Official business - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Official business. Jerry A. Bell. J. Chem. Educ. , 1974, 51 (7), p 495. DOI: 10.1021/ed051p495. Publication Date: July 1974. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. ...
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4 tkc New England Association of Chem


Official Business Electlont and Appointments

As a result af Spring 1973 elections and other appointments by the Executive Committee, the officers of the Association for 193-74 are President: Gordon G. Evans, Tufts University, Medford, MA. Immediate Past President: Carleton P. Stinchfield, Greenfield Community College, Greenfield, MA. President-Elect: Rose M. Paternostro, Newington High School, Newington, CT. Financial Secretory; Paul M. Moulton, Dean Junior College, Franklin, MA. (appointed 1973) Recording Secretary: Angela M. Trovato, Branford High School, Branford, CT. (continuing) Treasurer: John Swistak, Rivier College, Nashua, N.H. (reelected 1973) Diuision Chairman: Centml: Catherine Kelliher, Bedford High School, Bedford, MA. Northern: John J. Santos, New England College, Henniker, NH Southern: Joseph P. Caranci, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. (continuing) Wmtern: Pearle R. Putnam, Bay Path Junior College, Longmeadow, MA (continuing) The incumbents were appointed to the positions of Editor of the Newsletter, Auditor, and Publicity Agent. At the 73rd Annual Meeting, May 5, 1973, Warren Colson (Framingham State College, Framingham, MA) was elected to the Committee on Nominations and Elections and Robert D. Eddy (Tufts University, Medford, MA) was elected a trustee of the Endowment Fund (1973-76). Other appointments were Harry C. Stubbs (Milton Academy, Milton, MA) as acting Editor of the Report and Richard M. Whitney (Roxbury Latin School, West Roxbury, MA) as Curator. Meetings

The regular meetings, organized by the respective Division Chairmen, were held as follows: 367th Meeting: October 15, 1972 in conjunction with the 4th Northeast Regional ACS Meeting in Hartford, CT. 368th Meeting: December 2, 1972 a t Bedford High School, Bedford. MA. ~~, ~~369th Meeting: February 10, 1973 a t Rhode Island College, Providence, R.I. 370th Meeting: April 7, 1973 at'New England College, Hennik~ er, N.H. 37Jrt Meeting: May 5, 1973 a t Framingham State College, Framingham, MA. ~

The Thirty-Fifth Summer Conference met a t the University of Maine, Portland-Gorham, Garham, ME, August 13-17, 1973. Chairmen far Program and Arrongementx were Charles W. Owens (University of New Hampshire) and C. Francis Egan (Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N.H.). Hazel Zief (Cedar Crest College, Allentown, PA.) was the Registrar-Treoiurer. The theme of the Conference was "The Chemistry of the Earth and Other Bodies," with Larry Haskin (University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI) presenting the four theme lectures on elemental formation and abundanees in the solar system and, in particular, the usefulness of neutron activation analysis for terrestrial and lunar samples. Lectures and panel discussions on special topics completed the program: Robert Harter (University of New Hampshire), "Chemical Reactions in Soil, One of Nature's Test Tubes"; Garmon Harbottle (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY), "Application of Nuclear Techniques to Anthropology and Fine Arts"; Robert Miller (University of Maine, PortlandGorham), "The New Tourmaline Find a t Newry, Maine"; Harry Stubbs (Milton Academy), "Jupiter Through the Years; Fact and Fiction"; Irwin D. Novak (University of Maine, Partland-Gorham) "Rock Weathering: Chemical Reactions and Introductory Chemistry"; Edward F. devilla franca (Kent School, Kent, CT), "The Past, Present, and Future of the College Board AP Program in Chemistry"; and panels on "Other Disciplines in Chemistry" and "A New Undergraduate Program for the Preparation of Physics-Chemistry Teachers." The Keynote speaker, Frederick Frey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) prepared the way for this varied fare with his address on the "Chemical Composition of the Earth." Workshops and discussions on the impact of paper technology on the environment, pollution control and monitoring, and new ideas in chemical education complemented and expanded upon the lecture sessions. The program for the Conference was dedicated to Evelyn L. Murdock who has attended all of the thirty-five NEACT Summer Conferences. Once again, also, local sections of the American Chemical Society provided some grants for teachers to attend the Conference. Here and Now The Thirty-Sixth Summer Conference will be held a t St. Anselm's College, Manchester, New Hampshire, from August 19 to 23, 1974. The Program co-chairmen are Dr. Frederick H. Radke, University of Maine, Orano, and Mrs. Margaret Radke, Bangor High School, Bangor, Maine. The Arrangements chairman is Mr. William M. Whitely, Stratford High School, Stratford, Connecticut. The Registrar-Treasurer is Clinton S. Johnson, North Attleboro High School, North Attlebaro, Mass., assisted by Mrs. Katherine E. Wickenden, Tabor Academy, Marion Mass. Jerry A. Bell Editor, Report o/NEACT Simmons College Boston, Massachusetts

Thirty-fifth Summer Conference

Volume 57. Number 7. July 1974
