Received July 2, 1909. The N-amino quinazolones present an interesting case of unsymmetrical secondary hydrazine structure. The first one described in...
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Tricklorethylideiledi-p-tolamine gave with one molecule of bromine the hydrobromide of +-toluidine while two molecules gave a mixture of the hydrobromide of +-toluidine, hydrobromide of 3-brom-4-to!uidine and the hydrobromide of 3,s-dibrom4- toluidine. Trichlorethylidenedi-o-to2amine gave chiefly the hydrobromide of 5-brom-a-toluidine, melting with decomposition a t about 2 8 0 ~ . CHAPEL HILL, N. C.





The N-amino quinazolones present an interesting case of unsymmetrical secondary hydrazine structure. The first one described in the literature seems to be the 6-nitro-~-amino-~-quinazolone which Kratz2 obtained by the action of glacial formic acid upon 5-nitro-2-aminobenzhydrazide. From a foot-note a t the close of Kratz's article, it appears that Finger endeavored to prepare the simple 3-amino-4-quinazolone from o-aminobenzhydrazide, but Finger himself does not mention it in his paper on o-amin~benzhydrazide,~ and it was not until 1904 that this unsubstituted N-amino-4-quinazolone was prepared by Thode' from the o-aminobenzhydrazide and glacial formic acid. From the phenylhydrazide, Thode obtained the 3-anilino-4-quinazolone. I n 1902, Anschiitz, Schmidt and Greiff enbergj produced the 2-methyl-~-anilino-~-quinazolone by condensing acetanthranil with phenylhydrazine. From the corresponding nitro acetanthranils and hydrazine hydrate, Bogert and his co-workers prepared the 5-nitro-,8 6-nitro-' and the 7-nitro-2-methyl-3-amino-4yuinazolone,8 and various derivatives thereof. Very closely related to these N-amino-4-quinazolones are the 3-amino benzoylene urea of Kunckelll0 Spiegelberg'O and Lederer," and the Imethyl-3-amino benzoylene urea of Spiegelberg. n Read a t the meeting of the Kew York Section, March j , 1909. J . prakt. Chem., 53 [z], 224 (1896). Ibid., 48, 92 (1893). Ibid., 69, roo (1904). ' Ber., 35, 3483 (1902). Bogert and Seil, THISJOURNAL, 28, 884 (1906). Bogert and Cook, Ibid., 28, 1449 (1906). Bogert and Klaber, Zhid., 30, 807 (1908). Ber., 38, 1 2 1 2 (1905). l o Inaug. Disscrt., Rostock, 190j. l 1 Inaug. Dissert., Rostock, 190 . l 2 L O C . cit. ?





I{[( )I.OGIC.\l,.

