widest case, trench 4 (parts e and f of Figure 4). We note that at 235 K and the selected RH values (chemical potentials) convergence is slow, and on the basis of our 298 K results,20 we would expect trench 4 to fill completely as well, given sufficiently long Monte Carlo runs. We did not carry out longer simulations since in our judgment nothing further would be learned. Nevertheless, we include results for the partially filled trench 4, because they are instructive for assessing the structure of water in the trenches

Croteau et al.

Figure 3. Snapshots of trenches 1A (a) and 1B (b) using SPC/E at 235 K and ∼60% RH. The water oxygen atoms are blue; lattice oxygen atoms are red; hydrogen atoms are white; aluminum atoms are gray, and silicon atoms are brown.

(see below). Also, note that, since the results for the narrowest trenches 1A, 1B, and 2 are very similar, only those for trench 1B are shown in the figures. B. Water Density Profiles. To help characterize the water structure in the trenches, we calculate density profiles in all three dimensions, and these are plotted in Figures 5, 6, and 7. These plots provide some evidence (high intensity peaks) for at least a partially ordered state, and this is especially true for the narrowest trenches. Figure 5 shows density profiles in the x direction. The Si surface is located on the left near x ) 0, and the Al-surface on the right with x approximately equal to the trench width. Figure 5 indicates that inside trench 1B (14.78 Å wide), the water molecules can be roughly separated into six layers along the x -axis, one next to both the Al and Si surfaces, and four layers in between. The density profiles also indicate that the water densities within the trenches are quite high, with trench 1B being the densest of all (with an average of ∼1.6 g/cm3). The high densities can be understood in view of the strong attractive water lattice interactions discussed in ref 20. The peaks near the walls, where the mean water-lattice interaction is strongest, represent denser layers. As one moves away from the walls, the peaks decrease in intensity. The order in the x direction is clearly at least partially imposed by interaction with the walls. This influence decreases as the trench width is increased leading to less ordered structures (weaker less well-defined peaks) away from the walls for trenches 3 and 4 (see Figure 5). Note that for trench 4 (Figure 5, bottom panel) the lower density in the midtrench region arises because this trench is not full of water (see Figure 4, bottom panels). Figure 5 indicates that the results are not strongly dependent on the water model used. The density profiles along the y axis (Figure 6) also show structural peaks that again are most distinct for the narrower trenches. This is particularly strong evidence of order, given that in the y direction the trenches are infinitely periodic and not constrained by any surfaces. However, the absence of confinement along this axis leads to layering patterns that are not as well-defined as in the other directions. The z direction, on the other hand, is constrained from the bottom by an unprotonated edge surface leading to a density distribution where well-defined patterns can be identified. Along this axis the water molecules are most ordered for the narrow trenches (Figure 7). The first peak corresponding to the water layer interacting immediately with the unprotonated edge surface

Ferroelectric Ordered Water in Kaolinite Trenches

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Figure 5. Water density (g/cm3) profiles obtained at 235 K along the x axis (trench width) for trenches 1B (top panel), 3 (middle panel), and 4 (bottom panel) using the SPC/E (solid black curves) and TIP5P-E (dashed red curves) water models at ∼60 and 77% RH, respectively. Note the different scales on the x axis for all three trenches.

Figure 4. Snapshots of trenches 1B (a,b), 3 (c,d), and 4 (e,f) using SPC/E (a, c, e ∼60% RH), and TIP5P-E (b, d, f ∼77% RH) at 235 K. The atoms are denoted as in Figure 3. The water “lone pairs” associated with the TIP5P-E model are orange.

has the highest intensity, and is followed by a series of sharp peaks corresponding to successive layers. Again, as the trench width is increased (trenches 3 and 4), these secondary peaks become less intense. C. Structural Imaging. Here we focus on trench 1B, which has the most defined and ordered structure of all systems considered. We present images only for the SPC/E model but note that the results are very similar for both water models employed. Figure 8 shows structural images along the x direction. As remarked above, the narrowest trenches can be divided into six water layers spanning the trench width (i.e., along the x coordinate, the water is confined between the trench walls). In the insert of Figure 8a we show the corresponding density profile along the x axis as well as vertical lines which indicate the

Figure 6. Water density (g/cm3) profiles obtained at 235 K along the y axis for trenches 1B (top panel), 3 (middle panel), and 4 (bottom panel) using the SPC/E (solid black curves) and TIP5P-E (dashed red curves) water models at ∼60 and 77% RH, respectively.

