gen sulfide. The product crystallized from wateracetone. After one recrystallization, a-ribazole phosphate melted a t 835-236" dec. (capillary) 240241" (micro-block). The melting point of this material in admixture with the vitamin BIZ degradation product was not depressed. Anal. Found: C, 46.72; H, 5.25; N, 7.51; P, 5.33. The absorption spectra of aqueous solutions were a t CCI. pH 2, maxima a t 277 mp and 2S-5 nip; a t fa. PH 11, maxima a t 249 m p , 280 ~ n p NICI , 2
for Therapeutic Research tested a-ribazole phosphate for vitamin Blz activity6 in rats and found that i t has substantially the same activity as aribazole, or about one four-hundredth the activity of vitamin Bls. (6) G . Emerson, F. W. Holly, C. H. S h u n k , N. G. Brink a n d K . Folkers. ibid., 73, 1069 (1951).
?'he phosphorylation of 3'-trityl-a-ribazole was also effected by means of dibenzylchlorophosphonate. The benzyl groups were subsequently removed by hydrogenolysis. The product was purified as the crystalline dibrucine salt, m y . 1G9-173° (capillary). Anal. Found. C, 62.60; H, 6.34; N, 7.31; P, 2.46. Brown and Todd* have separated adenylic acids a and b by paper chromatography using a solvent ~ disodium hydrogen phossystem ( f ~ ( ,aqueous phate-isoamyl alcohol) developed by Carter.j Paper strip chromatography of the crystalline phosphate from vitamin 3 1 2 and the synthetic a-ribazole phosphate with this system showed that the two samples were identical and coiisisted of only one isomer (2' or 3' phosphate), having an RF value of 0.74. The a-ribazole phosphate was detected as a fluorescent spot after the dried paper chromatogram had been sprayed with 27; acetic acid. Furthermore, when the two samples of aribazole phosphate were treated by the method of Brown and Todd4 for the isomerization of the adenylic acids, i.e., by heating under reflux in 5070 acetic acid for ten minutes, edch was converted into il mixture of approximately equal parts of the 2'and 3'-isomers, The isomcrs had Rr. values of 0.7s and 0.73. The identification of this crystalline phosphate as the 2'-phosphate ( I ) or the :','-phosphate (111 is
not possible on this evidence, and this differentiation is comparable to the situation on adenylic acids a and b.4 Furthermore, the possibility of phosphoryl migration during the acid hydrolysis of vitamin B12 indicates that the position of the linkage of the phosphate group to ribose in this crystalline a-ribazole phosphate is not necessarily the same as it is in vitamin BI2. n r . Gladys A. Emerson of the llerck Institute (H) F. R. Atherton IJ 'r. 0 p e n s h : ~ i c : i n d .A I t ' l ~ , s t i d .i .Sot., 384 (104.;) i 4 ) n. hf. Brown and A. IC. T o d d , ibid . 41 ( l < l 5 2 ) i K ; C. I S Carter T i r r n T O I T R \ ~ A I . , 72, I-lW I I!)i(li
A recent publication' states that an 11-atom ring structure of a polypeptide chain is possible, consistent with the published X-ray data, if the azimuthal angle of internal rotation about -NHCO- axis is different by about 30' from that of the planar peptide structure. However, Pauling and Corey consider that such a structure is unacceptable.2 During the past years we have carried out some experimental work to determine the internal rotation about various single bonds contained in a polypeptide chain. For example, in the case of CH3-CO-NH-CH3 i t was proved by the ultraviolet measurement that this molecule has a planar configuration and the deviation of 30' from the planar position seems i~nprobable.~According to our infrared, Rarnan and dipole measurements on this substance, the two CHz- groups are in the tvans position with respect to each other in the liquid state and in aqueous and carbon tetrachloride solutions of various concentrations.3 We can derive the same conclusion for the structure of the peptide bonds of a polypeptide chain from the infrared measurement. Therefore, we cannot agree with those Pauling and Corey models which have the cis configurations of peptide bonds.4 Pauling and Corey also discussed the internal rotation about single bonds of a polypeptide chain other than that about peptide bonds6 9 s to the internal rotation we have been publishing many papers6 and our polypeptide model is based on the conclusion of these papers.' The presence of six potential minima in one rotation about a single bond suggested by Pauling and Coreyj is not compatible with our experimental result. Generally we have three potential minima in one complete internal rotation.6 1t.e are planning to publish further our experimental results concerning the i l l >I. L. Huggins. THISJ O U R N A L , 74, 3963 (1952). ( 2 ) L. Pauling and R. B. Corey, ibid.,74, 3964 (1932). (!3) S. hlizushima, T. Shimanouchi, S. h'agakura, K. K u r a t a n i , M , Tsuboi, H. Baba and 0. Fujioka, ibid.,72, 3940 (19.50). (4) 1,. Pauling and H. B. C o r e y . Pror. S a t . A c u d . S c i . , 38, 80 11952). ( 5 ) L. Pauling and R. B. Corey, ibid.,37, 729 (1951). (6) As t o t h e summary of these works see S. Mizushima, Reilly Lectures, University of Notre Dame, 1951. See also S . Mizushima, 1 ' . l l o r i n o , I. TVatanabe, T. Shimanouchi and S. Yamaguchi, J . Chem. P h j s . , 17, S!il (1!449), i i j T. Shimanoiichi and S. hfizushirna, Kagaku, 17, 24, 52 (1047); .I. Chein. S o c , J a p u n , 21, 1 (1948). See also S. hfizushirna, T. Shirnanouchi. M. Tsuboi, T. Sugita a n d 1.1. Kato, S o l t i r e , 164, 819 (1949); J . Chem So,-.. r a p o n , 23, 176 ( l ! ~ , ~ f l ) .