Recently, tlic N-amino heterocyclic conipotiiids have beeti studied b y Iiranzen,' Hiilow' arid others, but so far ;is we are aware the itivestigatioiis h a y e not includetl ttie S-aniitio quinazoliiies. 111 the following pages. the preparatioii and properties of the -.-iiictliyI~~-aniitio-~-cltiitiazolorle ;irr descrihetl. 011 the nhole, it.; properties agree with those of other K-aiiiiiio lieterocylic conipoiinds. 'I'hus, iiitrous acid does not tliazotize tlic aiiiiiio group, but replaces it Ivii.11 hydrogen : with diacetosuceinic ester it condenses to a pyrrole derivative ; with aromatic nitroso lmlies it yields no azo compound ; i t is not oxidized by mercuric oxide. O n the other hand, it does yield a plienyluraniiiio 1)ody x i ( h phenyl isocyanate. arid does iiot condense with ketoncs. 111 the cliniinatioii of the &--amino group 1)y nitrous acid, thcrc~nimt 1)c 50111c uiistable intermediate product formed, for if ininiecliately after the x l d i tioii of the nitrous acid the mixture Iir poured into an alkaliiie solutioii of CY or ;? naplithol, dyestuffs are obtained of high tiiictorial power, I ~ u t fugitive. Their structure h a s not been ascertained. Besides the free aniinoquinazoloiie, its liydrochloride, picrate, formyl, acetyl, phenyluramiiio and benzal derivatives were prepared. ?'lie free aniinoquiiiazolone is easily obtained b y the acticm of hydrazine liydraie upon acetanthranil. Experimental. Acetanthranll is conveiiiently prepared I)y the action o f acetic aiiliytlritlc 11111rri antlirafiilic acid.:' Occ:isionally, beautiful. great, glassy prisms separate oii concentrating the solution. These are composed of the acetanthranil with acetic anhydride of crystallization. They are not very stal?le, and lose their acetic anhydride whcn removed frorii the niotlier licl~iur,Irecoming i~ip:ir~ucant1 crunibling t i l a ccrloriess powder. N = C.CH, ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ! , ~ - . ~ - ( i c,.H,< ~ ~ / ~ ~ / ~I ~ - ~,----.~cet~i~itlir~~tiil - ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\vas ~ ~ :itltletl ~ ~ / ~ i cc )----S.XH2 gradually, with stirring, t o slightly ~ii(iretliati : i n ecjuiniolecular anicrunt o f hydrazine per cent. aqueous solution). Sorne heat was developed in thc reactioii hydrate (%y) and a colorless solid separated. O n Ixiiling tlic mixture, this solid dissolved and on cooling, lung, colorless needles of the arninocjuinazolonc separated. These crystals contained a molecule of water of crystallization which was given off a t I i o o , 1:ouncl: HJ), ').,io. Calculated for C,H,OS,: H,C), i1.31. l l i c :iiihydrous coinpotinti xiielts a t 1 .iz a (corr.), 1;oiliid : S ,r4.06. C:tlculated frJr C,IS,ON,: 3 , :.~.o. 'i'lic yield of aminotiuinazoloiie vas nearly theoretical. Any di-c~~~inauuloiiyl in most solvetits. 'l'lie aniinofornied is easily removed 11y virtue f J f its insoI~il~i1it~cluinazolone is easily striulile in most organic solvents, and crystallizes rvell frirni dilutc alcohol. Attenilits to condense the C'O group with phenylhydrazine, hydroxylaminc or aniline, all failctl. He:iting L f i l l i alcoliolic :imnionia for six hours at 1 3 o O caused no change. 13iilon :in(l K1vin;~nii' found tliiit S-ainirio heterocyclic c o m l ~ o m d scon' ./, p r t r k i . ( ' i i i w i , 73 [-./ , i+; { i i ) o o l 7 7 , [(],\ 1 i r ) o , \ ; , Hc,.., 40, 4741) (Ilyl;). Bogert and Seil, T H I s JOL-KS.~L. 29, , j ? (~1 9 0 ; ) . I I ~ L , T .40, , 4:js ( 1 9 0 ' . ~





