OF ATOMIC c" WITH cco - ACS Publications

manner5 to form cyclopropane-C1l. The vinyl- acetylene found presumably results from the second- ary reaction of a two carbon fragment, possibly. CC",...
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TABLE I ATOMICc" WITH ETHYLEXE YIELDS AS 7 0 O F TOTAL GASEOUSACTIVITY Each yield represents the average of at least three runs. Errors indicated are a measure of reproducibility. C, or lighter hydrocarbons not mentioned c" LABELEDPRODUCTS O F REACTION OF

Composition of reacting gas (Total press. 1 atm)

CrH4 (4.5%) (0.2%)

duced in the photolysis of C302 was actually C20 instead of C. With factor (1) being excluded by our results with neon moderator, i t can be concluded that C 2 0 is the active species produced by photolysis of c302.9 Apparently CzO adds to double bond in a manner similar to atomic carbon and CzH5. CzO

+ HzC==CH1+HeC-CHs


CtHl (98.5%) Oz (1.5%)

Ne (95.3%)

Carbon monoxide' 0 . 9 0.3 9.8 i 2 . 0 24 5 1.5 f 0.5 2 . 0 f 1.0 ... Ethylene 38.0 f 3 . 5 3 6 . 6 f 1 . 5 31 f 5 Acetylene 3 . 2 f 0.7 I. Baumann, SI. Gerecke and E . Kyburz, H e l p . chi?^. acta, 43, 2071 (1960). (2) (a) A. C. Day, J. S a b n e y and 4 J. Scott, J . C h e m Soc., 4067 (1961). (b) See also C . H . Kuo, R. D Hoffsommer, H. L. Slates, D. T a u b and N L. Wendler, Chemisiry and I n d u s t v y , 1627 (1960). (3) J. MacMillan, T. P. C. Mulhollaad, A . W.Dawkins and G. Ward i b i d . , 429 (1954).