ON A MODIFIED FORM OF SOXHLET'S EXTRACTOR. Walter H. Kent. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1887, 9 (9), pp 182–186. DOI: 10.1021/ja02128a015. Publication ...
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OK A JIODIFIEI) FOIlJI OF SOSI-ILE‘I“S ESTRAC‘I’OR. I< 11. HEST, 1’11. 1 ) . In thc oxaminittion of milk i n the Health Uepartment of Brooklyn, we have had occasion to try some of tlie various methods for the determination of fat in milk. In 188;; while the American Society of Public Analysts was endeavoring to fix upoii some method, Ilr. Otto Grotlie and myself made comparative de” terminations b~ some of tho methods, the results of wliicli litire ;ilreacly h w published.* While engaged in this work t l i c z form of extractor Iiwe described. w ~ i sdevised and first constructed by T)r. (;rotlie. With some minor improvements, \vliicli I Iiave lweii able to introdiucx, this c.xtractor has siiiw been used and with much satisfactioii. I t will see11 to be it conibiiiation of tlic Soxlilot estr;iotor with i i n external condenser, iis described by l h , 1:. Wol1ny.t When in u s e tlie castractor is iittaclicd by it clitmp at .I to a firm support. ‘l’lic support I use coiisists of :in cstension of the gas p i p f r o m the table to thc ceiling of the room, where it it< secnred by passing through the wooden ceiling. ‘l’liv coiicleiisi~r, tlic lower point of whicli is seeii at c,, rcsts by the cork p 011 the upper ciitl of the outer tube A , the cork bcing concavc below so its to keep the conclensthr iu tlic center. ‘l’lie condensing tube t is firmly joined by the cork p to tho outer. tube u, by which the point c is also held in the center, if necessary, by the aid of a little wedge of wood between the tube A and the lower end of the tube 0. 1



* Annual Report of the Depirrtment of p. 113; London dnulyst, 1885. p. 47. t Fresenius Zeitschrift, 1885, p. 106.

_______ H e d t h of Brooklyn, N. Y,.1885,



I n introducing the dried milk into the receptacle r,* the clamp a t A is loosened and the lower part removed, while the condenser is supported a t t by a string to the support above. As I have i t arranged a projecting ring from the gas pipe also serves to support the condenser. As a means of introducing and withdrawing the tube containing the substance to be extracted, a white thread, previously treated with ether, may be connected with the tube ; during the extraction this thread extends over the tube A and out under the tube 0 . The tube ~ t , for finally withdrawing the ether, is sufficiently large to allow tlic ether to flow through without obstructing the tube ; any ether vapor from the receiving flask a t h can thereby pass upward into the condenser. The flask serves by the cork 6, to close the tube ?E during the withdrawal of the ether by the spoon x, while the tube ?t also serve8 the donble purpose of supporting the flask by the cork b. If the flask a t open and supported by other means, the ether vapor from the tube 1) is left v passes out a t ?A, without being forced u p into the condenser, and is thereby lost. The flasks used hold about 150 C.C. They have a short, wide neck and all fit the same cork. The corks b and h, being of the same size, the flasks may be used interchangeably. The weighed flask a t b, serves to close the tube n during one extraction, and, after finally receiving the ether, is ready to take the place of the fat receiving flask in the next extraction. A third Aask may take the place b, and thus another extraction is made while the fat of the first extraction is being dried. In constructing the extractor, the syphon tube s slioald he small, so as to fill readily with ether as it flows over the upper bend of this tube. The vapor tube u should be sufficiently large to permit the upward passage of the vapor without being obstructed by the ether that condenses in this tube. A pocket in the tube a t the bend ?IC should also be avoided. Of the various materials used as media on which to dry the

i+In the drawing the syphon t,ube 8 extends downward in front of the receptacle T of the main tube A.



