On Tap — Knowledge - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

During the conference on the practical utilization of recorded knowledge, held on the ... Intellectual tasks—writing of papers, abstracts, summaries...
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INDUIIN INDULIN (pine wood lignin) stabilizes emulsions by sequestering Ca and Mg Ions which would otherwise precipitate emulsifiers. Foams are stabilized by INDULIN's action in decreasing the in­ terfacial tension between air and liquid or solid medium. INDULIN is now used in asphalt emul­ sions and oil well drilling muds, firefighting foams and air entrainment for cement. Where can our technical ad­ visers put INDULIN to work for you? Send for Bulletins 101 and 1 0 8 .


Left to right: Mortimer T a u b e of Chevy Chase, Md., a contract investigator with the Office of Naval Research, Miss Joanne Nordstrom, engineering librarian w i t h Minneapolis Honeywell, a n d Thomas Rees, of WRU's Center for Documentation and Communication Research, look a t model of Remington Rand's "Univac"

POLYCHEMICALS D I V I S I O N Charleston A South Carolina

On Tap — Knowledge C o o r d i n a t i o n of l i t e r a t u r e w o r k seen as m e a n s f o r m o r e effective use; n e e d societys' c o o p e r a t i o n JNI ο ONE PUBLICATION or information

Here's how : S T E P 1 Get the facts. Send for SWECO E n ­ gineering d a t a on screening operations similar to y o u r s . (No cost or obligation.) S T E P 2 Define your screening problem. F i l l OUt

and send in a SWECO Process Specifica­ tion Sheet for analysis and r e c o m m e n d a ­ tions by SWECO Engineering. (No cost or obligation.) S T E P 3 Pilot test runs in your plant. The SWE­ CO resident engineer in y o u r a r e a will work out process a n d equipment details and refinements in y o u r own plant. (No cost o r obligation.)

S T E P 4 ln-piant



data from Step 3 becomes t h e basis for installation planning and purchase. 44% of t h e l a r g e s t U. S. Firms a r e satisfied u s e r s of SWECO Separators. Uses cover 24 iifferent materials, w e t a n d dry, coarse a n a fine, heavy and light. Comparative effi­ ciency varies from 2-to-l to 10-to-l per s q u a r e foot of screen area. U s e r d a t a and references for a n y industry on request. Send for Data File ir68-21 |, Southwestern Engineering Company κ; ( Ui 4800 Santa Fe"Ave.,