On The Occasion Of Its 75th Anniversaiy,
Mu&a 1& M &a umïa bmvuMtà Advanced Chemtech Air Liquide Air Products & Chemicals Akzo Nobel Albemarle AlliedSignal Altus Biologies Amoco Chemical Apple Computer Arco Chemical Aristech Ashland BASF Bayer Beckman Coulter Β i otage Boehringer Ingelheim Boehringer Mannheim Cambrex CambridgeSoft Celanese Cerestar ChemDesign ChemFirst Chemical Computing Group Chevron Chemical Chirotech Ciba Specialty Chemicals Ciariant Crompton & Knowles Cvtec Industries
Degussa Dionex Diversa Dixie Chemical Dow Chemical Dow Corning DuPont Eastman Chemical Elf Atochem Exxon Chemical Gilson BF Goodrich Goodyear Henkel Hercules Hewlett-Packard Hoechst Huls Huntsman (Texaco) Hypercube ICI Americas ISP Lonza Lubrizol Molecular Simulations Inc. Mallinckrodt/Baker Merck NSC Technologies Nissan Chemical
Occidental Chemical Oiin PPG
Penreco Perkin-Elmer Phillips Petroleum Pressure Chemical Raschig Reichhold Chemicals Reilly Industries Rhône-Poulenc Riedel-de Haën Rohm and Haas Ruetgers-Nease SABIC SNPE Sartomer Saurefabrik Schweizerhall Shell Chemical Sigma Aldrich Silicon Graphics Solutia Solvay Spectrum Chemical Stepan Sun Oil 3M Tripos Union Carbide Varian Vulcan Wacker Chemicals Waters Witco
C&EN thanks the following companies and organizations for their sponsorship of Chemical & Engineering News' 75th Anniversary celebration in Boston at the ACS national meeting, Aug. 23, 1998: At the Diamond Level, Amoco Chemical, Bayer, Beckman Coulter, Chirotech, Crompton & Knowles, Degussa, Dionex, Dixie Chemical, Dow Chemical, DuPont, Eastman Chemical, Elf Atochem, Exxon Chemical, BF Goodrich, Henkel, Hewlett-Packard, ISP, Lonza, Molecular Simulations Inc., Occidental Chemical, Phillips Petroleum, PQ, Union Carbide, Waters, Witco, and the Chemical Enterprise Consortium; at the Golden Level, the Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation, the Council for Chemical Research, Diversa, ICI Americas, and Zeneca.