One chemist understands laboratory safety. - American Chemical

tific journals and periodicals, books, annualmeetings, training programs, and much more. Of course not. That's whythe American Chemical Society develo...
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One chemist understands laboratory safety. The other doesn't. Can you tell the difference? Of course not. That's why the American Chemical Society developed a ready-to-use solution to your safety training problems. Presenting Introduction to Chemical Laboratory Safety. It's a brand new video series designed to give chemists an indepth overview of laboratory safety techniques. From personal protective equipment to laboratory practices to specific techniques for handling hazardous chemicals... this video series covers safety from the working chemist's point of view. The emphasis is on proven, practical ways to incorporate safety techniques into your laboratory's daily routine. y Video One: Introduction to Laboratory Safety Basics of chemical safety... how regulations define acceptable levels of risk Video Two: Protection Against the Odds How to eliminate hazards and use ventilation, containment, and personal protective equipment Video Three: Safe Laboratory Procedures Laboratory practices... handling chemical transfers... emergency procedures Video Four: Chemical Safety and Environmental Regulations OSHA regulations, the Hazard Communication Standard, Chemical Hygiene s Plans, RCRA, waste disposal methods, and more! Plus four Student Manuals! Easy-to-use student manuals serve as on-going references.

Make safety an everyday occurrence! YES! I want to put Introduction to Chemical Laboratory Safety to work for my laboratory. Number of copies

Produced by the American Chemical Society For more than one hundred years, chemists have relied on the American Chemical Society1 for news, information, and legislative representation. Today, more than 140,000 chemists benefit from ACS services, which include scientific journals and periodicals, books, annual meetings, training programs, and much more.


U.S. & Canada Export Price Price

Complete Introduction to Chemical Laboratory Safety course, including four videos and four Student Manuals moo $1,950 $2,340 Video #1* v4mi $ 615 $ 738 Video #2* \4mt2 $ 695 $ 834 Video #3* V4803 $ 695 $ 834 Video #4* wm $ 495 $ 594 Additional copies of Student Manual* v4m $ 28 $ 34 Preview Tape $ 25 $ 31 *One copy of the Student Manual accompanies each tape purchase.


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