(lensed with ketones. \\'hen tlie nbovc :~iiiinoc~c~ina~olone WLS heated with an absoltite alcohol solution of acetophenone for six Iiours undcr a rcturn condenser, or for nine hours at 180--200~in a sealed tube, no reaction occurred. The same result was recorded when the two substances were heated together dry a t the boiling point of the acetophenone. Hydrochloride.-A saturated aqueous solution of the arninoquinazolone is precipitated I,y concentrated hydrochloric acid as the hydrochloride. I t is easily soluble in water and not hydrolyzed when boiled with it. Recrystallized from dilute hydrochloric ~ acid, it forms long, colorless needles, m. 11. ~ 0 6 . 9(corr.). Pic-rate.-b'hen solutions of the calculated amounts of the aminoquinazolone and picric acid in warm alcohol were mixed, a crystalline picrate was precipitated. It was washed with water and dried a t I I O O . The yield was 90 per cent. of the theoretical, Found: N, 2 1 . 0 1 . Calculated for C,H,ON,.C,H,O,N,: N, 20.78. I t is sparingly soluble in water or alcohol, the solutions dyeing wool or silk a bright yellow. At 1 8 ; ~(corr.), it blackens. r-~~~ethyl-3-arnino-4-qaiinazolone and A V i t i o z ~ sAcid.-Like other N-amino compounds,1 nitrous acid replaces the amino group of this quinazoline by hydrogen, giving 2-methyl-4-quinazolone (m. p. 238O). We have found, however, that under certain conditions other substances may be obtained. A gram and a half of the aminoquinazolone were dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, the solution cooled to I O O and an equirnolecular amount of sodium nitrite added in dilute aqueous solution. Frothing began at once, and this frothing mixture was poured immediately into an alkaline solution of 1.2 grams ;-naphthol. The solution turned deep red and a red, flocculent precipitate separated, which was filtered out and washed with cold water (in which it is but sparingly soluble). It was dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid, giving a deep purple solution, and the free base precipitated by dilution with water. The precipitated base was washed with water, then with alcohol, redissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid, reprecipitated with water, the precipitate washed thoroughly with water, crystallized from alcohol and dried a t I I O O . Found: C, 68.30, 68.25; H , 4.53, 4.38;N, 9.70. The free base crystallizes from alcohol in bright red needles, which darken a t 200-3oo and decompose sharply a t 2 6 6 O (corr,). It is soluble in ethyl or amyl alcohol, glacial acetic acid or benzene ; insoluble in water; soluble in concentrated hydrochloric or sulphuric acids, giving intensely colored solutions; and dissolves slightly in alkalies or in concentrated ammonium hydroxide solution, with formation of salts which are difficultly soluble in cold water ( e , g,, the ammonium salt dissolves in about tjooo parts of cold water). But even in these dilute aqueous solutions of the salts, silk and wool are dyed a deep orange, which is fairly fast to acids or alkalies, but fugitive in sunlight, The tinctorial power of the substance is such that half a gram of it is sufficient to dye 100 grams silk the maximum depth of shade. Although no mordant is necessary, previous moistening of the fiber with alum solution materially hastens the dyeing. Just what is the nature of this dyestuff, is still unrevealed. The analytical results do not correspond to any very simple empirical formula, C,,H,,O,N, contains C, 68.14;H, 4.43; and N, 9.7. I n one experiment when, so far as we could tell, the conditions necessary for the formation of this dye were maintained, no dye at all was formed on adding the frothing von Pechmann and Mills, Rer., 37, 3838 (,1904); Biilow and Klemann, Lac. d . , e/ al.



mixture to the alkaline @-naphthol solution, but a mass of red crystals containing no alkali metal. Purified by solution in 95 per cent. alcohol and reprecipitation with water, i t was obtained in bright orange needles, ni. p. 144-so(corr.), easily soluble in ethyl or amyl alcohol, acetone, benzene, acetic acid or caustic alkalies; slightly soluble in Rater or in dilute mineral acids. Found: C, 7 5 . 3 2 , 74.86; H , 5.11, 5.24; N, 9.22. This corresponds to a combination of one molecule of the aminoquinazolone with one of the naphthol: Calculated for C,H,ON\',.C,,H,O: C, ;j 0 ; H, 5.26; N, 9.21. The compound had a strong odor of ,%naphthol. K'hether the naphthol is present as naphthol of crystallization, or is combined in some other way, has not been determined, as we could not get the compound again. I t had no tinctorial power. \\'hen a-naphthol was used instead of p, a dyestuff was obtained much like that from the latter. The free base is a brick-red powder, melting with decomposition at 245' (corr.), easily soluble in alcohol or acetic acid, insoluble in water, soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid to a deep purple solution. Its salts are much more soluble in water than those of the analogous compound from P-naphthol. I n alkaline or acetic acid solution, they dye silk pink. These dyestuffs were obtained only when the two solutions were mixed immediately after the addition of the sodium nitrite. If the hydrochloric acid solution of the aminoquinazolone was allowed to stand for many seconds after the addition of the sodium nitrite, no dye a t all was obtained when this solution was added to the alkaline naphthol solution. N = C.CH, a-M ethyl-3-formamino-q-qui~zolone, I .-The aniinoquinCBH4'CO-N.NHCOH azolone was dissolved in excess of glacial formic acid, the solution evaporated to dryness, the residue taken up with chloroform, and the formyl derivative precipitated by adding benzene. The crude product was purified by resolution in chloroform and reprecipitation with benzene. Yield, 50 per cent. the weight of the aniinoquina7olone used. Found: S , 2 0 . 5 2 . Calculated for C10H802X3:N, 20.68. Long, gray needles (from chloroform), softening at 1 8 j O arid melting a t 2 0 3 - - + O (corr.). The compound is easily soluble in water, alcohol or acetic acid; moderately soluble in chloroform, and but slightly soluble in benzene. ,X = C.CH, a-Methyl-3-acetamino-q-quinazolone, , from the aminoCeH4'C0-~. N HCOCH, quinazolone and acetic anhydride, crystallizes from benzene in short prisms carrying benzene of crystallization. This benzene is lost rapidly on exposure to the air and the crystals then disintegrate. Fresh crystals, carefully dried between filter papers and then heated to constant weight (IO minutes) a t IOO', gave the following result: Found : C,H,, 15.73. Calculated for (C,,H,,O,N,),.C,H,: C,H,, 15.23. The pure benzene-free substance melts a t 1 7 6 . 5 ~(corr.). Found: K, 19.33. Calculated for C,,H,,O,N,: N, 19.35. I t is soluble in hot water, glacial acetic acid or alcohol, but separates from these solutions in a resinous condition. N = C.CH, 2 - Methyl - - phenyluramino - 4 - quituxolom, CeH,< .--The 1 CO--N.NHCONHC,H. arninoquinazolone was heated for a n hour a t 150-60' with an excess of phenyl iso"




