October's Headlines - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

October's Headlines. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1944, 36 (11), pp 1075–1076. DOI: 10.1021/ie50419a027. Publication Date: November 1944. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Events during the Month, of Interest to Chemists, Chemical Engineers, Executives

OCTOBER1. Industry executives urge cancellation of commission plan in Angl0-U. S. oil agreement, putting it purely on basic principles of oil policy. --NR.eynolds M&ds GO.maps program of postwar manufacturing ranging from aluminumtreated food containers to aluminum freight cars. --Consolidated Edison of N. Y. and system companies announce survey of manufacturing facilities in metropolitan area to aid industry in obtaining postwar work. --Mexican company arranges for alkali plant to utilize lake brines near Mexico City, American Cyanamid to serve aa technical adviser'. Buffalo Electrochemical announces process for making solutions of acetyl peroxide safe to handle.&-Rubber Chemicals Division of Du Pont states it will have completely equipped technical service laboratory in Akron. "Industry leaders draw plans for private institutions to bring young men to this country from all over the world for training in industrid and mercantile establishments. fl OCTOBER2. General Tire & Rubber announces construction of new $500,000 research laboratory.--Elmer K. Bolton, chemical director of Du Pont, to receive Perkin Medal award of American Section, Society of Chemical Industry*. fl OCTOBER 3. President Roosevelt signs Surplus War Property bill and War Mobilization and Reconversion bill, and announces interim appointment of James F. Byrnes MJ director of new Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion. --WPB announces sulfuric acid industry will reach peak capacity of 9,426,600 tons by June 30, 1945.--WPB lifts all government controls on use of magnesium for civilian F. Goodrich Co. develops new synthetio shoegoods.--B. soling and top-lift material made of Koroseal. fl OCTOBER4. Chemicals Bureau of WPB lifts allocations controls for civilian use over various materials used in manufacture of plastics. "Office of Price Administration announces increase of about 80% in prices for certain cinchona alkaloids sold by Defense Supplies Corp. to other government agencies. --Petroleum Administrator Ickes recommends that minimum of 27,000 oil and gas wells be drilled in 1945, of which 5000 should be exploratory.--Pennsyhania Salt Mfg. Co. dedicates Whitemarsh Research Labora,tories near Philadelphias. 7 OCTOBER5. WPB Chairman Krug says there will be no shortage of metals after V-E day cutbacks have tarken effect. --WPB assures that, one year after defeat of Germany, industry will have steel, copper, and aluminum in greater



supply than during record producing peace year 1937.~Standard Oil Development holds Forum on Future of Industrial Research in New York, in celebration of Silver Anniversary4. 7 OCTOBER6. U. S. Tariff Commission predicts that serious competition between imported natural rubber and domestic synthetic is unlikely for a year or two after reconquest of rubber-producing areas of Far East. ---WPB says supplias of rotenone, pyrethrum, arsenic, and copper fungicides may have to be allocated after V-E day.--F. A, Howard resigns as president of Standard Oil Development; R. P. Russell, executive vice president, succeeds him'. T[ OCTOBER8. Foreign Economic Administration announces about 78,000tons of crude rubber are to be shipped to U. S. from the British Commonwealth. f OC~OBER9. Reynolds Metals plans new uses for aluminum foil, including wrapping of bread, cake, crackers, and citrus fruit. --Petroleum Administrator Ickes announces October output of 100-octane gasoline will exceed Allied Nations' combat training requirements for first time. OCTOBER10. Annual report of E. R. Squibb & Sons states production of penicillin is being carried on in 15,000-gallon instead of 1-gallon tanks as used a year ago.--Directors of Independent Petroleum Association, meeting in Dallas, ask for defeat of proposed Anglo-American petroleum agreement. ---WPB says nearly all government production controls over copper industry will be lifted following V-E day. T[ OCTOBER 11. Toilet Goods Association announces research prograa to determine effects of cosmetics, first cooperative venture of this kind in the industry. 7 OCTOBER12. National Foreign Trade Convention adopts recommendations giving view of business and industry on future foreign trade policy. N-Chairman Krug tells press conference WPB is mapping steps for each industry and government, leading to reconversion when Germany collapses.--U. S. S.R. mission sent to Iran is negotiating for oil concession.--Walter Rice, vice president of Reynolds Metals Go. and president of Reynolds Mining Corp., tells press conference his company has long-term plans for bauxite mining in Jamaica'. 7 OCTOBER13. WPB abolishes Controlled Materials Plan Division and Production Controls Bureau, and announces departure of five dollar-a-year men. "American industry

