Oct 5, 2017 - As a Thole, Volume 2 is a worthy successor to its predecessor, and all chemists can ... JAMES K. LICSESHY. BOOKS RECEIVED. August 1'7 ...
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Progress in Stereochemistry. l-olume 2 . B y W. KLYNE, Koppers-Totzek process, etc. Students will appreciate the M.A., D.Sc., Ph.D., Reader in Biochemistry, University numerous examples of calculations given throughout P a r t of London (Postgraduate Medical School), a n d P. B. D. 111. An additional feature t h a t is helpful is the liberal use of DE LA MARE, Ph.D., D.Sc., Reader in Chemistry (Unischematic drawings illustrating the processes described in the versity College), University of London. Academic Press last part. The book will be of considerablc importance t o the Inc., Publishers, 111 Fifth Avenue, X e w I’ork 3 , S. Y. advanced combustion engineering student and the reading of 1958. vii 323 pp. 15.5 X 25 cm. Price, $8.80. .In idea of t h e scope of this interesting and stimulating i t can be a refreshing experience for the practicing enginecr. book can be given most easily b y a survey of t h e titles and KATIOSAL BUREAUOF STAXDARDS WASHISGTOS23, D. C. JAMES K . LICSESHY authors of t h e individual chapters: Crystallography and Stereochemistry, b y J . C. Speakman; T h e Stereochemistry of Homolytic Processes, b y G. H. IYilliams; The Stereochemistry of Displacements at Cnsaturated Centres, by P. B . D. de la Mare; Stcric Effects on Mesomerism, b y B. AI. R’epster; T h e Study of Optically Labile Compounds, b y M. M. Harris; The Stereochemistry of t h e Group V Elements, b y F. G. Mann; Steric Factors in ImmunochemisBOOKS RECEIVED try, by J . R. Marrack and E. S. Orlans; and T h e Stereochemistry of Inorganic Molecules and Complex Ions, b y August 1‘7, 1958-September IO, 1958 R.J. Gillespie and R. S. K>-holm. i l C A D E Y T O F SCIENCES O F THE USSR. “Abstracts Of Reports ;\s can be seen from t h e foregoing list, t h e approach of the Fourth Soviet Conference oii Electrochemistr!,. adopted in ‘L-olume2is similar t o t h a t employed earlier in VolMoscoiv, 1956.” Consultants Bureau, Inc., 227 IYcst ume 1. T h e chief differenceis that, in t h e more recent work, 17th Street, S e w York 11, S . Y. 1958. 82 p p , 612.00. there is a little less emphasis upon general principles like, for example, conformational analysis, and correspondingly 1-IXCENT J . COATES,HENRYJ . SOERELS ASD IRY more emphasis upon t h e wealth of factual material t h a t is FAGERSON, Edited by. “Gas Chromatograph now available. A s a result, t h e value of the book t o t h e Symposium held under the Auspices of the Analysis general readers who are primarily interested in t h e broad Instrunlentation Division of the Instrurnent Society of outlines of the subject may have been slightly decreased; America, August 1957.” Academic Press, Tnc., Puhb u t its value t o t h e more specialized readers wishing lishers, 111 Fifth Avenue, S e w Vork 3 , S . Y . 1958. critical analyses of t h e finer details doubtless has been 323 pp. $10.00. increased. As a Thole, Volume 2 is a worthy successor t o E. AI. CROOK,Organized and Edited by. “Metals and its predecessor, and all chemists can look forward with pleasEnzyme -4etivity. Biochemical Society Symposium So. ure t o a n y further volumes t h a t may appear later. 15 held at the University of Leeds on 13 July 1956.” DEPARTMEST OF CHEMISTRY C,unbridge Vniversity Press, 32 East 57th Street, SenUSIVERSITYOF CHICAGO G. W.KHELAND York 22, S.S. 1958. 102 pp. S CHICAGO 37. ILLISOIS €3. HOSIGMASX. “Fortscliritte der P h Band 3 . “Gleichgewichts- und I\ Kristallen.” D r . Dietrich Steinkol Holzhofalle -03, Gerniany. 1958. 161 pp. DM 26.--. Gazefication e t Oxydation des Combustibles. Bases Theoriques et RCalisations Industrielles d e la Conversion G. I;. LOTHIART. “Absorption Spectrophotometry.” The O3ydante. BY JACQCES NEUSIER, Ancien 6lPT-e de Macmillan Company, 60 Fifth Aveiiue, S e w York 11, 1’Ecole Polytechnique. Masson e t Cie., 120, Boulevard X. Y. 1958. 216 pp. $10.75, Saint-Germain, Paris YIe, France. 1958. 550 pp. J . MURRAYLUCK, Editor, FRANK W. ALLES, Associate 17 X 24.5 cm. Price, Broch6, 4.500 fr.: Cartonnt? toile, Editor AND GORDONMACKISNEY,Associate Editor. 5.200 fr. “Annual Review o f Biochemistry.” T701unie27. Annual A brave a t t e m p t has been made by Dr. Seunier to Reviews, I n c . , Palo Alto, California. 1958. 775 pp. iiiterpret the vast technology of the industrial gases in terms 87.00 (USA), 07.50 (elsen.here). of fundamental physical chemistry. Thc magnitude of his task has made his treatment of the fundamentals uf each F. F. SORD, Edited by. “Advaiices in Eiizyinolugy u i i ( 1 aspect of the techuologies necessarily brief. He does not Re’!ated Subjects of Biochemistr>7.” Volume SS. pretend to lay before his readers the prohlems of the hasic Interscience Puhlisliers, Inc., 250 Fifth Avenue, S e w Yrxk chemistry of combustion and of hydroc:trbon pyrolysis b u t 1, X. Y. 1958. 488 pp. 312.50. instead has aimed a t a comprehensive, ratiriiial treatment of ~~AXIMILIAX PFLCCKE. “Chernischcs Zentralblatt. T.011existing industrial processes. The work is divided into four stanrliges Repertoi ium fiir Alle Znc.ige tier Reinen unci parts. The first part is concerned with the oxidative conAngeivandte~iChemie. Das System.” Verlag Chemic., version of solid and liquid combustibles t o gases. In the GinbH, 17a \Yeinheim/Bergstr., Pappelallee 3 , Germany. second part the author compares the various cornbustihlcs 1!)3X. !xpp. nM 12.--. such a s petroleum, ligno-oils, coal and natural gas. The third part deals with the. fundamentals of oxidative coiiver- AKXULDH.SPARRO\V, JOHK P.I j I X S I S G T i l s A S D \.IRGINIA sioii in xhich thermodynamics is cniplnyed liberally in POSD. “Bibliography on tl Effects of Ionizing Raclkinterpreting the various aspects of thc technolog\-. The tioni on Plants. 1896-19 . I ’ Rrixikhaven Sxtional fourth part is a systcinatic treatment of sucli processes its the L : h i r a t o r y , Upton, Kcti- I rk. Available from Oflicc Lurgi process for conversion of c:rrhori, o f Technical Services, 13el~artiricntof Corii~nercc,11.:141facturc, T\?iiklcr’s proccsi, t h e Piiiiiii( iiigtiiii 2.5, D. C. 1958. 2.2 111). X2.25.
