Official Business - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

The 299th meeting was held at the new campus of the Rhode Island College of Education, 600 Mt. Pleas- ant Street, Providence, and the following speake...
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Official Business 299th Meeting, February 14, 1959

The 299th meeting was held a t the new campus of the Rhode Island College of Education, 600 Mt. Pleasant Street, Providence, and the following speakers were presented: Raymond Thornton, Arnold Hoffman Company, Providence, Rhode Island, "The Impact of Modern Scientific Thought on the Old Crafts of Dyeing and Printing Textiles." V. V. Lindgren, American Cyanamid Company, New York City, "The Training and Utilization of Chemists in the Plastics Industry of the U.S.S.R." Mary M. Keeffe, Department of Biology, Rhode Island College of Education, "The Impact of Biochemistry on General Biology Courses." 300th Meeting, April 11, 1959

Taking advantage of the presence in New England of members of the American Chemical Society who attended the Boston Spring Meeting, the 300th meeting of NEACT was held jointly with the Connecticut Valley Section of the American Chemical Society a t Hamden High School, Hamden, Connecticut, and presented as featured speaker, Harry H. Sisler, Head, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida. Dr. Sisler's talk concerned "Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Compounds." Other speakers were George H. Berthold, Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, New Haven, Connecticut, who spoke on "A Contribution of Education to Modern American Industry," and George Adler, Brookhaven National Laboratory, who presented an illustrated talk on "Radiation Induced Solid State Polymerization." 301st Meeting, May 9. 1959

The 301st meeting of the NEACT was held a t the Roxbury Latin School, West Roxbury, Massachusetts. Besides the usual features of speakers, luncheon, and business meeting, the Annual Meeting was also held, with the election of officers for 1959-60. The report of the annual meeting appears below. The program of speakers was as follows: William E. Gordon, Arthur D. Little, Inc., "Combustion in Rockets and High Explosives." Edward Wilson Merrill, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Determination of Molecular Weights of High Polymers." Paul D. Grindle, President, Ealing Corporation, discussed the decision of his company to import Russian developed and manufactured laboratory equipment and the reverberations that have resulted. 59th Annual Meeting, May 9, 1959

The meeting was presided over by Robert D. Eddy, Tufts University, the retiring president of NEACT.

Some highlights have been gleaned from reports of officersthat may be of general interest. The secretary reported briefly on the events of the year, including the 20th Summer Conference a t the University of Rhode Island, and the five divisional meetings. Membership had grown from 732 on May 10, 1958, t o 792 on May 9, 1959. Besides active members there are 21 honorary members, of whom 11 are also active, and 6 student members. During the year 114 persons joined the NEACT, more than replacing the 62 who were removed from the membership roster for various reasons. Avery A. Ashdown, treasurer of the endowment fund, reported that the fund had grown to $2902.87, in spite of the withdrawal of $83.50 interest t o help support the publications of the Association. Howard I. Wagner, Edwin 0. Smith High School, University of Connecticut, was reappointed as editor of the NEACT Newsletter, with Angela Trovato, Branford High School, Branford, Connecticut, as Assistant Editor. Laurence S. Foster, Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Massachusetts, submitted his resignation from the editorship of the NEACT Report, which appears regularly in THIS JOURNAL. He had been editor of the quarterly that the Association published prior to joining the JOURNAL in 1942. Except for a five-year interruption during the war years, when Leallyn B. Clapp and Lawrence H. Amundsen served their terms as editors, Dr. Foster has been connected with the Report since 1938. Lawrence H. Amundsen inaugurated the Newsletter, during his editorship, in 1946, and the Editor of the Report served as Editor of the Newsletter as well until 1955. At the current annual meeting, the Executive Committee of NEACT announced that Robert D. Eddy had been elected as the new editor of the NEACT Report, beginning with the January, 1960, issue. It was voted that the secretary send to Laurence S. Foster the sincere thanks of the Association for his services as Editor of the Report. The Chairman of the Honorary Membership Committee, Marco H. Scheer, read the followingcitations of members who were elected to Honorary Membership : AVERYA. ASHDOWN: for 25 years a, member of the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers; Treasurer of the Endowment Fund and ofbtirne participant in the affairs of our organization; lang-time member rand guiding force of the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society, and editor of its publication, the Nucleus; author of many publications; for many years a faithful teacher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The New England Association of Chemistry Teachers is honored to confer upon him the status of Honorary Membership.