dividing surface for each layer. The different layers are numbered for reference. All six layers are shown in isolation in Figure 8a, and different views of layers 3, 1, and 6 are shown in parts b, c, and d of Figure 8, respectively. On the basis of the density profiles and images, the water at the surfaces (layers 1 and 6) appears to be more ordered. Layer 1, shown in Figure 8c is next to the Si surface thus explaining why the majority of the water molecules have their hydrogen atoms lying flat, preferring to interact with other water molecules rather than with the surface, which is considered hydrophobic13 (only weakly interacting with water). On the other side of the trench, the water layer next to the Al surface (layer 6, Figure 8d) shows a greater tendency to interact with the clay atoms, as more hydrogen atoms are oriented toward it. We note some hexagonal patterns in Figure 8d. To illustrate this point, we have added a hexagonal ring to


J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 32, 2010

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Figure 7. Water density (g/cm3) profiles obtained at 235 K along the z axis (trench depth) for trenches 1B (top panel), 3 (middle panel), and 4 (bottom panel) using the SPC/E (solid black curves) and TIP5P-E (dashed red curves) water models, at ∼60 and 77% RH, respectively. Note that the trench top occurs at 23.19 Å.

the figure superimposed on one of the rings formed by the water molecules. However, as observed in our previous study,13 the surface-induced ring structures do not resemble ice, at least not ice Ih. Rather, these ring structures match the surface and not hexagonal ice as discussed in ref 13, where a misfit strain of ∼14% was calculated between the hexagonal patterns formed on the Al-surface and ice Ih. Figure 9 shows structural images along the z axis. Similar to Figure 8, we divided the water along the z axis into layers based on the density profiles. In Figure 9, we show the density profile along the z axis as well as horizontal lines which indicate the dividing lines for the different layers. Again, the layers are numbered for reference. Figure 9b is an image of layer 3 projected onto the xy plane, and parts c and d of Figure 9 are top and bottom views of layer 1, again projected onto the xy plane. Inspection of the separate layers along the z axis as shown in Figure 9a can lead to a very interesting observation. All water molecules have their hydrogen atoms pointing upward from the first layer up. This can be seen clearly in parts c and d of Figure 9. This structure is retained all the way up even outside the trench (Figure 10), although the ordering starts to decrease at the top unprotonated surface level (see below), where a qualitative difference is observed between the orientation of the water molecules above the trench and those binding to the top unprotonated edge. It is interesting to note that different patterns are found on the unprotonated edges located at the top and bottom of the trench. The same effect is observed for the wider trenches although it is not as pronounced. The structure found on the top unprotonated edge surface is similar to that observed in our study of flat kaolinite surfaces, and is, therefore, what one would expect at the bottom of a very wide trench. D. Orientational Ordering. To quantify the alignment of the water molecules in a trench, we calculate a dipole order parameter profile in the z direction. For a given configuration this is defined as

m(z) )

1 N(z)µw


∑ µi i)1


where N(z) is the number of water molecules in a rectangular volume element of thickness 0.116 Å (x and y dimensions equal to those of the trench) centered at z, µw is the dipole moment of either an SPC/E or TIP5P-E water molecule, and the vector sum is over all water dipoles included in the volume element. The results reported here are averages over 10000 configurations, separated from each other by 1000 Monte Carlo moves. The calculations were done in the NVT ensemble using configurations corresponding to ∼60 and 77% RH at 235 K for SPC/E and TIP5P-E, respectively. Note that if all water molecules were to be perfectly aligned (perfect ferroelectric order), the magnitude of the average dipole order parameter would be 〈|m(z)|〉 )1. On the other hand, a value of 〈|m(z)|〉 ≈ 0 is expected if the dipoles are disordered. The average components 〈mx(z)〉, 〈my(z)〉, and 〈mz(z)〉 of m(z) are displayed in Figure 11 for trench 1B and clearly show strong alignment of the water molecules inside the trench for both water models. The curves shown in Figure 11 confirm our observations from simple imaging of the different layers discussed above, specifically that there is a net moment directed upward along z. However, at approximately 24 Å above the trench floor, which is where the water molecules begin to exit the trench, the polarization begins to diminish and continues to lessen as one moves away from the trench. The 〈mx(z)〉 and 〈my(z)〉 components are much less significant, particularly for TIP5P-E, where both oscillate about zero. Also note, that the x and y components are unaffected by the change in structure initiated upon exiting the trench. Profiles of the average magnitude of the dipole order parameter for trenches 1B, 3, and 4 are plotted in Figure 12. We note that for the narrowest trench (1B) the average magnitude is just a little less than 1. For the wider trenches (3 and 4), the order parameter is considerably less than 1, but significant ordering is still evident. Note again that most of the ordering comes from the z component. This is why the alignment of the water molecules starts to decrease at around 24 Å above the bottom of the trench for all trenches, as discussed above. To further characterize the polarization, it is useful to calculate two average order parameters for each trench, one including all water molecules inside a trench, and the other all remaining water molecules that are outside the trench. Inside is defined to be all water molecules below the top unprotonated edge surface. The results obtained for all trenches and both water models are included in Table 2 and serve to highlight the ordering in the trenches. For SPC/E the average order parameters inside the trenches vary from 0.91 (trench 1A) and 0.95 (trench 1B) to 0.6 (trench 4), and similar values are found for TIP5P-E. Outside the trenches the ordering is much reduced and the SPC/E values vary from 0.3 (trenches 1A and 1B) to 0.25 (trench 4). These values agree with Figures 11 and 12, which indicate a decrease in the dipole order parameter as you leave the trench, and with Figure 10, which shows clear images of the different sections with differing orientations of the water molecules. It is interesting to ask if the water polarization in the trenches is due to the geometric confinement of a high density of water molecules, or to the presence of an ordering field coming from the charge distribution of the lattice. To probe this question, we have calculated the average dipole order parameter profile of a single water molecule along both walls (Al and Si surfaces) and in the middle of trench 1B. This was done by employing NVT Monte Carlo calculations for a single water molecule fixed at different positions in the trench. The results plotted in Figure 13 clearly show the presence of a strong ordering field that orients the water dipole upward along the z axis. Significantly,

