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4 t4e. New England Association of Chem


Official Business Twentv-first Summer Conference

The heavv propram of morning, -. afternoon, and evening lectures was interrupted by a rewardiilg trip t o United States Coast Guard Academy, New London. An alternate trip was made to the Pratt 81 Whitney Company, East Hartford, Co~~necticut.These trips were followed by a picnic a t Mashamoquet State Park and theater party a t the Summer Theater, St,urhridge Village, Sturbridge, Massachusetts. The programs were rounded out with mntion pictures on scientific suhjects and evening socials. Greetings were exchanged with the Pacific Southwest Association of Chemistry Teachers, not only by means of telegrams, hut also by exchange of members. Past president of KEACT Norris W. Rakestraw returned from Califoruia to be a t the Storrs sessions, and Elbert C. Weaver and Secretary Rev. Joseph A. MSrtns, S. J., attended t,he California conference. "

The twenty-first annual summer conference of the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers was held August 17-22, 1959, a t the University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, with Eugene C. Winslow, University of Rhode Island, and George E. Zink, Groton School, Groton, Massachusetts, serving as cochairmen. There were 197 persons registered of whom 106 were present members, 11 newly-elected members, 17 speakers, 50 guests, and 13 children under 15 years of age; fifty-four of these were from areas outside of New England. The program was presented essentially as printed in THIS JOURNAL in a n earlier Report.' The meetings were held in the new science building a t the University, not yet quite completed but to be ready for students in the Fall. The comfortable new lecture hall, with adjacent rooms for book and apparatus exhihits, provided excellent facilities. An innovation a t this conference was the plan to invite a guest speaker from a distance whose travel expenses were partially reimbursed by a fund supported hy a n industrial organization. This year Professor Jay A. Young, King's College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, was designated the Shazcinigan Lecturer, as a result of a gift of money from the Shawinigan Resins Corporation, Springfield, Massachusetts, for the express purpose of bringing t o the conference an outstanding teacher from outside New England. He presented a report on his approach to teaching freshman chemistry laboratory under the title, "Practice in Thinking."


Adjourned Annual Meeting, August 20, 1959 President Carl P. Swinnerton reconvened the annual meeting following the Thursday lectures. Besides items of business remaining from the Annual Meeting held in May, the following special reports were presented. The chairman of the membcrship committee read the names of 3fi teachers who had been admitted to membership since May. The trea~urerread his ni~nual report showing s. net operating deficit of 573.39. Co-chairman George E. Zink reported on the statistics of the present sammer conference, and President Swinnerton announced that for the 22nd Summer Conference, the Association had been invited to the University of Maine, for the period August 22-2i, 1060. He announced the appointment of the following as a nurlws of the new summer conference committee: Co-chairman for P ~ o g r a m , Professor Roy J. Gritter, University of Connecticut; ('0-chairman for Arrnngen~enls, Mr. Christie J. Drago, Exetrr, Kew H a m p shire; and Represenlatire qf the Host Znslitution, Professor Irwin,


Twenty-first Summer Conference



Journal o f Chemical Education

D.I>otlglcl,s Umverrity of hlnmr. 11w r announr~dthat bwsusc , dues for the eominy ycur (195')-1;11) of iwrcwrd m.tilr!tg r ~ t c r the will he irn~wtsrdIn 50c lo PT,.O0. This being the year in which the summer conferences reached their majority, the following were presented with Awards of Memt because they had been present a t all twenty-one summer conferences: Mr. and Mrs. Graver C. Greenwood (retired), Bridgeport, Connecticut Mr. and Mrs. S. Walter Hovt . (retired). . . . Belmont, Massachusetts Mr. Alfred Lincoln, Hampden College of Pharmaey

Miss Evelyn L. Murdock, Westerly, Rhode Island Miss Elsie S. Scott, Esst Northfield, Massachusetts Mr. John R. Suydam (retired), Boston, Massachusetts President Swinnerton read the citations and presented the certificates of Honorary Membership to Professor Avery A. Ashdown, (retired), Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Professor Carroll B. Gustafson, Massitchusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston, Massachusetts; and to Mr. George D. Hearn (retired), Worcester, Massachusetts.

LAURENCE S. FOSTER Editor, Report of the XEACT

Volume 36, Number 12, December 1959