milk, I much prefer asbestos, used as described by Dr. S. M. Babcock. * The size of the tube for the asbestos may be regulated by the size of the receptacle r of the extractor. The perforation in the bottom of the tub(> should be h r g e enough to allow a rapid discharge of tlie ether. A tuft of cotton, which has been purified by extraction with ether, covers the hole in the bottom of the tube, over which about two inches of the tube is gently packed with ignited asbestos. Another tuft of cotton, which may be removed for the introduction of the milk, serves t o cover the mouth of the tube and to retain the asbestos. The milk may l w weiglied in the asbestos tube thus prepared, the tube being held upright by tlie support, with wliicli balances are often provided. J h r i n g the weighing and drying of the milk it is an atlwiitage to keep the tube upright, as by so doing the milk is more uniformly distributed over the aslmtos. For atholder of the tnbo while drying, a small beaker may be provided with a tloubly perforated, tightly fitting cork. Through one perforation the asbestos tubc passes to near the bottom of the beaker, while a tnbc through the other perforation serves to connect wit11 the pump. Instead of beakers I use cupping ghsses; these :we stronger and therefor permit the cork to be more tightly fitted 1~ypressure. I prefer tlie asbestos method to that using paper, as described by Adams,f and afterwards adopted by the English Society of Public Analysts for the following reasons: 1st. ‘I’ho :LsLestos is more readily prepared than paper. The tubes arc ciisily made by a chemist and may be used any number of times. Thc~small amount of cotton employed can be purified in the extractor. The cotton and the ignited asbestos are kept in bottles ready for use. This, I think, is less trouble than to purify by extritction the relatively large volume of paper necessary in the Adams method. With reference t o purifying the paper P. Vieth Second Annual Report of the N. Y. Agricultural Experiment Station, p. 168 ; Report the Depai-tment of Health, of Brooklyn, 1883, p. 112 ; U. S. Department of Apiculture, Division oC Chemistry, Bulletin No. 16, p. 76. t London A?tnZyst, 1885, 1). 46, +





says:* “ I t is indispensable that the paper used in tlie process should be most, thoroughly exhausted from matter soluble in e t her. ” ?d. Babcock’s method I consider more accurate. I11 the use of :bsbestos I have not known of the question of accuracy being raised. ‘Phis cannot be said with reference to the paper method. Unlike asbestos, paper is a n artificial substance; while it consists principally of cullulose, i t may contain various other organic substances. A t the meeting of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, in August last, 13r. W. McMurtrie said that he had found in the paper used by him “a waxy, resinous substance,with difficnl ty soluble in ether.”+ I n this case it is precisely those substances which are soluble with difficulty t h a t are to be feared. Were they easily soluble they would be easily removed. I n making the Adams method an official method the above association says: ‘(It gives uniformlyabout 0.2 per cent.more fat in normal milk than the ordinary gravimetric muthods.”f Dr. Vieth made comparative determinations of fat in sixteen samples, using the plaster of pltris and paper methods. He continues as follows (Zoc. cit.): “On comparing the results of the two methods i t was found that in all and cverycase a higher percentage of fat was obtained by using tlie paper method, t h e plus ranging from .0’7 to .4G, and averaging .2$1.” From this i t would appear that there is a considerable uncertainty in t h e process, and that a maximum error of nearly one-half per cent. may result. From the complex and uncertain composition of paper i t could‘ not be expected that this discrepancy would be uniform. 3d. An advantage in the use of asbestos arises from the secure condition of the milk, after it is once introduced into the tube and during the process of drying. It may be handled in m y manner, and nothing short of rupture of the tube will lead to loss; and *London Analyst, 1887, p. 62. t U. 8. Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry, BdZetin No. 16, p. 30. 3 U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemisti*y,’BzclZetinNo. lf?, p. 74.



further, as Dr. Babcock says, after once heating, the milk is sterilized and the process of drying and extracting may be completed a t any subsequent time. 4th. The total solids may be determined on the ignited asbestos without the further trouble of previously drying to a constant weight. Some recent experiments on the necessary amount of drying and extracting will be given in another paper.

THE U N I T E D STATES GALLON. “ T h e gallon is a vessel containing 58372.2 grains (5.3389 pounds avoirdupois) of the standard pound of distilled water, a t the temperature of maximum density of water, the vessel being weighed in air in which the barometer is 30. inches a t 62” F.” -(See report on “Weights and measure^," by Secretary of t h e Treasnry, Senate Doc., 1857.) This definition being sotnewhat obscure, occasion was taken to write the Treasury Department, from which letter the hollowing is quoted: “ Does this wording mean that the * gnlloi~’ is ( L rdzinze equal to that occupied by the above quantity of water under the conditions named; or does it intend a ‘ g n l l o ’~to be understood as meaning the quantity of liquid capable of being held by such standard uesscl as abgve referred to, even after said vessel htbs been expanded tiy elevation of temperature? I take i t that the latter view, although certainly stated, can hardly be intended.” The reply to this cttme from the office of the (‘oast Survey.’’ and read as follows: ‘‘ The standard gallon is & measure of capacity or volume. I t s capacity was derived from standard weights, and in verifying and standardizing capacity measures it is the practice to determine t h e volumes by weighings. I t is, therefore, to be understGod that the capacity of a gallon is measured by the weight of a volume of distilled water a t maxiinurn density, whose weight in air a t 62” E’. Bar. 30. inches, equals 58372.2 graine. (‘