Ferroelectric Ordered Water in Kaolinite Trenches

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Figure 8. Images of the individual layers along the x axis for trench 1B using SPC/E at 235 K and ∼60% RH (a) all layers along the x axis, (b), (c), and (d) are flat views of the left side for the first, third, and sixth layers as seen in (a). An artificial spacing of 5 Å was inserted between the layers in (a). The water oxygen atoms are blue and hydrogen atoms are white. The yellow hexagonal pattern overlaid in (d) matches the surface but not ice Ih (see ref 13).

away from the walls (where most water molecules are located in filled trenches) the z component dominates and the ordering extends to about 15 Å above the top of the trench. Near both walls, the field mainly orients the water molecules in the z direction, but there can also be a significant contribution from the x component. This has the effect of tilting the water molecules slightly sideways at some locations along the walls. Along the Al surface, the effect of the x and z components of the field also extends some 15 Å above the top of the trench. E. Hydrogen Bonding. To further investigate the ordering of the water in the trenches, it is of interest to calculate the number of water-water hydrogen bonds. In doing this we included only water molecules away from the trench walls (i.e., excluding molecules adjacent to any trench surface) and below the trench surface. We defined a hydrogen bond using the same conditions as employed in our previous studies13,20 for the SPC/E model. Specifically, a water-water hydrogen bond is defined

to exist if and only if the water-oxygen-water-oxygen distance is less than 3.41 Å, the water-hydrogen-water-oxygen distance is less than 2.38 Å, and the O-O-H angle is less than 35o. However, for the present system the results were found to be quite sensitive to the angle employed. For example, the average number of hydrogen bonds inside trench 1B was calculated as 4.01 and 4.31 using angles of 35 and 40o, respectively (Table 2). It is surprising that such a small change in angle can give such a large change in the estimated number of hydrogen bonds. This is probably due to the high density of the water in the trenches and indicates that care must be taken in interpreting the hydrogen bond numbers obtained. Nevertheless, the values given in Table 2 indicate that the narrow trenches 1 and 2 are the most hydrogen bonded of the systems considered, with hydrogen bond numbers above 3.9. Increasing the trench width leads to a decrease in the number of hydrogen bonds even if the systems remain quite dense.


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Figure 9. Images of the individual layers along the z axis for trench 1B using SPC/E at 235 K and ∼60% RH: (a) first six layers along the z axis starting from the bottom of the trench, (b) and (c) top views of the first and third layers, respectively, and (d) bottom view of the first layer. An artificial spacing of 5 Å was inserted between the layers in part a. The atoms are denoted as in Figure 8.

However, these larger systems (trenches 3 and 4) are denser near the sides and bottom of the trench. Since we only used the water molecules away from the walls to calculate the average hydrogen bond number, it is no surprise to obtain smaller values for the wider trenches, as they are less dense in that region than those that are narrower. As a comparison, the regions used to calculate the hydrogen bond numbers for trenches 1B and 3 have densities of ∼1.6 and ∼1.1 g/cm3, respectively. IV. Summary and Possible Connections with Atmospheric Chemistry and Ice Nucleation The water density profiles show that densities within the trenches are quite high, and also, particularly in the narrower trenches, the water molecules form ordered structures with welldefined layers. An orientational ordering analysis and the imaging of the different layers shows strong dipolar alignment of the water molecules inside the trenches. A hydrogen bonding

analysis indicates that the hydrogen bond numbers in the trench approach 4 for the narrowest trenches. In summary, the water in the trenches has a relatively high density and shows spatial and ferroelectric order. The results discussed above may be important for ice nucleation, although we cannot be certain whether or not these surfaces will be favorable for bulk ice nucleation and growth. First, the hydrogen bond numbers are close to four for the narrow trenches, which is closer to ice than to liquid water. Second, the water structures determined by our density profiles indicate that a dense state, which shows some spatial order, is present in the trenches. One might expect these environments to be more favorable to bulk ice nucleation and growth than a liquid water environment or atomically flat kaolinite surfaces that have a large misfit with bulk ice. Molecular dynamics calculations that investigate the possible growth of bulk ice in these environments might prove interesting, since this technique

Ferroelectric Ordered Water in Kaolinite Trenches

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Figure 10. Top (b) and bottom (c) views of the first layer (black rectangle in part a) above the top unprotonated edge at 235 K using SPC/E for trench 1B. The atoms are denoted as in Figure 8.