Nov. 5 , 1952
The hydrogen necessary for the synthesis of the cycloketones and y-ketopimelic acid dimethyl ester, does not seem to be supplied by the dehydrogena(8) See also S. Mizushima, T. Shimanouchi, et al., THISJOURNAL, 73, tion of methanol because no appreciable amounts 1330 (1950); 74, 270 (1952); Nature, 169, 1058 (1952). of formaldehyde, or its derivatives, has been deCHEMICAL LABORATORY OF SCIENCE SAN-ICHIRO MIZUSHIMAtected. FACULTY TOKYO UNIVERSITY TAKEHIKO SHIMANOUCHI Also the formation of hydrogen by reaction beHONCO, TOKYO, JAPAN tween carbon monoxide and water cannot proceed RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 11, 1952 to a large extent because anhydrous reagents were used, and no dehydration products of the reactants (for example, dimethyl ether) has been found in HYDROGEN TRANSFER REACTIONS ACCOMPANY- the liquid or gaseous reaction products. ING THE COBALT CATALYZED SYNTHESIS FROM Presently i t seems more probable that the SUCACETYLEN3, CARBON MONOXIDE AND METHANOL cinic acid dimethyl ester acts as hydrogen donor Sir : the first dehydrogenation product being the fumaric Acetylene reacts with carbon monoxide and acid dimethyl ester. methanol in presence of a cobalt catalyst and i t is Moreover, only a small amount of the last comknown that in this reaction a mixture of esters can pound is detected in the reaction products, the be obtained.' Using a dissolved cobalt catalyst, most part being transformed in ethanetricarboxylic e.g., (Co(CO)& the reaction proceeds much more acid trimethyl ester, by reaction with carbon rapidly and no metallic cobalt is found in the re- monoxide and methanol. action products. The very low temperature a t which the synActing a t very low temperature (90-110') and thesis of esters and ketoesters seems to take place,' a t high CO pressure (200-300 atm.) in presence of from the intermediate olefinic compounds carbon 2% dissolved [Co(CO),]z as catalyst the following monoxide and methyl alcohol, is not surprising if products are identified, the yield being dependent we consider the hydrogen transfer reactions as primarily on the concentration of the acetylene: typical chain reactions. We can conclude that hydrogen transfer reacYield Product g./lOO g. k2Hz Notes tions take place very easily with cobalt catalysts in 14-24 Identification by reaction with 1 Methyl acrylate presence of high carbon monoxide pressure. The CHzNa' cobalt catalysts probably act as hydrogen carriers Traces 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazonem.p. 2 Cyclopentanone according with the equilibrium 146'3 mix. m.p. with an authentic sample, 146' [CO(CO),IZ Hz 2[Co(CO)clH 3 AI-Cyclopentenone-1 2-10 B p. (760 mm.) 154-155'; +OD 1.4787; U.V. spectrum'h = 309 which can occur a t high carbon monoxide presmp, log e = 1.50; 2,4-dinitrosure in presence of movable hydrogen atoms. phenylhydrazone m.p. 165166',5 anal. N : found 21.8; Acknowledgment.-The authors are indebted to calcd. for CuHloOdN': 21.37 the Lonza A.G., Basel, Switzerland, which gener1-14 M.p. 101.2-101.4°; mixture m.p. 4 Dimethyl fumurate ously supported this research. with an authentic sample,
internal rotation of simple molecules closely related to the polypeptide chain.8
5 6
Dimethyl succinate Trimethyl ethanetricarboxylate
70-250 35-50
Dimethyl y-ketopimelate
101.20 M . p . IS", nl0D 1.4484 M.p. 34.5'; anal. found H, 5.89; calcd. for C, 47.058; H, 5.882 R2.p. 56'; anal. found: H, 6.85; calcd. for C , 53 46; H , 6 93
C, 47.19; CaHuOs, C, 53.3; CeHidOs:
The formulas of the products 1 and 5 are in agreement with the addition of one or two molecules of carbon monoxide and methanol to one molecule of acetylene. On the contrary the composition of the other products does not correspond to the sum of molecules of acetylene, carbon monoxide and hydrogen but shows a higher or lower hydrogen content. Therefore any solid catalyst being absent the products 2, 4, 6, 7, must arise from some homogeneous hydrogen transfer reaction like the one observede in the synthesis of esters or amides from olefins, carbon monoxide and alcohols or amines. (1) G. Natta and P. Pino, Swiss Patent Ges. N. 46197 (June 24, 1949): La Chimica e l'Indusfria, 31, 249 (1949). (2) Bcr., 33, 3595 (1901). (3) THISJOURNAL, 67, 758 (1935). (4) Ibid., 74, 514 (1952). (5) A m . , 539, 207 (1939). (6) G. Natta, P. Pino and R. Ercoli. THIS JOURNAL, 74, 4496 (1962).
(7) G . Natta, P. Pino and E. Mantica, Gaze. Chim. I h l . , 80, 650 (1950); La Chimica e Z'lndustrio, 3S, 201 (1950).
Sir: The chemical basis of virus attachment to its host cell has not previously been elucidated. Earlier studies from this laboratory have shown that the first phase of invasion of a host cell by a bacterial virus consists in establishment of strong electrostatic bonds between sites on the two surfaces.%~~ Some of the evidence on which these conclusions were based is as follows: The initial attachment is exceedingly rapid, being diffusionlimited; its rate is constant between 0 and 37'; i t can be readily reversed by appropriate changes of the ionic constituents of the medium; and its (1) This work was supported by Research Contract No. AT(29-1)-787 with the Division of Biology and Medicine, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. (2) T.T. Puck, A. Garen and J. Cline, J . E r p . M c d . , 98, 65 (1951).
(3) A. Garen and T. T.Puck, ibid., 94, 177 (1951).