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aoon will have access to 45.,000 patents seized by Alien Property Custodian, Heyward C. Hosch, southeastern consultant of Smaller War Plants Corp., tells Georgia business leaders. ”Albert Hayes, chief, WPB leather branch, a t annual meeting of Tanners Council of America, says cutbacks affecting leather industry will not exceed 20% on V-E day.-Association of Pulp Consumers requests continued control of wood pulp allocations after defeat of Germany. --William Blum, chief of Electrochemistry Section, National Bureau of Standards, receives Acheson Gold Medal of Electrochemical Society. OCTOBER14. American Cyanamid manufactures “Lanaset” for process to control wool shrinkage. --Diamond Alkali of Pittsburgh purchases Emeryville Chemical Co. of 8an Francisco. --Deputy Petroleum Administrator Davies says new superfuel will give planes of United Nations even greater superiority over Japanese air fleets. lf OCTOBER16. Foreign Policy Association urges control of public and private cartels by international supervision after war. --WPB orders manufacturers of paper and paperboard to hold 35% of total output of groundwood, printing, book, writing, and coarse wrapping papers for future distribution. --War Manpower Commissioner McNutt says all offices of U. S. Employment Service must tighten controls and have workers prove availability as prerequisite to employment when they move into new area. --OPA rules that producers of synthetic resins containing more than 5Oy0 of gum rosin may apply for increases in ceilings if they cannot maintain production a t present ceilings. OCTOBER17. Gilbert H. Montague of N. Y. Bar Association, in address before Boston Conference on Distribution, urges immediate consideration of changing and conflicting views on international trade agreements and cartels by an international group. --State Department undertakes to expand foreign service personnel and facilities to furnish foreign trade information to federal agencies.--Control of metals after war to ensure that enemy countries will never again possess sinews of war, urged by Walter S. Tower, president of American Iron and Steel Institute in address to American Society for Metals a t National Metal Congress. --Union Carbide & Carbon forms new plastics group to correlate company activities in plastics. -WPB maps program to increase output of sulfuric acid to meet ordnance needso. 7 OCTOBER18. State Department is prepared to revise Anglo-U. S. oil pact if necessary to allay industry’s fears. 7 OCTOBER19. New nylon coating for wire, applicable a t rates over 1000 feet per minute, announced by J. W. Strackleton, Plastics Department of Du Pont.--Charles J. Brand, executive secretary and treasurer of National Fertilizer Association, receives decoration from Ambassador of Chile on behalf of his government for valuable services. lf OCTOBER 20. WPB eases restrictions on copper in 17 civilian and commercial items. “Attorney General Biddle says Department of Justice filed amended counterclaim as intervening defendant in case of Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation us. Douglas Laboratories for alleged infringement by Douglas of so-called Steenbock patents on production of vitamin D.N-Appellate Division of N. Y . Supreme Court reverses a decision requiring Climax Molybdenum and certain directors of American Metal Co. to account to American Metal s I. & E. c. R Q P O R T B , advertising page 16, this issue.



Val. 36, No. 11

for profits, and absolves Climax Molybdenum from charges of improper use of facilities of American Met&--Threedimensional pictures of views through electron microscope demonstrated publicly for first time at 29th a m d meeting of Optical Society of America. 7 OCTOBER22. Leo T. Crowley, head of FEA, announces he will relax export controls as soon as compatible with wartime exigencies and reconversion possibilities.--Iran rejects American, British, and Soviet propositions for oil concessions and postpones further discussions until after war.-wWF’B eases restrictions on some types of laboratory equipment; places acrylonitrile, penicillin, and chlorinated paraffin under control of M-300 (general chemicals order) and lifts alIocation controls from thiamine hydrochloride. --U. S. Rubber is spending more than $29,000,000 to expand tire prwuIueltion facilities. OCTOBER 23. WPB Chairman Krug says control over leather and cotton textile industries must be maintaind after Germany’s fall. “Federal Trade Commission files bitl set ting forth 15 charges against Potash Export Association.-Monsanto Chemical announces perfection of new sylmtketic resin which will practically eliminate size as restrictive factor in postwar plastics, it is claimed. 7 OCTOBER24. East Coast distillers of industrial a€cohol to shift to grain after January 1, following request from War Food Administration to WPB. 7 OCTOBER25. J. H. Pew, president of Sun Oil telh Petleum Industry War Council that Anglo-U. s.petroleum agreements give Government a blank check which could embroil domestic industry in vicious cartel system.--Ckrk H. Minor, president, International General Electric Co., defends cartels as logical development of international trade before House Committee on Postwar Economic Policy and Planning. 7 OCTOBER 26. Owners of Universal Oil Products set up Petroleum Research Fund with Guaranty Trust Co. of N. Y. as trustee. Management of UOP to be vested in a board of directors, to be appointed by Guaranty Trust. Net income from the trust to flow to ACS for research in petroleum and natural gas fields. -Mathieson Alkali announces sodium methylate available commercially. --Secretary Ickes asks petroleum industry to submit constructive suggestions for amending proposed Anglo-U. S. world oil agreement. --Nobel Foundation announces 1943 Nobel Prize in Medicine goes to Edward A. Doisy, professor of biochemistry, St. Louis University School of Medicine, and to Henrik Dam of Copenhagen (now of Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester) for discovering chemical nature of vitamin K. 7 OCTOBER 27. Diamond Match Co. answers antitrust suit claims by saying that it fought Swedish International match cartel. --Milo Perkins proposes that Congress allow American business to join international cartels under strict regulation by State Department. 7 O ~ O B E R30. National Patent Planning Commission’s second of three reports on possible changes in American patent system is ready for submission to President. OCTOBER31. Longest pipe line of kind in world begins delivering dhily output of 2OO,OOO,OOO cubic feet of natural gas from Terns to Pittsburgh-Youngstown-Cleveland area. --Colorful plastic shoes from Union Carbide’s Vinylite will be ready for Easter wear, according to announcement at National Shoe Fair in Chicago.

