University of Vienna. Maurice Dorfman. Vienna, Austria. Received November 5, 1934. ON THE APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF ... Princeton University...
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photographic plate in a quartz spectrograph until the d e c t became constant. For papaveraldine the lines were yellow-brown and distinct within an hour; 405, 365, 313, 302 and 297 appeared considerably stronger than those shorter (to 238 mp). For papaverine essentially the same was found but with somewhat weaker intensity and 405 mp was absent. For 2-benzoylpyridine lines 365 to shorter than 238 mp appeared dull green., with those from 365 to 297 the strongest. This compound was the most sensitive, all lines appearing in ten minutes, much weaker, however, than on silver chloride print paper. For 2benzylpyridine 280 to 238 (265 and 254, strongest) appeared within thirty minutes brown in color, and eight hours later, undoubtedly due to the formation of 2-benzoylpyridineI lioes to 365 mp which were dull green. None of these compounds were affected by lines longer than 405 mp. Other compounds related to 2-benzylpyridine were also studied which will be described in a forthcoming publication.

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calculations for the ketose series, but the calculated optical rotations never agreed with those actually observed. Assuming the principle of optical superposition be correct, the reason for this disagreement was obscure. However, , it was recently proved [Pacsu and Rich, THIS JOURNAL, 54, 1697 (1932); 55, 3018 (1933)] that a-chloroboth “a-pentaacetylfructose” and acetylfructose” are derivatives of the open-chain fructose, and, therefore, all the calculations based on the assumption that the two pentaacetates and the two chloroacetates of fructose constitute a,Pstereoisomeric pairs, are invalid. This correction resulted in the present search for, and discovery of, the true a-pentaacetylfructose. On replacement of the chlorine atom in pchloroacetylfructose by an acetoxyl radical, partial Walden inversion occurs on the carbon atom 2, if the reaction be carried out in boiling acetic anhydride solution with anhydrous sodium acetate. The mixture of the diastereomerides so formed consists of the well-known PCREMICAL LABORATORY I ADOLFM ~ L L E R pentaacetylfructose and its a-isomeride. UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA MAURICEDORFNAN After separation from the p-compound, the CYVIENNA,AUSTRIA pentaacetylfructose was obtained in pure, NOVEMBER 5, 1934 RECEIVED crystalline form; m. p. 122-123’; [a]: 47.4’, in chloroform. From the molecular rotations of ON TIE APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF the P-pentaacetate and the new acetate, the values OPTICAL SUPERPOSITION W THEKETOSE SERIES. of Adc = 32,850 and Bfruct. = -14,350 were PREPARATION OF THE TRUE ePENTAACETYLobtained. Knowing the value of Bfruct. ac., it FRUCTOSE is now possible to calculate the specific rotations Sir : of the a-derivatives. For instance, the calcuIn order to test the validity in the ketose series lated specific rotation of tetraacetyl-a-methylof the principle of optical superposition as applied fructoside is [ a ] $ 45.5’ in chloroform. by Hudson [THIS JOURNAL, 31, 66 (1909)l in Several years ago, Schlubach and Schroter [Ber., sugar chemistry, it is necessary to know the opti- 61, 1216 (1928)j prepared a tetraacetylmethylcal rotations of a true a,@-stereoisomericpair of fructoside with [a]: 45’ in chloroform, to which any ketose derivative. In the ketose series, con- they ascribed the a-configuration. The excellent trary to the aldose, no such true a,@-pair has agreement between these two values indicates hitherto been known with certainty. It was that Schlubach’s compound is really the a-isomassumed [Hudson, J . Ind. Eng. Chenz., 8, 381 eride of the tetraacetyl-P-methylfructoside (1916); THISJOURNAL, 46, 477 (1924)l that the , and at the same time supports the validity two known pentaacetates as well as the two chloro- of the principle of optical superposition in the acetates of fructose constituted such a,@-pairs. ketose series. It is to be expected that several The rotations of the latter were used t o calculate unknown a-derivatives can be prepared from this ac.. the value of the constants A a and Bfruct. new fructose pentaacetate. Since the value of Ac, resulting from this calculaThe details of this investigation will be pubtion hapflened to agree closely with the value of lished within a short time. Acl for the aldoses, this was regarded as evidence EUGENEPACSU CHEMICAL LABORATORY that the substitution of -CH20Ac for -H does FRICK PRINCETON UNIVERSITY not change the rotation of carbon atom 2. Sub- PRINCETON, NEWJERSEY sequently, the constants for aldoses were used in RECEIVED NOVEMBER 17, 1934 I‘