Figure 11. Profiles of the average dipole order parameter vector components obtained along the z axis starting from the bottom of trench 1B at 235 K using SPC/E at ∼60% RH (black curves) and TIP5P-E at ∼77% RH (red curves).

has had some success in observing the growth of ice structures.21-24,28,26,29 The dipole order parameter calculations establish the presence of a proton ordered ferroelectric structure in the trenches. Usually, bulk ice phases are proton disordered; however, some proton-ordered (but not ferroelectric) bulk ice structures are known to exist. For example, ice II is proton ordered and has no proton disordered analogue; ice IX is the proton ordered version of ice III (ice III is itself partially ordered), and ice VIII

Figure 12. Profiles of the average magnitude of the dipole order parameter obtained along the z axis starting from the bottom of the trench at 235 K for trenches 1B (red curve), 3 (black curve), and 4 (blue curve) using SPC/E (bottom panel) and TIP5P-E (top panel) at ∼60 and 77% RH, respectively.

is the proton ordered version of ice VII.51 Experiments also show that proton rearrangement in normal ice Ih can be enhanced by doping the crystals with alkali hydroxides,52-57 by applying an electric field,58-61 or by using a surface which promotes the growth of an ordered ice phase.62,63 Perhaps the structured water in the trenches would be favorable for nucleating and growing proton ordered, ferroelectric ice, which could than be converted into the thermodynami-

TABLE 2: Average Dipole Order Parameters for Water Molecules inside or outside a Trench and Hydrogen Bond Numbersa order parameter

hydrogen bond number











1A 1B 2 3 4

0.907 (0.001) 0.9463 (0.0008) 0.886 (0.001) 0.721 (0.002) 0.596 (0.003)

0.31 (0.01) 0.29 (0.01) 0.20 (0.01) 0.26 (0.01) 0.251 (0.008)

0.9560 (0.0003) 0.892 (0.002) 0.737 (0.003) 0.600 (0.002)

0.39 (0.01) 0.22 (0.01) 0.29 (0.01) 0.227 (0.004)

3.94 (0.01) 4.01 (0.01) 3.91 (0.01) 3.724 (0.007) 3.632 (0.007)

4.16 (0.01) 4.310 (0.009) 4.14 (0.02) 3.832 (0.008) 3.727 (0.007)


The associated standard deviations are included in brackets.


J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 32, 2010

Figure 13. Profiles of the average dipole order parameter vector components obtained along the z axis for 1 water molecule near the Si surface (bottom panel), middle of the trench (middle panel), and near the Al surface (top panel) for trench 1B at 235 K using the SPC/E water model. The black, red, and blue curves represent the x, y, and z components of the order parameter, respectively.

cally favorable hexagonal ice Ih further from the surface. It would be very interesting if a series of experiments could be performed, to determine if trenches are really a hospitable environment for the formation of ferroelectric types of ice. It can also be speculated that adding mobile ions to our trench systems would greatly influence the results, as these would tend to counteract the ordering field. This would be consistent with recent laboratory studies64-67 that show a strong effect of ions on the ice nucleation properties of kaolinite particles as well as for other types of minerals. Simulations and experiments would also be needed in this case to establish the possible effects and implications of the presence of ions. The structure of water in the trenches may also be important for atmospheric chemistry. The chemistry of the atmosphere can be influenced by mineral dust particles by providing a medium on which reactions can occur. These heterogeneous reactions can modify the chemical balance of the gas-phase atmospheric species, such as N2O5, nitric acid and ozone. Laboratory studies have shown that water adsorbed on the mineral surfaces can influence these reactions. Our simulations give a better understanding of the water environment in trenches, which could potentially play a role in these heterogeneous chemical reactions. Acknowledgment. The financial support of the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Science, and the Canada Research Chair Program is gratefully acknowledged. This research has been enabled by the use of WestGrid and Compute/Calcul Canada computing resources, which are funded in part by the Canada Foundation for Innovation, Alberta Innovation and Science, BC Advanced Education, and the participating research institutions. WestGrid and Compute/Calcul Canada equipment is provided by IBM, Hewlett-Packard and SGI. References and Notes (1) Kaufman, Y. J.; Tanre´, D.; Boucher, O. Nature 2002, 419, 215.

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