ohaus scale corporation - ACS Publications

ments of the periodic system, but also to fuels, gases, waste ... both the metric and English systems are included. In addition ... Second revised edi...
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NEW BOOKS tain the present-day plant-control and commercial analytical chemical methods used in the nonferrous metallurgical industries of Germany


26, 34A (April 1954)].' The present volume, the combined effort of 65 contributors, is devoted to a thorough discussion of the problems of sampling. Analytical chemical results have value only in so far as the representative samples are intelligently and carefully taken. The subject matter is presented in two parts, a general one which discusses apparatus for sampling, methods of sampling, subsequent treatment of the samples, sampling for spectrochemical analysis, and application of statistics to sampling, and a special one which applies the principles of the sampling processes to different materials, not only to all the metals and nearly all of the elements of the periodic system, but also to fuels, gases, waste liquors, etc., as well. The subject matter ends with a brief historical review of sampling. Conversion tables are given of mass, volume, and length, in which the units of both the metric and English systems are included. In addition, various technical and commercial terms are given in English, with their abbreviations and their German equivalents. A bibliography on sampling, containing 363 references to original publications and eight to patents, covers the period from 1860 to 1954. The author and subject indexes are well prepared. Spectrochemische

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Heinrich Moritz. xv + 240 pp. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 1955. Second revised edition. D M 55. Reviewed by HANS STOLOJN, General Aniline & Film Co., Easton, Pa. The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to emission spectroscopy, and, by means of practical suggestions, illustrations, and concrete examples lead to the successful performance of spectrochemical analysis in the industrial laboratory. This has been achieved by a thorough and well planned, although concise, presentation of principles and practice. A condensed presentation of the origin of spectra, dispersion, and resolution is followed by a section devoted to apparatus. Flame, arc and spark sources, prism and grating spectrographs—photographic and direct reading—and the auxiliary equipment essential to the measurement and interpretation of spectra are not merely described, but the principles underlying the judicious selection of components for the ramifications of analytical applications are succinctly discussed. However, the apparatus illustrated is predominantly of

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