The volume will be useful to engineers, managers, chemists and health effects personnel. Deep Well injection of industrlai Wastes: Government Controls...
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BOOKS Energy from the Wind/Suppiement 1. Barbara L. Burke and Robert N. Meroney. Colorado State University, Engineering Research Center, Foothills Campus, Fort Collins, Colo. 80523. 1977. $10, looseleaf. Prepared in the same format as the basic volume, the supplement contains over 1100 new references to books, conference proceedings, articles, and technical reports on wind power; most of these new references were published between 1973-77. A cumulative author and subject index is included. Proceedings of the 101’s Forum on Ozone Disinfection. International Ozone Institute, Merril Lane-Skytop Complex, Syracuse, N.Y. 13210. 1977. $30, hard cover. This collection of papers from the June 1976 meeting held in Chicago, Ill., covers such topics as wastewater disinfection and ozone/UV oxidation of chlorinated compounds in water. The volume will be useful to engineers, managers, chemists and health effects personnel.

Deep Well injection of industrlai Wastes: Government Controls and Legal Constraints. William R. Walker and William E.

Cox. 176 pages. Virginia Water Resources Research Center, 225 Norris Hall, VPI & SU, Blacksburg, Va. 2406 1. 1977. $8, paper. With more stringent water quality requirements, the disposal of liquid wastes is becoming more troublesorqe. Deepwell injection as a disposal method is economically and technically feasible, but environmental and legal and institutional problems have been cited. The book discusses the ramifications of these various problems. Basic Industrial Hygiene. Richard S. Brief. 245 pages. American Industrial Hygiene Association, 66 S. Miller Rd., Akron, Ohio 44313. 1977. $10.75, paper. This is a basic training manual on the principles and procedures of industrial hygiene. It is suited for plant managers and engineering personnel who are not professional industrial hygienists. Proceedings of the Symposlum on Sources, Effects and Sinks of Hydrocarbons In the Aquatic Environment. 582 pages. American Institute of Biological Sciences, 140 1 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va. 22209. $5, paper.

The Proceedings, in effect, is a review of current knowledge on the cycling of hydrocarbons in aquatic environments. Especially covered are the behavioral, physiological and morphological effects of these compounds on aquatic species. Air Pollution from Pesticides and Agricultural Processes. Robert E. Lee, Jr., Ed. 265 pages. CRC Press, Inc., 18901 Cranwood Parkway, Cleveland, Ohio 44128. 1977. $49.95, hard cover. To assess the environmental impact of man’s agricultural activities, this monograph speaks to the chemical and physical ramifications of pesticide sources, concentration, transport, atmospheric transformations, and toxicity. Analytical procedures and techniques are documented, and available legislative controls are assessed. Toxic Substances Law and Regulations 1977. 208 pages. Government Institutes, Inc., 4733 Bethesda Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20014. 1977. $25, paper. This volume is the result of a seminar held in December 1976. The papers cover the scientific basis for current concern, and examine the. current regulations, especially the Toxic Substances Control Act. The legal ramificationsof the various laws are also discussed.

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726 Environmental Science & Technology