On the Theory of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Involving Election

The statistical correction for the number of -4's per TBP was made twice (in eq. 1 and 9). The correct value of kdfis twice that given. The equations ...
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Dec., 1963


Page 853. For electrode processes, eq. 3 refers to the case where the concentrations of the oxidized and reduced forms are equal. The more general case of inequality of these concentrations is also given (see ref. 5h) by eq. 3 when va is replaced by E - Eo',E and EoJbeing the potential and formal potential, respectively, of the half-cell. This addition does not affect any discussion in the paper.-R. A. MARCUS.

Page 1943. Table IV, column 1 should read as follows: Solvent

Toluene Cyclohexane Cyclohexane Cyclohexane

IRWIK H. BILLICK 1963, Volume 67 William A. Pryor: Reactions of Radicals. 111. Xeasurement of the Transfer C'onstant of t-Butyl Peroxide Using Radioactive Peroxide. Pages 520 and 521. The statistical correction for the number of -4's per T B P was made twice (in eq. 1 and 9). The correct value of kdfis twice that given. The equations tihould read

Ri = R A =


+ 2Rtr R"




+ Rd


+ 2ktr(AM*)(TBP)



+ C(TBP)Rp/(Il)



Page 520. In ref. 10, 2kd = kl should read kd = k ~ .In the legend to Fig. 1, both values of lcdfshould read 2.0 X Also, the horizontal axis should be labeled log RP rather than log 1. Page 521. Column 1, line 7 below eq. 13, intercept 2kdf(TBP) should read interc>eptkdf(TBP). Line 9 below eq. 13, kdf as 1.0 X IOe9 sec.-l should read k d f as 2 0 X see -I. Line 6 below Table I, akdfshould read kdJ Line 7 beloiv Table I, 3.2 Y see.-' should1 read 3.2 X 1 0 - 9 . - W ~ A. ~ ~PRYOR. ~ ~ ~ R. A. Marcus: On the Theory of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Involving Electron Transfer. V. Comparison and Properties of Electrochemical and Chemical Rate Constants.

R. W. Ramette and R. F. Broman: Thermodynamics of Copper( 11) Iodate Solubility in Protium and Deuterium Oxides. Page 944. Final paragraph: Because the solid copper iodate was in the form of the monohydrate, the entropy of water (16.7 e.u./mole) should be added, thus giving a value of 56.1 f 2 e.u./ mole for the entropy of crystalline copper(I1) iodate monohydrate, instead of 39.1 as shown.-R. 14'. RAMETTE. Daniel Hershey and John W. Prados: Soret Coefficients for CuS04, CoS04, and Mixed Salt Aqueous Solutions Using an Improved Design of a Soret Cell. Daniel Hershey and John W. Prados: Thermal Diffusion. A Non-rigorous Set of Equations for Predicting Separations in Gases and Liquids. Pages 1253 and 1255. Work described in these papers was performed a t the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 16, Tennessee, and not a t the University of Cincinnati as indicated in the address line. Daniel Hershey is now a t the College of Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 21, Ohio. John W. Prados is at the Department of Chemical and bfetallurgical Engineering, Vniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville 16, Tennessee.-JoHix W.

PRADOS. Suresh K. Gupta and Richard F. Porter : Infrared Spectra, of Solid Boroxine. Page 1287. Table I, row 7 , column 3, 1202O should read 102ob.-8GRESH K. GUPTA.