Officers of New York Section. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

Officers of New York Section. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1923, 15 (1), pp 83–83. DOI: 10.1021/ie50157a053. Publication Date: January 1923. Note: In lieu of a...
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January, 1923


In recent years methods have been described in the literature for making metals, such as copper and aluminium, very porous. Vanadium pentoxide can be replaced for trial purposes by other oxides in the same periodic group or by any other oxide catalyzer that might act similarly. Combinations using two or more compounds as a catalyzer work better than any one alone. Energy in the forms OF light and electricity work well in many cases. Enzymes act as catalyzers in fermentation processes. All such principles should be considered, even though time permit only a few changes based on such principles. Though we have picked out of the literature as the most feasible process the oxidation of acetaldehyde in the vapor phase by means of air, it is not necessary to limit experiments to this oxidizer. If experience or the literature has shown that other oxidizers have worked unusually well in other instances, it might be worth while to try them. Compounds liberating oxygen are not the only oxidizing agents. Oxidation is an electrical phenomenon, therefore an electric current and also the halogens may be considered. The physical character of the oxidizing agent is very important. Oxygen in the atomic state is much more reactive than in the molecular state. The research man may discover that the base material acetaldehyde may be replaced by acetylene, ethylene, or ethyl alcohol, and a distinct economic advantage be gained thereby. Though such a change is not within the scope of his problem, this line of investigation should be followed if time permits. The hie hest yields along with a practical velocity occur within a definite temperature, pressure, and concentration range. The control of the temperature is especially important in catalytic work. The literature is full of methods that have been used to control accurately the temperature of gaseous, exothermic, catalytic reactions. It must be admitted that most of the methods so far devised are poor, but good pointers may be obtained by reading about these failures. Boiling liquid jackets, elimination of dead air space, metallic supports for the catalyzer, and dilution of reacting gases, are a few of the means described to overcome this difficulty. Changing pressure and concentration in order to take advantage of a possible equilibrium is a common means for increasing the conversion factor. The rapid removal of the finished product is especially advantageous. A factor which influences the temperature, and indirectly the yield, is the time of contact of the reacting gases with the catalyzer, or, in other words, the velocity with which the gases are passed across the catalyzer. In this connection yield and not conversion factor is the important thing. That is to say, a conversion of 70 per cent with 30 per cent waste of raw material by passing the catalyzer once is far less advantageous than a conversion of 10 per cent which results in practically no loss through complete oxidation to carbon dioxide and water. It is conceivable that the same gases may be passed over the catalyzer many times and still maintain an economical advantage provided the over-all yield is materially increased.


the laboratory process to fit the standard plant equipment than, to experiment with new and unique plant design. Standard chemical engineering operations give enough trouble without borrowing troubles from the unknown. The real experimenting should be done in the laboratory, not in the plant. A fullsized unit should not be made at first, but rather a semicommercial unit. These points cannot be over-emphasized. SELLING THE PRODUCT

The research man’s work carries him into a t least one more field. If he has developed a new product he.must go with the salesman and help overcome the difficulties experienced by the customer. The research man can remedy the troubles more quickly than anyone else, and, furthermore, he will learn economic principles that are essential in his work. The customer’s requirements, the shipping requisites, and the sales field should be thoroughly appreciated by the research man. The customer is, after all, the person who supplies the money for research work, and his wishes should be carefully considered. Business principles and production methods have never injured the highly scientific research chemist, but rather have broadened his viewpoint and increased his productive ability. The plan of research outlined is not one that is offered as a tentative scheme, but it is one that has proved its value in the cold gray dawn of industry. It is recognized that the ideas expressed are not in themselves new, but an attempt has been made to crystallize these ideas so that all may benefit by them.

Lexington Section Officers The election of officers of the Lexington Section resulted as follows: President: JOHN A. GUNTON, Transylvania College, Lexington, Ry. 1st Vice President: L. A. BROWN,Experiment Station, University 0% Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 2nd Vice President: J. R. MITCHELL, University of Kentucky. Councilor: H. P. NEWTON, Georgetown College, Georgetown, K y . Secretary- Treasurer: E. L. JACKSON, Experiment Station, University of Kentucky.

South Jersey Section Officers The following officers of the South Jersey Section have been elected for the coming year: Chairman: H. W. MAHR Vice Chairman: A. F. ODELL Secretary-Treasurer: W. FLETCHER TWOMBLY, care of E. I. du Pout de Nemours & Co., Box 526, Wilmington, Del. Councilor: W. S . CALCOTT

EXPERIMENTS ON SEMICOMMERCIAL SCALE: After the process has been pronounced a success upon a laboratory scale, the research chemist’s work has not been completedoftentinies it is really just begun. He must now collaborate with the mechanical engineer and work out the process on a semicommercial scale. Large-scale apparatus is a “bird of another color,” and new troubles arise. The research chemist should never be allowed to turn over his laboratory process to others. He must be held responsible to the very end, because it is only with this experience well in mind that he can develop in the laboratory the nucleus of a commercial process. He will soon learn that laboratory processes are usually only successful when standard pieces of equipment are needed for industrial scale work. The time necessary to produce special plant equipment may be longer than can be allowed. It is easier to change

Officers of New York Section At the meeting of the New York Section a t Rumford Hall, ”NewYork City, on December 8, 1922, the following officers for 1923 were elected : Chairman: C . A. BROWNE, New York Sugar Trade Laboratory. Vice Chairman: C. E. DAVIS,National Biscuit Company. Secretary-TYeasuuer: B . T.BROOKS, The Mathieson Alkali Works, Inc. Executive Committee: M. H . ITTNER, Colgate Co.; JAMESKENDALL, Columbia University; H. C. PARMELEE, Chemical and Metallurgical EngiJayne & Sidebottom, Inc. neering; and H . G . SIDEBOTTOM, Councilors: C. A. BROWNE, C. E. DAVIS,B. T. BROOKS, JAMESKENDALL, H . C. PARMELEE, H . G. SIDEBOTTOM, R. G . WRIGHT,F. H.GETMAN, ELLWOOD HENDRICK, K . G. MCKENZIE,DAVIDWESSON,H. R . MOODY, M. H. ITTNER,A. C. LANGMUIR, D. W. JAYNE,B. R . TUNISON,A. W. THOMAS, WILLIAMSHAYNES,LOIS M. WOODFORD, MARYE . PENNINGTON, and F. M. TURNER.