cyanate. After about 40 minutes' heating, a crystalline solid began to separate, and at the close of the hour the mixture was almost solid. When cold, the mass was washed thoroughly with ether, to remove unchanged isocyanate, then with hot alcohol, and dried a t I I O O . Yield, nearly theoretical. Found: N, 18.84. Calculated for C,,H,,O,N,: N, 19.04. The purified substance forms a colorless, micro-crystalline solid, infusible at ,?ooo,and insoluble in water, ethyl or amyl alcohol, acetone, benzene or ether.

quinszolone was boiled for a few minutes mith excess of benzaldehyde, until the water split off in the reaction was driven out. When cool, a considerable volume of alcohol was added to the mixture, and from this solution, on standing several hours, the benzal derivative slowly crystallized in stellate groups of needles. Recrystallized from alcohol, i t melts a t 183' (corr.). Found: N, 16.08. Calculated for C,,H,,ON,: N, 15.97. It is insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol, and not readily soluble in mineral acids. Acetanthranil and C'nsym. Methylpheny1hydrazine.-Acetanthranil was warmed with a slight excess of unsym. methylphenylhydrazine. Reaction occurred and heat was liberated, The product was recrystallized from alcohol, in which i t is very easily soluble, although but slightly soluble in water. I t melts at 106' (uncorr.) and contains 9.90 per cent. nitrogen. The expected quinazolone contains I 5.8j N, and the intermediate amide 14.88. It has not been further examined. When equimolecular amounts of 2-methyl-~-amino-~-quinazolone and o-benzoquinone' were brought together in chloroform solution, nothing definite could be isolated. With #-benzoquinone, a n infusible, insoluble, black condensation product resul ted . m-Nitrobenzoylanthranil was boiled with excess of hydrazine hydrate solution, and the white solid obtained crystallized from 95 per cent. alcohol. Colorless needles, melting with effervescence a t 196-7' (corr.), Not further investigated. ORGANIC LABORATORY, COLUMBIAUNIVERSITY.

NOTES. A Simple Fat Extraction. Afifiaratus. - It has come to be quite generally recognized that a considerable advantage is to be gained from the use of an extraction apparatus carrying a mercury seal instead of the more usual cork or ground glass joint. A very interesting notea on the use of such seals recently appeared, and the forms of a number of flasks which have been devised for this purpose were shown. Hitherto almost all efforts a t improvement seem to have been expended on this flask, the condenser and tube for holding the sample being usually of the Knorr form. Certain difficulties are encountered in the use of this condenser, and to obviate these a form of apparatus was evolved by Mr. J. W. Ames, Chemist of this Station, by combining the desirable points 2

McPherson and Lucas, THISJOURNAL, 31, 283 (1909). J . Tnd. Eng. Chem., I, 314 (1909).