Volume 36, Number 8, August 1959



CARROLL B. GUSTIFSON:for 18 yema a member of the Association and for thirteen years, its treasurer; long active in the p r e p aration of our Neu~sletter; active partioipent and often committee member in our affairs; author of a textbook and other publications in his chosen field; a faithful teaoher a t the Messa chusetts College of Pharmacy; member of the American Chemical Society and the American Phsrmaceutioal Association. The New England Association of Chemistry Ternhers is honored to confer upon him the status of Honorary Membership. GEORGE DAVID HEARN:for 24 years a member of the Association, and for 47 a member of the science teaching profession, 30 years of which were spent in teaching chemistry and 20 as head of the department of ohemistry, is well remembered for his many contributions to Summer Conferences. He served on the General Committee of the Sixth Summer Conference. and was Chairman of the Eleventh. The followine vear he h n k comnlete

served on a nominating committee. Throughout his years of membership he faithfully and regularly attended divisional meetings, and saw to it personally that fellow-members, not so well provided, were assured of transportation. Welcome always for his unfdine good humor. his unflrtep.ine o~timism and his , ready hand of a&ance, this'oitatian comes as an added star to the crown of his retirement. uu

Eve1.w L. Murdock, of Westerly, Rhode Island, was eleked to the ~ o m & a t i nCom&ttee ~ for the three years, 1960-62. The other members of the committee are Louise 0.C. Swenson. Chaiman 119801. and Francis Lamoureaux (1961). phyllis ~ r a u n e of r ~ h m o n Cols lege was designated as Publicity Agent for a second term. The makeup of the Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund is as follows: Avery A. Ashdown, through June, 1960; Elbert C. Weaver, through 1961; and Mary B. Ford, through 1962. Upon receipt of the report of the nominating committee, the following slate of officerswas elected for the year 1959-60: President: Carl P. Swinnerton, Pomfret School, Pomfret, Conn. Vice-president: Leallyn B. Clapp, Brown University, Providence, R. I. Se%&: Rev. Joseph A. Martus, S.J., College of the Holy Cross, Woroester, Mans. T~easurer: Carroll B. Gustafson, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston, Mass. Divison Chairmen N o r t h Division: Maurice M. Whitten, Gorhrtm State Teachers' Colleee. Gorham. Me. Central Division: chard M.'Whitney, Roxbury Latin School, West Roxbury, Mass. Southern Division: Russell Meinhold, Rhode Island College of Education, Providence, R. I .

Western Dirrisin: Norman W. Lafayette, Hsmden High School, Hamden, Conn.

Maryalice Moore, Stonehill College, North Easton, Massachusetts, was appointed as Assistant to the Secretary, to keep the records and minutes of the Association and of the Executive Committee. Followirg the election of officers, the new president, took the gavel of office. born in Danvers, Massa chusetts, in 1898. He became interested in chemistry while studying a t New Hampton Literary Institution. New ~ s m p t b n ,New ~ a k ~ s h i r e , from which he wa.8 graduated in 1916, and concentrated in chemistry a t H~srvardCollege where his faculty advisor was Prof. T. W. Richards. After graduation from Harwrd in 1921, he returned to New Hampton as teacher of science and mathematics the follow4 ing year. He received his Master of Education degree G . U ~ Pstudio. a t the Harvard Graduate Putnom, Conn. School of Education in 1923. Since then, while on sabbstiCarl P. Swinnerton calleave, he has studied physics st Cambridge University. Prior to 1944, when he was appointed to the faculty of Pomfret School, he taught a t the Naugatuok High School, Teachers College in Keene, Now Hampshire, Culver Military Academy, Phillips Exeter Amdemy, and the Shipley School. During World War I1 he joined the Airborne Instruments Laboratory a t Columbia University and after same months became a depare ment head. In 1943 and from 1945 to 1954, he was s member of the Science Committee of the Secondary Education Board and was its chairman for the last four years. Currently he is head of the science de~artmenta t Pamfret School and is involved in the IYSC.' pro&wm, wrting u p I t w pliysiw m u w e at Pm~ir*>r .tnd tmvltin$ i u tl8e SSl' a ~ ~ m m icnrr t i l u r r nr tlre iuiwrrity of Connwtiwt. Ilc lm lwrn n c t i v r i n t1.e atlair* uf rlw S C . \ C T iinrr 1C:W when he participated in the first summer conference. Subsequently he has been on nine conference committees or programs, served es eo-chairman (with John A. T i m ) in 1948 and as searetmy in 1949 and 1950. He was chairman of the Western Division in 1949 and was elected Vice-president of NEACT in 1957. I n 1935 he married Natalie Martrshsll, classmate st New Hampton. She and their son John have become well known in summer conference activities. Through his hobby of color stereophotography, he has entertained many a summer group with astonishingly beautiful pictures of his extensive travels.



JOSEPH A. MARTUS,S.J., Secretary




Journal o f Chemical Education
