Observations upon the unified force operation

Observations upon the Unified Force Operation. The article by Schamhack and Laffingl ... Western Camlina Universily. Cullowhee. North Carolina 28723...
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Observations upon the Unified Force Operation The article by Schamhack and Laffingl concerning the Shrinking Non-normative Internal Process (SNIP) for the behavior of laboratory tubing is merely another observation in the Unified Farce Operation (UFO) first described by Asimov2and later refined in the observations of Hari S e l d ~ nScientists .~ in our laboratories have also been attemotine to bring together under a single theory (UFO) the observations of the hehavior of inanimate matter in the presence ojhuman experimentation. A new factor, the Self-Protective Psychic Factor (SPPF) has been found to explain the otherwise inexplicable behavior of matter in the anticipation of human intervention. Without this factor, there is no accounting for the shrinkage of tuhing and comestibles, evaporation of reagents from tightly stoppered containers, and the hehavior of

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In his original article, which is now only available with top secret clearance from the CIA, Asimov2 reported that thiotimolene has the unique property of dissolving in aqueous solutions a few seconds before the solvent is added provided that the water is suhsecluentlv . .added and that soluhilitv denends unon the .ouritv. of the thiotimolene. Several references to the psycho-chemistry of this compound are given in t h e article. W e expect to show that other substances also exhibit similar psyeho-chemical properties, and it is certain that the ohservations of Shamhack and Laffing also fall into this category. Experimental An effect similar to the S N I P t P I N G effect has been seen in a number of other suhstances. Specifically, we have observed the volatility of tightly capped reagents available only from central stores on Mondays and Thursdays, the shrinkage of comestibles kept in the constant-temperature containers (especially those containing quantities of sucrose), and the tendencv ~,of cold tins of fermented malt to become invisible under certain environmental conditions. The original Shamback dncn on ruhhrr tubin: hnr olso been reevaluated. 'l'ne intluenre of rnr t'cdlowing factors were carefully nured under contrulled conditions ~






= Rate of Reduction (Speed with which shrinkage, volatilization, or invisibility occurs)

--number of active Humans in the environment = ti&,rr nllorat~on~depnrtmenral) = Self-IJroterrrw Psychic Factor \'\'IP = impending Visit by Very Important Persuns

Preliminarv analvsis sueeests that the correlation of RR with each of the other variables is extremelv comolex. and polyregressional analysis will be used for curve fitting. Preliminary Conclusions Tubing and comestibles have a highRR value on weekends, nights, and holidays (supporting Sehamhack's observations 2 and 3). Tubing and reagents have an RR value that is inversely proportional to an undetermined exponential of Bad, and its value is also affected by the time of the week. Malt tins, while sensitive to n H and SPPF, are most affected by VVIP, and essentially unaffected by Bad. It is hoped that by further refining ohservations such as those of Shamhack, that the realization of the UFO theory can he achieved, bringing to fruition the studies of psycho-chemistry. Thanks to the Triangle Universities Computer Consortium for the pending gift of seven months computer time.


Shamback, R. A., and Latfing,R. U.. "SNIP Shortening of Laboratory Tubing." J. CHEW. EDUC.60,747, (1983). z A ~ i m ~I..v .',The Endochronic Properties of Resubllmated Thiatimolene." Ast. Sci. Fi.. (1948); 7 h e Early Asimov." Doubleday, New York, 1972.

Seldan, Harl, "Aspects of Psycho-history and Science," J. htergai. Psychoi., 3257, 27, (2001).

D. A. Mathewes Harvey Pooka Western Camlina Universily Cullowhee. North Carolina 28723

Volume 62

Number 12

December 1965