On display at the 21st Exposition of Chemical Industries Booth 605

Ernesto Carmona Feted as an Icon of Organometallic Chemistry. Organometallics celebrated the career of organometallic chemistry superstar Professor Er...
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On display at the 21st Exposition of Chemical Industries Booth 605, Grand Central Palace, New York, Dec. 1-6,1947 Laboratory data on filterability of a product can be definitely determined o n the Eimco Laboratory Type Filter "Unit. These small compact units are available as either drum or disc units and with all necessary operating equipment mounted on a fabricated steel subbase or the bare filter unit can b e purchased separately.

Eimco laboratory continuous vacuum filters are made of stainless steel, monel a n d many other materials to meet the demands of processing plants or independent laboratories. These filters can also be equipped with flappers and scoring devices, as shown, if desired.


Reliable d a t a can be obtained from these units in the lab because they are proportionately constructed with regard to Eimco's larger production units of continuous vacuum filters. VOLUME

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THE EIMCO CORPORATION Executive Offices and Factor··· — Salt Lak· City · , Utah: • r a n c h · · - 67 Wall St., N«w York S — 111 W . Washington St., Chicago 2 — Mills Blda., El Paso — 1217 -7th St., Sacramento 14 A-Hf